Platinum Lecture "Modern Trends in Internet Marketing"

Platinum Lecture "Modern Trends in Internet Marketing"

26 September 2018 at the invitation of the chair "Marketing and logistics" at Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsouz the head of the marketing Department of the online store "" , the graduates of KEUK Abramova Natalia Yuriivna was held a platinum lecture for students of EP "Marketing" and "logistics".
Online shop it is one of the leading online retailers with its own logistics system not only in Kazakhstan, but also around the world.
Natalia spoke about modern trends in online trading, methods of evaluating the effectiveness of Internet resources. Particular interest among students was shown in the promotion of goods through Internet resources, the work of marketing departments and employment opportunities in the company.
Following the meeting, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between KEUK and the online store "", the student received an invitation to practice, and the teachers - internships.


Platinum Lecture "Modern Trends in Internet Marketing" Platinum Lecture "Modern Trends in Internet Marketing" Platinum Lecture "Modern Trends in Internet Marketing"
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