EkoLife team in the city tournament "Cup of purity: Student League" the second consecutive year ranked 1st!

EkoLife team in the city tournament "Cup of purity: Student League" the second consecutive year ranked 1st!October 26 at the sports complex "Peace and harmony" was held annual city tournament "Cup of purity: Student League" in which EkoLife team took 1st place for the second year undermining. The tournament was attended by 9 teams from universities and TVE town of 90 people.


EkoLife team in the city tournament "Cup of purity: Student League" the second consecutive year ranked 1st! EkoLife team in the city tournament "Cup of purity: Student League" the second consecutive year ranked 1st! EkoLife team in the city tournament "Cup of purity: Student League" the second consecutive year ranked 1st!
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