You can get the necessary references by the link

Student Service Center was established in 2017. The Center consults students on academic issues for the entire academic period.
The center is a place where each student can get answers to his or her questions.
Principles of the Center's activity: confidentiality of the received information, cooperation on the basis of trust, objectivity in the decision of questions, provision of reliable information.
The center is a building of dialogue between the administration of the university and its students in a new format.
Center obslwjïvanïya students nacelen on maksïmalnoe vsestoronnego Enhancement interaction, the last student community, pozvolyaet ékonomït time students and pozvolït dealt byurokratïçeskïe barrier and korrwpcïonnıe risks in the system interaction, "university student", dwblïrwyuşçïe action when okazanïï services, takje znaçïtelno povısït efficiency and operatïvnost solutions, problem stwdençestva raises a fundamentally new level of quality of service, solves the task of reducing the time spent on learning socially-significant services.
At the same time students can serve several windows. The service is carried out in the order of the electronic queue. The time of service of one student is strictly regulated in accordance with the standard of service. To get the necessary service, you need to take a coupon for an electronic queue and go to the waiting room, and then go to the window, which will be advertised and written on the screen.


- Provision of operational, qualitative provision of services provided on the principle of "single window" on the basis of standards of public services;
- Timely provision of information on request of students (within the authority of the COS, determined by the PSP).
- Support for students in academic matters through consultation.
- Creation of conditions for eradication of corruption risks and violations in KEUK.
- Acceptance of applications of students for the provision of state and intra-university services.
- Processing of applications.
- Informational assistance to students when applying to the Center.
- Definition of regulations governing state and intra-university services.
- Issuance of results of state and intra-university services.







About Us

Development of Strategic Development

Development of Strategic Development

Director of Development of Strategic Development

Glazunovа Svetlana Borisovna

Address: Karaganda,

9 Akademicheskaya St.,
Off 263

Phone: 8 (7212) 44-16-24 (ext. 6507)


Education: Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, majors: "Finance and credit", 2000; "Law", 2006; " Finance "(master's degree), 2013

Academic degree: master of Economics

Scientific interests:
Higher education management, strategic management, quality assurance systems

Main activities of the Director of the strategic development Department:
- coordination of the development of the University's strategy and strategic development program;
- analysis of the implementation of indicators of the University's strategic development program;
- the coordination of the procedures of institutional and specialized accreditation;
- ensuring preparation and passing of accreditation and rating procedures.

 Development of Strategic Development

Quality assurance manager of Department of strategic development

Sagitova Janel Yerbolatovna

Address: Karaganda,

9 Akademicheskaya St.,
Off 263

Phone: 8 (7212) 44-16-24 (ext. 194)

Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov
Special field “History”
Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Special field «Social work»

The main activities of quality assurance manager of Department of strategic development:
- participation in the development of documentation for IQAS (documentation procedures, process maps, etc.), as well as internal regulatory documentation;
- performance assessment of the university existing processes for analysis by executive management; development of recommendations for its improvement;
- advising university staff and heads of departments on the quality of educational services provided and the implementation of preventive and corrective actions;
- support on the university website in the matter of IQAS;
- carrying out an organizational work on the university participation in the rankings;
- analysis of the national ratings and ranking results of educational programs.

Resource center

Our coach| Our course

Mission — Contribute job placement students / graduates, combine social partners, provide continuing education for the development of each and eve-ryone, which will ensure demand in the labor market,high level of social integration, development and accumu-lation of human and social capital in society.  

Direction activity:

- promotion of employment / employment of students /graduates;

 - training and multi-stage system of training and retraining of specialists;

- introduction of a competency-based approach and improvement of the educational process;

- constant interaction with the environment.

Our programs target students, graduates of colleges   and universities, schoolchildren, teachers, representatives of government agencies, private business and society as a whole.

Address: Karaganda, st. Academic, 9, room 107.

Employment Consulting

Wednesday from 15.00 to 17.00

«Meeting coach with Zhanna Kose»

every Tuesday from 14.00 to 16.00

Employment Consulting

«HR Day"

on Fridays from 15.00 to 17.00

Contact phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-68,

+77017202746 - Kose Zhanna Komekovna

 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We are waiting for you!

