Representatives of JSC "Financial Center" met with graduates studying on the basis of the state educational order

Representatives of JSC "Financial Center" met with graduates studying on the basis of the state educational order

On April 25, 2023, the representative of JSC "Financial Center" Ibraeva Zhanat Sametovna met with graduates studying on the basis of a state educational order on the issues of mandatory grant processing, distribution and employment.
During the visit, a meeting was also held with the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Strategic Development, Doctor of Economics, Professor G.E. Nakipova.
This meeting was attended by students, undergraduates and doctoral students of our university, a total of 50 people were present.
Ibraeva Zh.S. explained the rules for working out state educational grants:
- Since 2021, master's and doctoral students who studied at the expense of the state on a state educational grant must work for 3 years after graduation. At the same time, the rules for working out from 2021 have been simplified: graduates can work out the required period not only in state organizations, as previously required, but also in private ones.
- A norm has been introduced to reimburse the expenses incurred by the state for training, in proportion to the actual period of study. That is, if a student studied for two years on a grant and then transferred to a paid form, he will have to work out the time corresponding to the number of years of free training. The same rule applies in the case when students studying for a fee enter through a competition for vacant places on a grant.
- The referral for working out is provided in advance by the Commission for the Distribution of graduates created by the university. The graduate must start working from September 1 in the year of graduation from a higher educational institution.
- In case of non-fulfillment of obligations for working out, responsibility for reimbursement of training costs is provided.
- It is not necessary to work out when paying for training expenses, as well as in the case of: absence of vacancies in the locality at the place of residence, work or service of the spouse; disability of group I and II; admission for further study to residency based on a state educational order, master's degree, doctoral degree; pregnancy; if persons have, and also independently raise a child (children) under the age of three.
At the end of the meeting, the graduates asked questions about working out, they received a full detailed answer to all the questions posed.

Студенты образовательной программы «Социальная работа» заняли І место в Республиканской предметной олимпиаде (2)

Студенты образовательной программы «Социальная работа» заняли І место в Республиканской предметной олимпиаде (2)

The annual XV Republican Student Subject Olympiad on the educational program «Social Work» was held on April 20-21. The purpose of the Republican Olympiad is to stimulate the educational and cognitive and research activities of students, to reveal the professional and personal potential of students, their self-awareness, creative abilities, to create conditions for self-realization and self-affirmation, to educate students' citizenship, to select and support the most talented and gifted students, to form an active professional attitude to improving the education system.
The Republican Olympiad on the educational program «Social Work» was held in 3 stages.
STAGE 1. Video contest on the topic «Me, My University, My Faculty, My Profession»
STAGE 2. Competition of projects on the topic: «Actual social problem»
STAGE 3. The competition for solving cases: «There Is A Way Out!»
Student teams from universities took part in the Olympiad:
L.N.Gumilev ENU, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Karaganda Buketov University, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, NARXOZ University, Esil University, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz.

The team from the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz included students of the EP «Social Work»: Seybullayeva Ayazhan, Babashova Nazira, Alimzhanova Zhansaya. The team of students of «Wet Together» under the leadership of the head of the Department of PPSW Ph.D., Associate Professor M.K. Abdakimova adequately demonstrated the knowledge, skills and competencies in conducting research and creative activities.
The students prepared a video with the active involvement of the bases of the UNPC «DAMU».
The team developed and presented a social project on the topic "NEET" SANATYNDAGY ZHASTARDY AKPARATTANDYRU ARKYLY BELSENDI KOGAMGA TARTU, which is implemented on the basis of the Youth Resource Center and Employment Centers and Social programs. In the nomination «The Best social project», the project of our team received the first place.
During the third stage of the Olympiad, our students offered the most optimal, effective and extraordinary solutions to the case.
In all 3 stages of the competition, our team «We Together» scored maximum points, took leading positions and deservedly took 1st place.
The students showed a creative approach, creativity, and readiness for future professional activity. We wish you lots of success!


The quality of educational programs of KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz was confirmed

The quality of educational programs of KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz was confirmed

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz once again confirmed the quality of educational services provided to international and national experts.
On April 01, 2023, by the decision of the Accreditation Council of the NU “Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education”, it was decided to accredit 10 educational programs for 5 years: 6В07502 Standardization, Certification and Metrology (by industry), 6В06101 Information System, 6В04106 Marketing, 6В03102 Psychology and Management in education, 7М07501/7М07502 Standardization and Certification, 7М06101/7М06102 Information System, 7М04111/7М04112 Marketing.

We congratulate the staff, teachers, students with successful completion of program accreditation and wish the team further effective work and new achievements.


