"Ar namysym, kasiretim, maktanyshym - Zheltoksan"

"Ar namysym, kasiretim, maktanyshym - Zheltoksan"Teachers of the department "Social work and APC" Minzhanov N.A., Manasova M.M. KEUK held an open cognitive lesson timed to the Independence Day. At the lesson there were songs, poems performed by students dedicated to the Independence Day; a video was shown about the participants of the December events of 1986 in Almaty K. Ryskulbekov, L. Asanova, E. Sypataeva and S. Mukhametzhanova. During the event, students noted that December 16 - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan - is the main national holiday for the whole people. It is to this day that we are due today's successes and prosperity. Having chosen this path for ourselves, we have chosen the values of patriotism, freedom and democracy.


"Ar namysym, kasiretim, maktanyshym - Zheltoksan" "Ar namysym, kasiretim, maktanyshym - Zheltoksan" "Ar namysym, kasiretim, maktanyshym - Zheltoksan"
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