"Political initiatives of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

"Political initiatives of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan"The Department of Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan has proved a round table "Political initiatives of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan". On the articles of students of specialty "Restaurant business" San Abisheva, Goncharova Vlad, a gun, Angelina, Mar Alba, Suleymanbeyli and students of the specialty "International relations" Anti Victoria, Bondarenko Alexandra, a man, as highlighted the huge contribution N..Nazarbayev in the construction of Stanley and of independent Kazakhstan, the horde of the country in the number of specifications of States of the world. It was noted that the president of the new independent state Nursultan Nazarbayev – is the author of global international initiatives of Kazakhstan, recognized all the throws and the respect of the international community. Summarizing the work of the round table, associate professor Seifullina G.R.


"Political initiatives of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

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