Republican Olympiad on Financial Security

Republican Olympiad on Financial Security

On April 21, 2023, the winners of the first Republican Olympiad on financial security were awarded at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. Schoolchildren of Karaganda, Pavlodar, Balkhash, Ulytau district took part in the Olympiad.
The Olympiad is designed to promote the formation of a new generation of financially literate youth who know the basics of financial, economic and information security.
Rector of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Doctor of Economics, Professor Aimagambetov E.B. made a welcoming speech to the participants
. The winners of the Olympiad were awarded with diplomas and prizes, which were presented to them in a solemn atmosphere by Akilzhanova L.T., Deputy Akim of Karaganda; Kozhakhmetova G.Sh., head of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region, Tyumeliev E.A., head of the Department of Economic Investigations in the Karaganda region of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Financial Monitoring.

Master class with the participation of practitioners

Master class with the participation of practitioners

On April 14, 2023, a master class on "Material and disciplinary responsibility of the parties to an employment contract" was held at the university, organized by the PREO Department. The purpose of the master class is to gain experience from practical workers, to study the conditions for the onset of financial responsibility when entering into labor relations.
The lecture was held with the participation of the head of the Personnel selection Department of Delta M Kazakhstan LLP, Alieva Dalida Olegovna, and a specialist of the personnel department, Ksenia Korshunova. They touched upon the following topics:
- The procedure for the admission and dismissal of employees;
- Basic rights and obligations of the parties to the employment contract;
- Responsibility of the parties to the employment contract;
- Organization's working hours;
- Rest time;
- Incentives and penalties applied to employees;
- Basic principles of the application of disciplinary penalties, etc.
Students learned which contracts need to be concluded in practice, understood which sections should consist of an employment contract, a collective agreement, a contract on material responsibility. The lecture was attended by students of the educational programs "State Local Administration", "Logistics", "Management", "Economics", "Social Work", "Accounting and Audit", "Physical Culture and Sports Management", "Judicial law enforcement", "Jurisprudence".
During the meeting, the students also received the necessary and up-to-date information about practice and employment.



On April 12, representatives of the scientific community celebrated their professional holiday in Kazakhstan – the Day of Science Workers. The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance. This day is associated with the birthday of the man who stood at the origins of the organization of scientific activity in Kazakhstan - Academician K.I. Satpayev, the first President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, who headed it in 1946.

As part of the Science Day on April 14, 2023, the annual VIII International Student Meeting "Modern Youth: Creating innovations – we strive for the future" was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The purpose of the Meeting is to create conditions for self-realization, professional and creative development of young researchers, identification and support of talented youth in the conditions of digital transformation.

More than 100 students of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan and more than 20 from near and far abroad took part in the international meeting.

V-International Educational Exhibition "Bilimdi EI-2023"

V-International Educational Exhibition "Bilimdi EI-2023"

On April 14, 2023, representatives of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took part in the V-International Educational Exhibition "Bilimdi EI-2023", which was held in the administrative building of the International University of Tourism and Hospitality of Turkestan. The exhibition was organized by the international educational center "SANA EDUCATION", the main goal is career guidance for graduates of schools of Turkestan region and Turkestan.
The event was attended by the Director of the National Testing Center Emelbayev Ruslan Tokhtarbekovich, Rector of the International University of Tourism and Hospitality Sakenov Aidos, Chairman of the Board - General Director of the International Center of Education "Sana Education" Serzhanov Bauyrzhan Yerlanovich.
The exhibition was attended by the National Center for Testing, Human Development Management of Turkestan region, as well as many prestigious universities of the country: the Academy of Civil Aviation, Atyrau University of Oil and Gas named after Safi Utebayev, International University of Tourism and Hospitality, Satbayev University, Alikhan Bokeikhan University, Astana International University, Turan-Astana University, Gumarbek Daukeev Almaty University of Energy and Communications, Almaty Technological University and Q Education group LLP.
The exhibition was attended by about 10,000 thousand applicants of the Turkestan region and the city of Turkestan, who got acquainted with the educational directions of higher educational institutions, received information on the UNT and planned what kind of specialists they would like to become in the future.
The exhibition continues: April 17 – in Aktau, April 20 – in Atyrau.

Diologovaya platform «Technology Commerzcialization Point» on the topic: «Youth in science and technology commercialization»

Diologovaya platform «Technology Commerzcialization Point» on the topic: «Youth in science and technology commercialization»

On April 06, 2023, a meeting of representatives of the youth scientific community on the topic was held in Astana within the walls of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan: «Youth in science and technology commercialization», organized by JSC «Science Foundation». Representatives of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, in particular, members of the SMUS and the Technological Business Incubator «Coworking Center «Dostyk» took part in the diological platform.
During the meeting, reports were heard on such topical topics as: «Integration of science and business: opportunities and prospects for young people»; «Startups and technological entrepreneurship»; «Experience of involving young people in science»; «The role of students in the commercialization of the results of scientific activities of universities»; «On the activities of the Council of Young Scientists»; «Community of participants of the innovation ecosystem of Kazakhstan». In conclusion, the participants of the diological platform «Technology Commerzcialization Point» exchanged views and proposals for further scientific cooperation.