We are glad to see you!
The goal — is to create conditions for the personal development of
students ,assistance to students /
graduates, teaching staff,
representatives of business and society
in the development of professional
competencies and the formation of
working skills in accordance with the
requirements of the labor market,
creation of conditions for social
partnership and assistance in the
employment of graduates


Director of Resource Center for the projects COMPLETE and CACTLE

Kose Janna Komekovna

Address: Karaganda,

9 Akademicheskaya St.,
Off 107
Phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-68


Karaganda Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute. Mining Faculty, Special field: Economics and Mining Industry Management, mining engineer-economist.
Kazakhstani Russian University, Karaganda.
Psychology Faculty, Bachelor of Psychology.
Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsouz, Professional Education, Bachelor of Professional Education

Additional Information:
In 2007, defended thesis research for the degree of Candidate of Economical Sciences.
In 2017, completed a yearly training in The Оpen university – International Management Institute LINK for the programs: Marketing and Finance Management; Organization and Staff Management.
Collected a certificate «The Professional Certificate in Management».
In 2018, finished apprenticeship on the international coaches training program - Professional Coach ICU.
Collected a certificate «Professional Coach ICU».

The main activities of the Director of Resource Center for the projects COMPLETE and CACTLE:
- Information-analytical and monitoring work at the labor market, vacancy monitoring, university graduates employment monitoring.
- Report of data of labor market condition, of vacancies to students and graduates purposely their employment.
- Promotion of university’s graduates and students employment through the development of professional competencies and the formation of students/graduates' working labor ability skills.
- Education and a multi-stage system of training and retraining of specialists (from short-term courses based on any education to professional retraining on the basis of higher education)
- Coordinate work on cooperation with partners of the university on the improvement of training programs, updating the competencies and skills of students.
- Conducting work with students in order to increase their competitiveness in the labor market through psychological training, vocational guidance, information about trends in supply and demand for specialists of a certain profile. Conduct an analysis of training programs that are relevant to internal and external trainees in order to further offer them on the market.
- Organize training seminars, trainings, master classes, guest lectures, refresher courses, etc.
- Organize employment events of graduates (Career days, round tables, fairs, workshops, company presentations, etc.).


Chief specialist of Resource Center for the projects COMPLETE and CACTLE

Krasnoshchekova Elena Aleksandrovna

Address: Karaganda,

9 Akademicheskaya St.,
Off 107

Phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-72
8 (7212) 50-21-24

Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Master of Marketing

The main activities of the Chief specialist of Resource Center for the projects COMPLETE and CACTLE:
- Study the requirements for university graduates in the labor market, monitor job vacancies by university specialties.
- Conduct market research of the labor market, analyze the results of employer questionnaires with the further report formation.
- Monitor graduates employability.
- Take a part in the organization of training system and retraining of specialists (from short-term courses on the basis of any education to professional retraining on the basis of higher education).
- Maintain close working experience with regional employment agencies, employers and other university partners.
- Participate in activities: workshops, training seminars, round tables with students and employers.
- Collect the information (feedback) from trainees on the results of the programs.
- Organize the work on the formation of contractual relations with institutions of various legal forms of ownership in order to expand the scope of

Resource center

Employment Manager of graduates of the Resource center for projects COMPLETE and CACTLE

Moldakarimova Aliya Sayanovna

Address: Karaganda,Academic 9.


Phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-68

Education:  «Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz»

Specialty: «Economics»

The main activities of the employment manager of the Resource Center for the COMPLETE and CACTLE projects:- Study the requirements for university graduates in the labor market, monitor vacancies in the specialties of the university.- Conduct marketing research of the labor market, analyze the results of employers' questionnaires with the further formation of a report.- Monitor the employment of graduates.       - Coordinate the process of concluding agreements with organizations for the internship of students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.- To develop an annual schedule of internship for students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in specialties.- Constantly replenish the databases "Graduate", "Enbek", "Enterprise", "Platonus".- Maintain an employment page on the university website.- Participate in events: master classes, training seminars, round tables, both with students and employers.

