International educational exhibition - conference in barcef bolashak alumni reunion conference and education fair

International educational exhibition - conference in barcef bolashak alumni reunion conference and education fairLecturer of "Tourism and Catering" Garipova A. A., together with students Mikadze Liya RD 34c and Shakenova Aisha Tour-31k, visited the largest international educational exhibition - conference in BARCEF Bolashak Alumni Reunion Conference and Education Fair, which was in Astana 07.10.2016. At the exhibition were representatives of leading international and Kazakh universities, reputable international experts in the field of education. Representatives of the Universities made presentations of educational programs, during which participants had the opportunity to ask all the questions. Representatives of Universities are cooperating not only in the framework of the program "Bolashak", as well as open to cooperation outside of this program, as with Universities and with students directly.

Report about the event of «The day of accountant» for students of speciality «Accounting and Audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK October 7, 2016 year

Report about the event of «The day of accountant» for students of speciality «Accounting and Audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK October 7, 2016 yearOctober 7, 2016 year of the Chair of «Accounting and Audit» in the framework of career and educational work carried out «The day of Accountant» for students of speciality «accounting and audit» and students KÈBP KÈUK profile specialty.

«The day of accountant» was held in accordance with the following programme:

1) Grand opening premium «Wise Owl of bookkeeping-2016» (aud. 105). Opening remarks by the head of the Chair of  «Accounting and Audit», candidate of economic sciences, Professor  Madieva K.S.

2) Speaking of candidate for Masters’ degree of the 2 course of  speciality «Accounting and Audit» with presentations and screenings of videos about the accounting profession.

3) Carrying out the Quiz «Erudite» for students in KÈBP KÈUK.

4) Awarding the diplomas of the nominees and winners of the award «Wise Owl of the bookkeeping-2016».

Responsible for Department

«Accounting and audit»

for career-guidance work

master degree., lecturer

Sabirova M.A.

Day of language

Day of languageThe department of kazarh languge and the culture of Kazakhstan Day of the nations of Kazakhstan was held in оktember 066 3n the jr KEU.
The main purpose of the event was upbringing of students’ love, pride and respect for motherland the Republik of Kazakhstan, as well as the formation of patriotism and a sense of responsibility to the motherland.

Students of specialties "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" have visited the 13th Kazakhstan International Tourism Exhibition «Astana Leisure 2016"

Students of specialties "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" have visited the 13th Kazakhstan International Tourism Exhibition «Astana Leisure 2016"Each year the Department of tourism and restaurant business holds events dedicated to the world tourism day celebration. This is the third consecutive year in the framework of the events dedicated to the professional holiday when teachers of the Department Bedelbayeva M.V. and Garipova A.A. arrange visits to international tourist exhibitions. In the residential year 57 students took the part in the trip. The aim of exhibition attending is to acquainting with the trends of fall-winter season. There is an opportunity to meet and obtain information from representatives of tourist companies, air companies, develop the skills of professional communication has been given to the students. The students received all the necessary information about current offers of the new season.

Commette of Youth Affairs and students of Business and Law faculty of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz offer congratulations on Teacher’s Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Commette of Youth Affairs and students  of Business and Law faculty of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz offer congratulations on Teacher’s Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan!There are world-known professions, which held in a special respect. These very professions are worth to be marked as a special date in our calendar. Yearly Business and Law Faculty celebrate this holiday differently. This year, on the 4th of October celebration started with official opening of Self-Administration Day. In the formal setting the Dean of faculty, Assistants Dean and Heads of Sub departments traditionally passed their duties to the alternates and shook the hands.
From the bottom of our hearts we wish the festive mood to stay with our teachers as long as possible and fill them with energy and fresh forces! Because we all know that teachers are those people, who lead the new generation!

Training of students of the department "Tourism and restaurant business" in Belgorod State National Research university on academic mobility program -2016

Training of students of the department "Tourism and restaurant business" in Belgorod State National Research university on academic mobility program -2016Students groups Tour 24c Tour 22 Dorchenko E., Kantrabaeva A., Gerashchenko V., Malyutina A. іn the 2nd semester of the 2015-2016 academic year have been trained in the framework of inter-university academic mobility in the Belgorod State National Research University on the basis of the current a partnership agreement between the Belgorod State National Research university and Karaganda Economic University. Upon returning, students shared their impressions of the trip. They express the rector of the university for the chance to visit this beautiful city.

Student conference dedicated to 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Of social and economic problems of the tourism industry of Kazakhstan"

Student conference dedicated to 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Of social and economic problems of the tourism industry of Kazakhstan"In the Karaganda Economic University with the participation of students, graduate students of the department "Tourism and catering trade" September 29, 2016 was held a student conference on the topic "Social and economic problems of development of the tourism industry of Kazakhstan" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The conference heard more than 30 reports. Presentations were made in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Active participants were awarded certificates and diplomas.
Conference proceedings will be published in scientific papers.

Lectures on the topic "Implementation of comprehensive measures to reduce water consumption in the cities of Kazakhstan by increasing the awareness of citizens"

Lectures on the topic "Implementation of comprehensive measures to reduce water consumption in the cities of Kazakhstan by increasing the awareness of citizens"29.09.2016, within the framework of the memorandum signed with the NGO «PosadiDerevo», representatives of UNDP were held lectures with the students of specialty "Ecology", "Assessment" on the topic "Implementation of comprehensive measures to reduce water consumption in the cities of Kazakhstan by increasing the citizens' awareness".

Tourist and sport relay race, devoted to the World Tourism Day

Tourist and sport relay race, devoted to the World Tourism Day28.09.2016 by the Department of Tourism and Restaurant held tourist and sports relay race, devoted to the World Tourism Day. In the relay active participation of the students of specialties "Tourism", "Restaurant business and hotel business."
Tourist and sport relay race consisted of 3 phases: presentation of teams (business card), sports stages of the relay, a quiz on local history.
As a result of tourist-sport relay race winners were determined:
1st place - team "Puma" (the students of the Tour-14c);
2 nd place - the team "Sapar tour" (students groups Tour 11k, Тour-13c / c);
3rd place - team "Snow Leopard" (the students of the Tour-21K), the team «Bonifase» (students of RD-12 group).

Student Conference on international practice and the mobility of students of specialties

Student Conference on international practice and the mobility of students of specialties27.09.2016 by the Department of Tourism and Catering, the seminar "International experience and academic mobility" for the 1 st year students "Tourism" specialty "Restaurant business and hotel business."
At the seminar, students in the department, the past international practice in Samarkand, a training campaign in Almaty, as well as participating in academic mobility programs (Hungary, Czech Republic, Latvia, Belgorod) presented the prepared material.
Students spoke about the specifics of "Tourism" educational program practice of providing training opportunities abroad within the field of "Tourism" academic mobility program, "Restaurant business and hotel business."
The students expressed their gratitude to the rector of the university, E.B. Aymagambetov for the opportunity to learn.

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