KSTU mobility

KSTU mobility Within the framework of academic mobility in the 2nd semester of the 2014-2015 academic year at the department of informational and computing systemsare being trained students of Karaganda State Technical University.
Group Is-12-1p studies the discipline "Informational Management". The lecturer is a senior teacher Moldabekova B.K., practical classes holds Satymbekova S.B.
Group VT-12-2 studies the discipline "Reliability of informational systems". The lecturer is a senior teacher Kosova E.G., practical classes holds Zhaliyeva E.H.


We congratulate Baibosynov Serikzhan and Nevmatulina Karina on being awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D050600 - Economics!
We wish you to continue constantly improving yourself, grow professionally and personally, success. May your entire plan come true!

Научная стажировка магисScientific training of the graduates of Karaganda economic university at St. Petersburg State university of Economics

Научная стажировка магисScientific training of the graduates of Karaganda economic university at St. Petersburg State university of EconomicsFrom 2 to 11 March of 2015 2 course masters of the 6M030100 "Jurisprudence" and 6M030400 "Customs business" specialties have passed scientific training at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics (Russian Federation) on "The system of legal regulation in the Customs Union" theme.
During the program there were listened cycle of lectures by leading university lecturers on jurisprudence: d.e.sc., professor Malevich Y.V., d.l., professor Biernackiy G.G., d.l., professor Novikov A.B., c.l., docent Ivanyuzhenkov A.B., c.l., professor Mosin E.F. and others. The main issues that were reviewed in the framework of scientific training: the important issues of the Customs Union, the international legal cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan, the actual problems of the criminal proceedings in the EurAsEC countries, criminal legal methods of combating corruption, problems of legislation in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community and etc. The practical component of the internship was organized on the basis of cross-border customs post MAPP "Svetogorsk" and checkpoint "Marine Facade".
The afternoon was devoted to undergraduates on conducting research in the university's library and for getting acquainted with the sights of St. Petersburg.

Master class of Norwegian cuisine

Master class of Norwegian cuisineAs part of the dual training program in accordance with the program of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Karaganda region for Economics, business and law College students of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz has been conducted a master class by college teachers for the preparation of Norwegian dishes. Chief cook of Norwegian Embassy Tamara Ermolina participated in the event.

Congratulations !!!

Congratulations !!!We congratulate the team of students of our University on mini-football, who became champions of "Student's League" in Karaganda c. We also sincerely congratulate the senior teacher of "Physical Culture" department Akshulakov Boris with the successful debut as a coach of this team!!!
We congratulate the team of students of our university on basketball, who became champions of "Student's League" in Karaganda c.
We congratulate boys' team of our university on basketball, who became champions of IX Spartakiad among student youth for the prizes of Karaganda regions' Akim.
We congratulate girls' team of our university on basketball, who became champions of IX Spartakiad among student youth for the prizes of Karaganda regions' Akim.

Ethnic and religious tolerance - the basis of sustainable development of Kazakhstan

Ethnic and religious tolerance - the basis of sustainable development of KazakhstanOn February 27, 2015, in the framework of celebration of the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (AKP), have been held a roundtable discussion on theme "Ethnic and religious tolerance - the basis of sustainable development of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the AKP, with the participation of Secretariat of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, ethnic and cultural associations, members of the AKP Scientific-expert group of Karaganda region and student youth.
At the round table with a welcoming speech performed doctor of historical sciences, professor Abilov K.J.

Forum of young entrepreneurs

Forum of young entrepreneursOn 26 and 27 February of 2015 on the basis of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, with the assistance of the Regional Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region and Kazakhstan Association of Young Entrepreneurs, in order to promote the growth of business activity in the youth has been conducted II regional "Forum of young entrepreneurs." In the framework of forum was held a contest of business projects "WINTER" with awarding winners. The total fund prize consisted of 1 000 000 tenge. According to the results of the commission winners: 1st place won the project "Газобетон" (500 000 tenge), 2nd place - project " Дарабоз" (300 000 tenge) and 3rd place – the project " Футбол в шарах " (200 000 tenge). We should also note that the certificate which gives the right to study in Business-school received pupil of the school-lyceum № 101 Bozhbanov A.

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