Resource center

Chief specialist

Лопата Анна Николаевна
Address: Karaganda,

9 Akademicheskaya St.,
Off 107

Phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-68

Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Master of Marketing

The main activities of the Chief specialist: 

  • Ensure a clear organization, planning and accounting of the results of practice at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, draw up an annual university schedule for all types of professional practice
  • Conduct monitoring of the existing bases of student practice in order to organize vocational guidance (practice) for university students
  • Coordinate the work of university teachers on professional practice and the timeliness of the development and republishing of practice programs by the profiling departments
  • Monitor orders across the university on the distribution of students to places of practice, appointment and business assignment (together with the head of practice from the department).
  • Coordinate the process of concluding agreements with organizations for the internship of students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
  • Develop and update unified blank documents for organizing all types of professional practice for graduating departments
  • Control the timely delivery of department reports based on the results of all types of practice
  • Constantly update the bases of professional practice in the Platonus database and add objects of internship by university students in accordance with the orders for internship
  • To post on the university website the necessary documentation on practice issues.
  • Summarize the positive experience of the practice, make proposals for its improvement in the university-wide regulation on practice
  • Provide advice to students and teachers on practice and employment, help in writing a resume, taking into account the peculiarities of the organizational and legal forms of employers
  • Study the requirements for university graduates in the labor market, monitor vacancies in the specialties of the university
  • Take part in university, city, regional events in the framework of the organization of assistance in the employment of students and graduates of the university
  • Maintain contacts with consumers of graduates in order to improve the quality of training specialists.
  • Maintain close ties with regional employment authorities, employers and other university partners

Resource center

Employment Manager of graduates of the Resource center for projects COMPLETE and CACTLE

Amandiq Bota  Nurgaziqizi

Address: Karaganda,

Academic 9


Phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-68

Education:  Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Specialty: «Economics»

The main activities of the employment manager of the Resource Center for the COMPLETE and CACTLE projects:

- Study the requirements for university graduates in the labor market, monitor vacancies in the specialties of the university.

- Conduct marketing research of the labor market, analyze the results of employers' questionnaires with the further formation of a report.

- Monitor the employment of graduates.      

 - Coordinate the process of concluding agreements with organizations for the internship of students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

- To develop an annual schedule of internship for students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in specialties.

- Constantly replenish the databases "Graduate", "Enbek", "Enterprise", "Platonus"

- Maintain an employment page on the university website.

- Participate in events: master classes, training seminars, round tables, both with students and employers.

WELCOME remarks by the acting DEAN of FDL

WELCOME remarks by the acting DEAN of FDL

Acting Dean Faculty of Distance Learning


Education with the use of distance technologies reaches a new level of development and allows each person to keep up with the times, expand his skills and knowledge that will allow him to find his place in the labor market and make a successful career. Using modern Internet technologies, we try to organize the educational process for students with the greatest comfort and minimal costs. Studying at the faculty of distance learning, everyone can get a decent education, regardless of place of residence and level of employment. Distance learning system allows you to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge from home, office or computer class of the faculty. This is the most important advantage of distance learning over traditional forms of education. The Faculty of Distance Education today is: one of the largest faculties at the university, modern educational technologies; the best price-quality ratio; flexible training schedule, taking into account the capabilities of each student; individual approach, methodological assistance and organizational support throughout the entire period of study.
The contingent of our students is represented by graduates of specialized colleges, young parents, top managers of companies, and heads of state structures, which speaks of the many-sided opportunities offered by the faculty.
A unique base of teaching materials (including electronic interactive learning complexes), the best university teachers with appropriate skills, ease of organizing classes, assigning a curator to each student to receive timely advice on the organization of the educational process.
Entering our faculty, the applicant makes a really correct choice!
Graduates of our faculty are consistently in demand in the labor market. Many of them have made a brilliant professional career, occupy leading positions in public service and in business.

Distance learning is your step into the future!



    • Project: «Human capital asset development of monotowns in modern conditions of industrial-innovative and integrative development of Kazakhstan: methodology and practice».

      Project supervisor: A.M. Dauletova, Ph.D. in Economics, assistant professor at KEU.

      Goal of the project – based on the analysis of the human asset capital in the modern monotowns conditions of Kazakhstan, develop a proposal about its modernization in regards to conditions and possibilities of certain monotowns and inquiries/needs of their industrial-innovative development.

