Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is included in THEImpact rating for the third year in a row

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is included in  THEImpact rating for the third year in a row

On June 1, 2023, the TimesHigherEducation (THE) rating agency published the global world rating «ImpactRankings 2023», which measures the level of influence of universities on the sustainable development of society and contribution to the achievement of the SDGs. The ranking includes more than 1,500 universities from 112 countries, including 15 Kazakhstani universities.

This year, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz entered the top six among Kazakhstani universities participating in the rating, retaining the position of the top 1001+.

In 2023, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was ranked for the following goals:

- goal 3 «Good health and well-being» (the best in the world -801+);

- goal 4 «Quality Education» (World Top -801+);

- goal 5 «Gender Equality» (top 401+in the world);

- goal 8 «Decent Work and economic growth» (top 401 + in the world);

- goal 10 «Reducing inequality» (top -801 + in the world);

- goal 16 «Peace, justice and peace institutions» (world top-401+);

- goal 17 «Partnership to achieve goals» (top -1001+in the world).

This was made possible, in particular, thanks to the improvement of the activities of departments and structural divisions of Karaganda University in Kazpotrebsoyuz and the contribution of the university to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

TimesHigherEducation ratings are among the most authoritative in the world. Their advantage is a carefully verified methodology developed jointly with the readers and editors of the TimesHigherEducation magazine with the participation of ThomsonReuters.

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