"Summer School" - we did not expect it...

"Summer School" - we did not expect it...With great interest the senior teacher6 c.ch.sc. G.M. Isabaeva conducted "Summer School» classes from 8th of June till 20th of June of 2015 for the students of specialty "Technology of production of livestock products" of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov.

The relation of the theory with practice was evident. Within two weeks of attendance on the subject "Monitoring and evaluation of the quality of raw materials and food products" the students went on a trip to Karaganda milk factory "Natizhe", milling factory "Karakoz", where they learned the basics of technology and quality control of raw materials and goods, held organoleptic quality assessment, acquired the skills of physical and chemical methods of analysis.

In addition to listening to University's interesting lectures with slides and videos, they also conducted laboratory classes, where students were able to identify with

their own hands the quality of flour, bread, milk and other products in various ways.

Students performed independent work too: wrote essays, prepared assignments and slides.

Students said: "... we did not expect such a reception, interesting activities and even on-site at the company. We really enjoyed. We learned a lot, and most importantly, evaluated and monitored the quality of food products, which will certainly come in handy in our future careers, because we've worked with our own hands, seen with our own eyes and, of course, forever imprinted them in our memory. Thank you for everything".


"Summer School" - we did not expect it... "Summer School" - we did not expect it...
"Summer School" - we did not expect it... "Summer School" - we did not expect it...
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