      Research results:
      • At this stage of the research:
      • analytical survey about classic and modern concepts of human capital was conducted;
      • social-economical approaches in methodology of human capital analysis had been developed;
      • social-economical mechanisms of human capital asset development in monotowns had been discovered;
      • separation factors and appearance forms, elements of the human capital structure were proved;
      • methods for quantitative human life value as a factor influencing human capital development.
      • household value approaches, their development trends and impact on human capital establishment had been researched.
      • A case study was conducted about socio-economic status and potential for monotowns development in south and east Kazakhstan regions;
      • Analysis was conducted on development policy of human capital in the industrial-innovative economy of Kazakhstan exemplified by industrial enterprises in Karaganda Region as the largest industrial region of the country. Along with the comprehensive theoretical analysis, the work includes data obtained during the implementation of a research project on issues on human capital development prospects in the industrial enterprises of Karaganda region.
      • Analysis was carried out on the policy of investments into the human capital of monotowns of Karaganda region (exemplified by industrial enterprises of the region).
      • Scientific discovery of the results obtained is that a comprehensive analysis of socio-economic status and the development potential of monotowns of south and east Kazakhstan regions. Comprehensive research was developed and conducted on the policy of maintaining and developing human capital in monotowns of the Karaganda region. Approaches to the policy of investing into the human capital and assessing their effectiveness in influencing the formation of human capital of enterprises were identified and analyzed.
      • Utilization of human capital in monotowns of the Karaganda region was effective;
      • Prospects of utilization of human capital in monotowns in Kazakhstan were assessed.
      Action item: developing recommendations. According to the research results, reports were developed, and chapters in multi-author book were published.

      The results of the research are implemented in the activities of the following government institutions: M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, S. Amazholov East Kazakhstan State University, nominees and finances of the Karaganda Region (Republic of Kazakhstan). The study also includes:
      • 33 scientific affairs were published including 2 articles in Scopus magazines, 2 multi-author books, and 1 textbook;
      • Original course "Monotown development management" was developed for students specializing in "State and local administration";
      • A roundtable discussion was held.

    • Project: «National innovative systems of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: mechanisms of development, prerequisite of interaction and prospect of integration».

      Project supervisor: A.A. Taubayev, Dr.Econ.Sci., professor, director of the Center of monitoring and development of research work of KEUK.
      The project purpose – on the basis of the research of the existing conditions and prerequisites of functioning of national innovative systems of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union to develop organizational and economic recommendations about strengthening of interaction and creation of integration structures in scientific and innovative activity.

      Research results:
      • the teoretical and methodological concept of research of national innovative systems in modern conditions of globalization is developed;
      • the methodical instruments of research of national innovative systems are developed;
      • theoretical prerequisites of functioning of national innovative systems in the conditions of globalization are defined;
      • features of development of national innovative systems in integration associations are defined;
      • on the basis of experiment of the European Union on harmonization of innovative activity recommendations for the EAEU countries are developed.
      • strengthes and weaknesses of NIS of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan (and also Kyrgyzstan as potential member) are defined, threats and possibilities of their development and integration at basis of studying of system of the state support of scientific and innovative sectors of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union within carrying out analytical calculations, expert polls and processing of results and check of hypotheses are estimated;
      • key institutional problems of NIS on the basis of the organization of questioning of subjects of scientific and innovative spheres of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and Kyrgyzstan within holding expert polls and processing of their results, check of hypotheses are defined.
      • the complex of recommendations for participants of NIS of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of the revealed positive and negative sides of interaction of the studied NIS, the existing domestic and foreign experience of integration, the formulated concepts of development by the integrated NIS is developed.

      Results of a research are introduced in activity of the following public institutions: Ministry of Economy of Sverdlovsk region (Russian Federation), Department of the industry and industrial innovative development of the Karaganda region and Department of economy and finance of the Karaganda region (Republic of Kazakhstan). Within the research also:
      • 55 scientific works, including 5 articles are published in Scopus magazines, 5 monographs and 1 textbook;
      • security documents for 2 databases, the electronic textbook and an electronic methodical complex are received;
      • the international conference is held.

      Over the project the international experts Dr.Econ.Sci., professor A.G. Shelomentsev (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation) and Dr.Econ.Sci., professor N.P. Belyatsky (Minsk, Republic of Belarus) were involved.

