Conference "Anti-corruption culture - one of the foundations to achieving state property management performance and the implementation of social and cultural state functions"

Conference "Anti-corruption culture - one of the foundations to achieving state property management performance and the implementation of social and cultural state functions"May 24, 2016 in the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was held Regional scientific and practical conference on the topic of "Anti-corruption culture - one of the foundations to achieving state property management performance and the implementation of social and cultural state functions".

Organizers: Department of the Ministry of Public Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Karaganda region and the Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK.

Sections of the Conference:
1) Methods of combating corruption in the civil service and the judiciary and law enforcement agencies.
2) The role of non-governmental organizations and the media in the implementation of anti-corruption policy.
3) Establishing an anti-corruption culture among young people is a state policy priority

Representatives of KKEU took part in «Festival of professions» within the «Open Day», organized by the School №36 (13.05.2016)

Representatives of KKEU took part in «Festival of professions» within the «Open Day», organized by the School №36 (13.05.2016)Teachers accounting and finance faculty Husaiyn F.H., Kydyrmanova S.K., Mukhametzhanova Z.B. 13.05.2016, as part of career guidance took part in the "Festival of professions" in the framework of the "Open Day" organized by the secondary school №36. The Ad Hoc Karaganda Economic University, answered questions from parents and school graduates, at the end of the conversation the audience was shown a video Lipdub. Lipdub received positive feedback the audience. At the end of the specialties of the festival representatives of the school administration has awarded a letter of gratitude University.

May 5, 2016 the department "Ecology and Assessment" in collaboration with NGOs NGO "Plant a tree," a press conference to introduce a separate waste collection system has been carried out.

May 5, 2016 the department "Ecology and Assessment" in collaboration with NGOs NGO "Plant a tree," a press conference to introduce a separate waste collection system has been carried out.May 5, 2016 the department "Ecology and Assessment" in collaboration with NGOs NGO "Plant a tree," a press conference to introduce a separate waste collection system, with departure on a trip to the recycling plant in Temirtau was held.
The conference was attended by:
- Akimat of Karaganda,
- SA FE "Efes Kazakhstan"
- City Department of Education,
- Waste-processing plant LLP "TTK"
- Karaganda Regional Ecological Museum,
- NGO "EcoObraz"
- Members of the media - newspaper "Industrial Karaganda", "New Herald", "Aikyn" channel "First Karaganda", "New TV" and others.

Exit business-activity in LLP "Autocentre Bacchus"

The department of "Marketing and Logistics" on may of 5th, 2016 dedicated to the 50th anniversary of KEUK for the TV show "KEUK: yesterday, today and tomorrow" with the participation of TV channel "Channel 5" held a visiting session in LLP "Autocentre Bacchus" with the participation of the deputy and with director Imanbaeva KE and groups as Log-22 Log-23c, Log-21K, MK-22, MK-31 to following the disciplines:
«Wholesale and retail trade" (practical lesson) Art. teacher, master Valeeva VZ
«Wholesale and retail trade" (occupation SRSP) Art. teacher, master Mukhametzhanova Z.B.
«Online Marketing" (practical lesson) Art. teacher, Maykenovoy A.E.
«Fundamentals of Logistics" (lectures), associate professor, Smagulova K.S.
«Marketing Logistics" (practice session), Ph.D., associate professor Arynova

Round table: "Initiatives of Social and Economic Development of the Countries of EEU and Questions of Interface to the Economic Belt of the Silk Way"

Round table: "Initiatives of Social and Economic Development of the Countries of EEU and Questions of Interface to the Economic Belt of the Silk Way"On April 26, 2016 in the Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda economic university a round table on the subject "Initiatives of Social and Economic Development of the Countries of EEU and Questions of Interface to the Economic Belt of the Silk Way" has taken place.
The vice rector for the international activity of the Southern Ural state university (NIU), professor, the Doctor of Economics Victor Katochkov and the vice rector for scientific work, strategic and innovative development of the Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda economic university, associate professor Dmitry Ulybyshev has handled welcome speech to guests and participants.

Joint activity as part of the polylinguism

Joint activity as part of the polylinguism April 28, 2016 senior teachers, masters of the "World economy and international relations" chair G. M. Baigozhina and E. V. Shukusheva
in the framework of the action plan on multilingualism conducted lesson on the subject "Foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in Russian and English languages among the students of the 2-3 courses of the specialty "International relations" and "World economy".

Ethnofestival «Бірлігіміз жарасқан!»

April 28 at the Karaganda Economics University of Kazpotrebsoyuz passed ethnofestival «Бірлігіміз жарасқан» dedicated to the 50th anniversary of KEUK in celebration of Kazakhstan People's Unity Day.
The festival was attended by representatives of ethno-cultural associations, teachers and university students.
The main objectives were etnofestival strengthening social cohesion and interethnic tolerance, promote the preservation of customs and traditions of the peoples living in Kazakhstan, the succession of generations and the development of relations and the implementation of information cultural exchange between the university and ethno-cultural associations of the Karaganda region.
As part of the ethnic festival held fair-exhibition of decorative - applied art of famous artists of the city (Н.Романенко, О.Дычко, А.Руденко, А.Ли, Н.Якубаева, З.Маньковская, А.Папаян, Н.Мошонкина, А.Жукова, Д.Шожен, С.Мизернюк).
For guests and representatives of the students of the Faculty departments have organized the presentation of the national (Armenian, Chechen-Ingush, Tatar, Uzbek) customs and traditions, food and costumes.
Representatives of the departments of the faculty organized for visitors and students a presentation of national (Armenian, Chechen-Ingush, Tatar, Uzbek) usages and traditions, foods and costumes.
Etnofestival «Бірлігіміз жарасқан» continued with a festive concert, which was attended not only university students but also representatives of creative

Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology»

Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology»On the 30th of April, 2016 in the frameworks of professional-oriented work there was the competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technologies» between students of technical and professional educational Institutions of Karaganda region, conducted by the Information system department.
According to the results of competition in «The best innovation project in IT-technologies», medal places were taken in the following way

9 May among pupils of 11 classes Yshtobinski high school

9 May among pupils of 11 classes Yshtobinski high school26 April 2016 responsible teachers for vocational work at the BukharZhyrau district Blyalov B.E., Zulkarnay A.N., held an event dedicated to the upcoming celebration of the great Victory 9 May among pupils of 11 classes Yshtobinski high school. In this event, attended by 35 students from 3 graduating classes.

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