"Қылмыстық жолмен алынған International Exhibition "Education and Career in the field of combating and Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the financing of Terrorism"заңдастыру (жылыстату) және терроризмді қаржыландыру саласындағы Білім ж

"Қылмыстық жолмен алынған International Exhibition "Education and Career in the field of combating and Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the financing of Terrorism"заңдастыру (жылыстату) және терроризмді қаржыландыру саласындағы Білім ж

On April 12, the opening of the international exhibition "Education and career in the field of countering and legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism" (AML/CFT) took place at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The exhibition is attended by representatives of the International Educational and Methodological Center for Financial Monitoring (IUMCFM), universities of the International Network Institute (ISI) of Kazakhstan and Russia, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Financial Monitoring and the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Kazakhstan.
The participants of the round table "Development of joint scientific and educational projects and a unified educational space in the field of AML/CFT" discussed issues of cooperation between the universities of the ISI, exchanged experience in the implementation of professional educational programs of higher education in the field of AML/CFT between the universities of the ISI of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.
Marina Sergeevna Shemyakina, Deputy Head of the Department for Coordination of Scientific and Educational Projects of the IUMCFM, spoke about the III International Olympiad on Financial Security and the development of the activities of the ISI in the field of AML/FT; informed the participants about the development of the activities of the International Network Institute in the field of AML/FT.
Olesya Yuryevna Trishina, Chief Specialist of the Department of Coordination of Scientific and Educational Projects, told about the introduction of the Graphus training system into the educational process of the higher educational institutions of the ISI.
The round table also discussed topical issues of the development of a unified educational space in the field of AML/CFT, a risk-based approach to combating money laundering and terrorist financing, etc.
An equally interesting program was prepared for schoolchildren participating in the exhibition. For them, speakers from the IUMCFM held an open interactive lecture on financial security. The topic is relevant, which caused a lot of questions from the students of Karaganda, who attended the lecture, to the speakers. The dialogue that ensued, the active discussion of the topic of the interactive lecture showed competence, critical thinking, the ability to predict various financial situations and find ways to solve them by Karaganda schoolchildren.

Guest lectures of the visiting professor

Guest lectures of the visiting professor

The Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin is one of the recognized leaders of higher agricultural education in Russia, the largest center of science, education, and innovation in the Southern Federal District.

The long-term cooperation between the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the Kuban State Agrarian University is implemented in the educational and research fields.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. sc. oec. Yelena Belkina is a Head of the State and Local Administration Department. In the framework of inbound academic mobility Yelena Belkina delivered a course of lectures on “Management of Rural Development” between March 28 – April 6, 2023. The guest lectures were attended by the interested students of all levels and teaching staff of the University.

The promising areas for further inter-university cooperation were discussed during the meetings with top management of the University.

The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools

The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools

On March 4, 2023, the annual Olympiad in Mathematics was held among students of grades 9-11 of general educational institutions on the basis of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (information is indicated on the instagram @kafedra_vm_kuk).

151 participants from 15 educational institutions participated in the Olympiad: 64 participants from 9th grades, 46 people from 10th grades and 41 students from 11th grades. The entire staff of the Faculty of Higher Mathematics Department and 9 students of the Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies were involved in this event. The order of the event is as follows: registration in the hall of the university, a tour of the university, the opening of the Olympiad in the SCP, writing works in the flow classrooms 100, 101, 102.

As a result, prize winners and winners were determined:

9th class

Full name


Prize-winning place


Ukraintseva Angelina

KSU «Gymnasium named by Shakarim»



Razgon Daria

School-center of additional education №5



Tumakova Polina

School-center of additional education №5


10th class

Full name


Prize-winning place


Mukash Gulim

School-lyceum named by Y.Altynsarin



Mubarakov Anuar

KSU «Gymnasium named by Shakarim»



Siyazbek Amina

School-center of additional education №5


11th class

Full name


Prize-winning place


Kenzhebay Sharapat

School named by Sattarov



Bedovskaya Elizaveta

KSU «Gymnasium named by Shakarim»



Smotritskaya Valeria

Gymnasium №3


The awarding of prize winners and winners will be held by the organizing committee in the corresponding educational institutions.



The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools
The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools
The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools The results of the Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools
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