    • Project: «Prevention and investigation of illegal enterprise in the field of human trafficking».
      Scientific adviser - Balgimbekov D.U. Authorial collective: Karzhasova G.B., Kabzhanov A.T., Turlaev A.V., Seythozhin B.U., Ospanov A.S., Kenbai J.A., Ay T.I., Nurpeisov A.K., Orynbekov A.S., Inerbaeva D.O., Ospanov D.B., R.B. Karzhasova.
      Keywords: human trafficking, human exploitation, a warning offense, suppression and investigation of crimes.
      The aim of the project is to develop general theoretical foundations and empirical prerequisites for a comprehensive study aimed trafficking mechanism involving legally operating business entities and its major suppression and investigation techniques.
      Based on the objectives of the project, the following tasks: to show anti-trafficking in the investigation of crimes in the context of human rights protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Suggest improvement of the criminal law. Explore forensic software investigate the crimes in question, in this case to identify and describe typical investigative situations, folding at the initial stage of the investigation; typical forensic version put forward by the subjects of the investigation; a typical range of investigative actions and operational-search measures to resolve the situation and identified investigative forensic verification versions; determine the main directions of the investigation and the most optimal system of investigation and the characteristics of their production in the investigation of human trafficking.
      The object of the study are the laws of the existence of human trafficking as a specific socio-negative phenomenon of reality at the present stage of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and reaction mechanisms of illegal business this phenomenon through prevention and investigation of the offense. The practical significance of the study is to develop proposals and recommendations on improvement of normative-legal acts to be used in the enforcement of law enforcement agencies, as well as in the development of specific preventive measures to prevent and investigate illegal business in the field of human trafficking in Kazakhstan.
      Methods and methodology of the study. Dialectic, systemic approach, qualitative and quantitative analysis method, the synthesis and study of the literature. Comparative - legal, sociological, historical, systematic and structural, formal-logical and systematic analysis, as well as the laws of formal logic and linguistics.
      Scientific adviser - Balgimbekov D.U. Authorial collective: Karzhasova G.B., Kabzhanov A.T., Turlaev A.V., Seythozhin B.U., Ospanov A.S., Kenbai J.A., Ay T.I., Nurpeisov A.K., Orynbekov A.S., Inerbaeva D.O., Ospanov D.B., R.B. Karzhasova.
      Keywords: human trafficking, human exploitation, a warning offense, suppression and investigation of crimes.
      The aim of the project is to develop general theoretical foundations and empirical prerequisites for a comprehensive study aimed trafficking mechanism involving legally operating business entities and its major suppression and investigation techniques.
      Based on the objectives of the project, the following tasks: to show anti-trafficking in the investigation of crimes in the context of human rights protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Suggest improvement of the criminal law. Explore forensic software investigate the crimes in question, in this case to identify and describe typical investigative situations, folding at the initial stage of the investigation; typical forensic version put forward by the subjects of the investigation; a typical range of investigative actions and operational-search measures to resolve the situation and identified investigative forensic verification versions; determine the main directions of the investigation and the most optimal system of investigation and the characteristics of their production in the investigation of human trafficking.
      The object of the study are the laws of the existence of human trafficking as a specific socio-negative phenomenon of reality at the present stage of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and reaction mechanisms of illegal business this phenomenon through prevention and investigation of the offense. The practical significance of the study is to develop proposals and recommendations on improvement of normative-legal acts to be used in the enforcement of law enforcement agencies, as well as in the development of specific preventive measures to prevent and investigate illegal business in the field of human trafficking in Kazakhstan.
      Methods and methodology of the study. Dialectic, systemic approach, qualitative and quantitative analysis method, the synthesis and study of the literature. Comparative - legal, sociological, historical, systematic and structural, formal-logical and systematic analysis, as well as the laws of formal logic and linguistics.
    • Project: «From the development of the conceptual framework of the regulatory information tourist center for the promotion of environmental and other tours of the Republic of Kazakhstan during the EXPO 2017 and the subsequent long-term period».
      Supervisor: Saduov A. Zh., doctor of Economics, Professor of Marketing Department of Karaganda state University. After E. A. Buketov, academician of the International Informatization Academy (IIA, Almaty)
      The aim of the project: to Develop the conceptual framework of the regulatory information tourist center, the use of which during the preparation and passage of the exhibition EXPO 2017 will allow to obtain the effect of a significant increase in international tourism in the long-term period following the end of the exhibition.
      Research result:
      * Development of methodological approaches for assessing tourism potential. Assessment of the tourism potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of prospects for the development of international tourism.
      * Development of a theoretical and methodological concept for the study of tourist and recreational resources adapted to the Kazakh conditions. Evaluation of tourist and recreational resources of Kazakhstan for the development of international tourism.
      * Determination of the main characteristics of consumers of tourist clusters in Kazakhstan.
      * Development of theoretical and methodological concept of the regulating tourist center, ecological and ethnographic clusters of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, development of organizational and economic mechanism of their functioning
      * Principles of regulation and distribution of tourist flows in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the information tourist center
      * Development of theoretical and methodological concept of economic security of Kazakhstan tourism. Development of the principles of economic security of domestic tourism.
      * Tourist brand of the Republic of Kazakhstan
      * Theoretical and methodological concept of ecological and ecological ethnographic clusters of tourism in the conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan
      * Assessment of prospects of development of ecological and ethnographic clusters of tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan
      * Ecological tourist routes of Kazakhstan
      * Practical recommendations for authorized state organizations on the establishment and operation of a regulatory information tourist center, environmental and ethnographic tourism clusters
      * Scientific report and monographs on the results of the research project
      Within the project realization active publication of intermediate and final results of research in the specialized periodical press – domestic and foreign, including in specialized scientific journals with high impact factor is provided:
      1. Journal "Pacific Economic Review", ISSN 1225-4657, E-ISSN 1468-0106, published by WILEY-Blackwell Publishers in the U. K, Indexed in SSCI by Thomson Reuters Scientific (Impact Factor database).
      2. Journal of Papers of International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE) 2015, 27th June 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, will be published on line by Elsevier and indexed in Scopus.
      3. "Fundamental research "(Russia, Moscow), a peer-reviewed scientific journal, is included in the database" Ulrich's Periodicals directory " (Impact factor RSCI 2011 = 0,144).
      The monograph is published in the foreign publishing house: "Palmarium Academic Publishing", Academic Publishing GmbH & co. KG, Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrucken, Germany.
    • Project: «Modeling of scenarios of dynamic development of regional ekologo-socioeconomic systems in the conditions of reindustrialization of the countries of EAEU»

