Polylingual interuniversity Olympiad on foreign languages

Polylingual interuniversity Olympiad on foreign languages On the 23rd of September, 2016 was held Polylingual interuniversity Olympiad on foreign languages among 1-2 year students on the basis of Karaganda State Medical University
The following students from our university took part at this contest: Zhaparov Sayan, group IR-23; Sanaubayev Bolat, group TUR-21k; and Kaikenova Tomiris, group TUR-14s. After 3 rounds team from our university won the 2nd place. Congratulations!!!


DEAR COLLEAGUES AND FRIENDS!Department of tourism and restaurant business Karaganda Economic University congratulates you on the World Tourism Day!
World Tourism Day - a day of "open doors" anywhere in the world. Travel, how great! There is not one person on earth who would not love to wander the world, to be a pioneer of new unexplored corners of the earth. Feast of anyone who feels like a tourist, and it does not matter is it's a trip to the nearest edge of the forest, or in an exotic country.
On this day, we can congratulate all those involved in the travel and tourism: tour guides, tour operators, hotel workers, security personnel rest.
This holiday is celebrated on September 27 and its main idea - the development of international relations, cultural relations. On this day, arrange tourist meetings, trips, trips into the countryside. A growing number of countries organize their citizens a variety of tourism projects, programs, actively involving the young generation. Today it became almost impossible to find the unknown piece of land. You can see millions of beautiful places in the photo, but nothing can replace the emotions and experiences that tourists will experience after the next hike. Being a tourist - it is fashionable, but the most important thing - it means to be healthy and active!


MEETING WITH FOREIGN PROFESSORS16/09/2016 Chair of ME and MO together with the heads of chairs of Faculty of Economics and Management and dean of the faculty Gimranova G.I. held a meeting with professors Stefania Bandini (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy), Marina Colóni (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy) and Vincenzo Mannino (Roma Tre University, Italy).

The sides discussed issues of further cooperation in the field of academic mobility of students and teachers, the opportunity to develop and implement joint projects and reviewing educational programs.


Information training seminar  ADVANCED TRAINING OF TECHNICAL  WORKERS (PROGRAMMERS) OF REPRESENTATIONS OF KEUOn September 7, 2016 the Center for Distance Learning KEUK organized and carried out the information training seminar: «Advanced training of technical workers (programmers) of representations of KEU».

The thematic demand of seminar was defined by need of adaptation of knowledge and abilities of technical employees of Representations under new technologies, development of updated software environment for courses of MOOC, studying with program infrastructure of new technological resource of training developed in KEU, mastering skills of use of modern technical means in MOOC format.

One more important direction of advanced training for programmers of Representations of KEU was need to receive practical skills of work with portal program resource of university «Trial testing for graduates of colleges».

In addition to technical innovations, consultations have been held on changes in preparation of educational content for 2016-2017 academic year according to requirements of occupancy of content.

Seminar was attended by the Director of DLC – I.A. Amanov, deputy director of DLC – V.G.Drozd, head of DDM service – R.U. Amanova, software engineer – S.K. Nurakashev, programmer – M.M. Tusupov, tutor manager – D.N.Mustafina, Programmers of Representations of KEU.

International practice in Uzbekistan students of specialty "Tourism"KEUK- 2016

International practice in Uzbekistan students of specialty "Tourism"KEUK- 2016Every year students of the specialty "Tourism" of our university have the opportunity to take an international educational practice outside of Kazakhstan. In the summer of 2016 (June 30 to July 9) 7 student groups Tour and the Tour 31K-32 under the direction of Associate Professor of "Tourism and Gastronomy" Zambinova G.K. We visited the cities of Samarkand and Tashkent at the invitation of the Tourism Company of the Samarkand Institute of Economics.
The purpose of the practice was to get acquainted with the tourist potential of Uzbekistan and the organization of the functioning of the tourism infrastructure and the hospitality industry in Samarkand and Tashkent. In addition, during the first three days of practice, our group took part in the annual festival "Samarkand - the pearl of the East". On which took place 1.
Thanks to the tourism professionals of the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service «SamISISayyohPlus» program of practice was very rich, and we got a huge amount of necessary information and positive emotions that can apply in their future activities for the benefit of the development of tourist industry of Kazakhstan.

