Theory and Practice of European Integration










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European Union -

European Education and Culture Executive Agency -

National Erasmus+ Office in Kazakhstan -


Project title: Jean Monnet Module Theory and Practice of European Integration”.

Duration: 09/01/2018 - 08/31/2021.

Project group: 

Dinara Atabayeva, project coordinator, senior lecturer of the Department of World Economy and International Relations;

Yelena Shukusheva, senior lecturer of the Department of World Economy and International Relations.

Project goal: to increase a theoretical understanding of the legal, political, economic and social aspects of the European integration and modern European phenomena by attracting interdisciplinary knowledge.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be fulfilled:

- formation of understanding, profound knowledge of evolution, achievements and current issues of European integration and diplomacy among students of higher educational institution;

- stimulation of the interest in research on theory and practice of European integration, functioning of the EU;

- improvement of the quality of the courses on integration processes and development of the European macroregion;

- promotion of the European values, evaluation and recognition of the experience of European integration by Kazakhstani society.

The foregoing tasks will help to inculcate an active citizenship and increase the civic literacy of the participants by improving their understanding of the specifics of regional integration processes.

Teaching and related studies on European integration in the framework of the project will contribute to developing the European studies in non-European countries.

The results of the implementation of the Module throughout the project life will be used in the educational process and research activities.







Activities under the Jean Monet Module "Theory and Practice of European Integration"




Teaching "Theory and Practice of European Integration" course



Roundtable debates “European Integration: progress, challenges and perspectives”



Preparation and publication of a monograph "Theory and Practice of European Integration"



Preparation and publication of scientific articles related to the project theme

throughout the period



I am grateful to our University for the opportunity to attend this course. The classes provided an elaborate study on integration processes. This helped me while working on my thesis, as well as in interacting with my future colleagues from different countries. The course was delivered in simple and concise language. Thank you very much for this awesome experience!)
Lena Rudenko, "International Relations"

Read on... >>>

 Module classroom

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Opening of the “Theory and Practice of European Integration” Module classroom

As one of the means to consolidate visibility of the project, maintain its impact and disseminate its results on the second year of the implementation of the Module, with the support of the University management the working group decided to open at the university a classroom (203B), dedicated to the history of European integration and functioning of the EU. Aside from the prepared material, some handouts and publications containing visual, statistical and educational information have been acquired with the assistance of the EU’s Publications Office.
The materials provided in the classroom are available not only to students of the "International Relations", "World Economy" educational programs, but also to all interested parties and students of other specialties, whose classes are held in this classroom according to the schedule.


Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration

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Центр профессиональной ориентации и связями с общественностью


Ивадилинова Лейла Хамитовна

Директор центра профессиональной ориентации и связями с общественностью

 Центр проводит работу  по привлечению абитуриентов на образовательные программы университета, продвигает имидж университета во внутренней и внешней среде, обеспечивает связь с общественностью.

Деканаты могут обратиться в Центр  с инициативами о применении эффективных методов привлечения абитуриентов и укрепления репутации университета,  а также размещения информации о проводимых мероприятиях в социальной сети Instagram университета, средствах массовой информации. 

Контакты: ул. Академическая,9

кабинет № 261,

тел.: +7 7212 44-16-24 (доб.6505)


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