      Project supervisor: A.A. Taubayev, Dr.Econ.Sci., professor, director of the Center of monitoring and development of research work of KEUK

      The research objective consists in justification of the choice of scenarios of dynamic development of regions of the countries of EAEU as the determined ecologo-socioeconomic systems in the conditions of reindustrialization.

      Research results:
      • the information database of the key indicators characterizing changes of the environment and the level of social and economic development of the countries of EAEU is created;
      • the methodical complex of assessment of a state and dynamics of ecologo-socioeconomic systems is created;
      • the concept of impact of processes of reindustrialization on development of ecologo-socioeconomic systems of the countries of EAEU is offered.
      • interrelations between processes of reindustrialization of economies of the countries of the participants of EAEU and scales of an environmental pressure on the basis of data collection characterizing processes of reindustrialization of national economies in EAEU coal mine within the statistical analysis of interrelations between processes of reindustrialization of national economy and scales of an environmental pressure in regions are established;
      • tendencies of development of regional ecologo-socioeconomic systems in the conditions of reindustrialization through definition of a complex of the indicators describing development of regional ecologo-socioeconomic systems in the conditions of reindustrialization are proved;
      • the typology of factors and conditions of influence of reindustrialization of key branches of the industry on ecologo-socioeconomic systems on the basis of definition of a complex of the indicators describing factors and conditions of influence of reindustrialization of key branches of the industry on ecologo-socioeconomic systems is offered.
      • scenario conditions of reindustrialization of economies of the countries of EAEU taking into account development strategies and placement ecologically dangerous objects are proved.

      Results of a research are introduced in activity of the following public institutions: Ministry of Economy of Sverdlovsk region (Russian Federation), Department of the industry and industrial innovative development of the Karaganda region and Department of economy and finance of the Karaganda region (Republic of Kazakhstan). Within the research also:
      • 57 scientific works, including 8 articles are published in Scopus magazines, 4 monographs and 3 textbooks and manuals;
      • security documents for 2 databases, the electronic textbook and an electronic methodical complex are received;
      • the international summer school is carried out.

      Over the project the international experts Dr.Econ.Sci., professor A.G. Shelomentsev, Dr.Math.Sci., professor D.B. Berg, Dr.Econ.Sci. S.V. Doroshenko and Dr.Econ.Sci. O.A. Kozlova (Yekaterinburg, the Russian Federation) were involved.