An advanced training course «New methods and approaches to teaching and learning courses in English»

An advanced training course «New methods and approaches to teaching and learning courses in English»As a part of the implementation of multilingual education, the Department of postgraduate and additional education organized an advanced training course «New methods and approaches to teaching and learning courses in English» for the faculty of KEUK. The course was held from 15 to 24 June, 2016 and taught Gulsum R. Mukusheva, an associate professor of the Chair of Foreign and Russian languages and a candidate of pedagogical sciences.
The courses main aim was to perfect the participants skills of all types of English speech activities and to help the teachers evaluate and improve their pedagogical practice, consider modern approaches to teaching, applying the practice of the teacher and professional-pedagogical context .
The participants have shown a great interest in the course and noted the high level professionalism of the lecturer of the lecturer Gulsum R. Mukusheva. By the end of the course, the participants received their certificates of participation.

June 22, 2016 at Karaganda Economic University held a graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Business and Law.

June 22, 2016 at Karaganda Economic University held a graduation ceremony of the Faculty of  Business and Law.This year, the graduation ceremony was a sign, because 2016 is the first year anniversary for DEs celebrates its 50th anniversary.
«Jubilee» graduation ceremony began with the rector of the University of treatment, the doctor of economic sciences, professor Aymagambetova Erkary Balkaraevicha that person was unable to congratulate the graduates of the Faculty of the remarkable event, due to being in a foreign business trip, but sent a video greetings to the graduates.
Festive mood of awarding diplomas to have music room dance ensemble «Zhayna» musical number performed by Aynur Sapargali and Idirisovoy Ulzhan «Potpourri», laying the graduates of 2016 time capsule with a message to yourself in the future, the original video greetings curators final groups of faculty, musical gift to graduates from student group RD-12 Bokova Aiza, and the final evening of traditional song «Armandastar» performed by vocal ensemble «Melody».
Graduate steel 177 graduates, including 12 graduates with honors following specialties of faculty.

Congratulations to the 3rd-place winner of International Competition “Best research paper – 2016”

Congratulations to the 3rd-place winner of International Competition “Best research paper – 2016”May 1 – June 3, 2016 the Scientific Centre "Olimp" (Moscow) organized International Competition "Best research paper – 2016".
90 research papers submitted to competition were from Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Participator from Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz – Tuchina Yu. (student of IS-22s group) with paper "Application of numerical differentiation in forensic problem - to determine the exact time of the victim's murder". Mentor –Leading Researcher of Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Bashirov A.V..
Research paper was ranked 3rd-place in Competition.
Research paper was published in journal "Modern research and development", #3 (June 2016), SC "Olimp", Moscow.

The Minister of Justice B.Imashev delivered a report to the public

The Minister of Justice B.Imashev delivered a report to the publicMinister of Justice Berik Imashev delivered a reports to the population on June 10 at 11:00 in the building of "Kazmedia Center" in Astana.
Live broadcast was available online and at the meeting in the Akimat of Karaganda region. Senior researcher, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Seitkhozhin B.U. visited this meeting.
At reporting meeting were discussed issues of ongoing reforms in the country, related to the work of justice, achievements of key indicators of the strategic plan and the challenges facing the Ministry of Justice.

«The student-centered learning: modern approaches and tools»

«The student-centered learning: modern approaches and tools»June 15, 2016

Educational and methodological seminar

During the period of 07.06.2016 till 10.06.2016, the national office of Erasmus + in Almaty hold an international seminar "the student-centered learning: modern approaches and tools", where 2 staffs of our university had participated - a vice-dean of the business and law faculty and a deputy director of the DPOMC EP - Glazunova S.B.

The seminar addressed the issue of "student-centered learning environment in the European Union: modern trends, approaches and use", "short-term and long-term plan for student-centered learning environment: an EU perspectives" and many others. Especially a breakout groups were interesting and fruitful.
In order to disseminate the experience in June 15, 2016 at Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was held a similar seminar for university teachers.
The key idea of the seminar was the phrase about a paradigm shift in learning, within the meaning of which students have to take responsibility for learning outcomes, as full members of the academic community.
A cordial response among university teachers have found examples of the best practices that can be applied in our university.

About future professions

About future professionsOn the 25th of May all students of the Karaganda's secondary schools celebrated their "Last call" in the central culture park. And there were teachers under leading deputy dean accounting and finance faculty Musipova L.K. About future professions guided Omarova M.T.,Yermekova K.A., Aubakirova A.M., Kydyrmanova S.K. They interviewed and presented tiny prospects who was interested to be future freshman at this university.

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