Information and Training Seminar “Online learning MOOС”.

Information and Training Seminar “Online learning MOOС”.September 18, 2015 the Center for Distance Learning KEUK was organized and carried out information and training seminar on "Online learning MOOС".
The presentation of the thematic material aimed at disseminating information on massive and open online courses (MOOС).
The aim of the seminar was to disseminate knowledge about MOOС at the university, that is MOOC what leading universities around the world offer free training now as MOOK can help in the learning process at the university.
The review of existing practices and trends were identified possible perspectives of development of this educational resource.
The seminar was attended by vice-rector, deans, heads of departments of the university, experts DLC KEUK. The Director of DLC – I.A. Amanov., deputy director – V.G. Drozd, head of the Chair "Higher Mathematics" – c.e.s., associate professor N.K. Emelina.

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