International Foreign Languages Olympiad for students

International Foreign Languages Olympiad for students April 6-8, 2016 Buketov Karaganda State University was held International Scientific Forum "Language education in terms of social and cultural transformation of modern society", which was attended by representatives of 8 countries and 26 universities.
As part of this forum KSU organized International Student Foreign Languages Olympiad. The aim of the Olympiad - the development of personal potential of students as one of the indicators of competitiveness of the future professionals, promoting educational - research activity of students. The following students from our university took part at this contest: Shevchenko Oksana (IR-32), Smagulova Zhanara (IR-32), Abdakimova Assel (UA-41к), Orazbekova Aygerim (IR-41) and Madina Maydabekova (IR-42). According 3 rounds student of the group UA-41к Abdakimova Asel won the 3rd place in the English language. (Supervisor: Master, Senior Teacher Zhunussova A.K)


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3D тур КЭУ