Career guidance work in the district of Abay region

Career guidance work in the district of Abay region

September 19, 2018 master of the Department "Banking management and financial markets" Isanov A.S., senior lecturer PREO Amantay A. A. senior lecturer of the Department "GMU and ET." Yusupov M. T., Ph. D., Professor of the Department "the CP and the ANC of" Minjanov N. A. and also with the participation of volunteer students in the district, Abay district conducted professional work for graduates of schools of Abay and the villages of Dubovka and Karabas.
During the event, a video about the University was shown, the benefits of studying at KEUK, the rules of admission to the UNIVERSITY and distributed booklets about KEUK and KEBP, also conducted a survey. It is important to note that graduates of rural schools actively participated in this event. They asked a lot of questions about the educational process, types of specialties, the infrastructure of the University, etc.
In General, work with graduates was held at a high level. Was given sufficient information about KEUK and KEBP. Similar meetings are planned in the future.

Career guidance work in the district of Abay region Career guidance work in the district of Abay region
Career guidance work in the district of Abay region Career guidance work in the district of Abay region
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