    • Project: «Investigation of issues of competitiveness, harmonization and tax stimulation of innovative activity of Kazakhstan in the Eurasian economic union»
      The head of the topic: Ph.D. in Economics - Lukpanova Zh.O.
      Amount of financing: 7617110 td.
      List of performers:
    • full name


      years of participation in the project


      Lukpanova Zh.O.

      project manager



      Sembekov A.K.

      senior researcher



      Ulakov N.S.

      leading researcher



      Iglikova D.D.

      junior researcher



      Tanasheva A.B.

      junior researcher



      Mukasheva K.A.

      junior researcher

      2015, 2017

      • The object of the study is the totality of financial and economic relations that arise in the process of forming a competitive environment, tax incentives and mechanisms for activating innovative processes in the process of integration interaction of the tax systems of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
        The purpose of the study is to assess the policy of tax incentives for the innovation sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan and to analyze the practice of administering taxes in a single economic space and, on this basis, to develop measures to accelerate the development of the innovation sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan and harmonize the tax legislation of the EAEU member countries
        In this scientific research, the empirical, statistical and comparative analyzes were carried out, an assessment of the tax incentive system was carried out, and an analysis of tax administration in the territories of the EAEU member countries was made.
        As a result of the research, tax incentive measures were developed to facilitate the accelerated development of the innovation sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan; recommendations for improving the system of taxation and administration of taxes in a single economic space; the multifactorial economic model of influence of the mechanism of tax stimulation on development of innovative sector in the Karaganda region is made.
    • Project: 2777/ГФ4 – "Substantial and technological aspects of training future social workers for working with orphaned children"

      The supervisor of the project: Minzhanov Nurlan Adilbaevich - doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of social work and the socio-political disciplines of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
      Goal of the Project: theoretical justification and methodological support of improving the formation of readiness of future social workers to work with orphaned children by means of application of innovative technologies.

      Research results:
      History of becoming of social work is studied with children by orphans, as to component part of social work, an analysis is conducted of modern socio-economic factors and terms, aggravating the problem of social orphanhood in Kazakhstan.
      Collection of materials and complex study of the system of preparation was carried out in Kazakhstan. Experienced-pedagogical job performances, and also the analysis of pedagogical features of preparation of development workers educed a necessity and considerable possibilities of perfection of planning, organization of existing now on-line tutorials, maintenance of employments, estimations of requirements to the makeready of students with children by orphans.
      The results of the research are implemented in the activities of the following state institutions: the Social Work Department of the Traktic University Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; KSU "Children's House" Assem "Department of Education of Karaganda region, Department of Social Pedagogy and Self-knowledge of ENU named after Gumilyov, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of KazNPU named after Abay, Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogics of the Karaganda State University named after E.Buketov, Department of Social work and socio-political disciplines of KEUK. Within the research also:
      • 21 scientific works were published, incl. 2 articles in the journals DB Scopus 1 textbook, 2 monographs, 6 teaching aids;
      • an international scientific and practical seminar of teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students was held with the invitation of scientists from Germany, Bulgaria, Russia, Uzbekistan.

      Within the framework of the studies carried out under the draft subprogramme «Research in the field of social and economic policy of the state in modern conditions» held under the grant of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2015-2017. on this topic «The content-technological aspects of training future social workers to work with orphans». Nurlan A. Minzhanov, Gaukhar N. Ertysbaeva, Madina K. Abdakimova. Two articles were published in the magazine Scopus «INTERNATIONFL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION»:
      - Nurlan A. Minzhanov, Gaukhar N. Ertysbaeva, Madina K. Abdakimova. Professional Training of Social Workers: Development of Professionally Significant Qualities in the Future Social Workers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 10, 3746-3754;
      - Nurlan A. Minzhanov and Gaukhar N. Ertysbaeva. The Process of Pedagogical Culture Formation in the Future Social Worker. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 12, 5282-5289

    • Project: «Competitiveness of the national insurance market in the conditions of integration of the Eurasian Economic Union»
      The head of the topic: Ph.D. in Economics - Sembekov A.K.
      Amount of financing: 6 428 594 td.
      List of performers:
    • full name


      years of participation in the project


      Sembekov A.K.

      project manager



      Serikova G.S.

      senior researcher



      Silishcheva S.Yu.

      leading researcher



      Tyngisheva A.M.

      junior researcher



      Budeshov E.G.

      junior researcher


      • The subject of the study are the national insurance markets of the EEU member countries in the context of integration.
        The purpose of the study is to develop a set of organizational, legal, financial and economic measures and recommendations on the formation of a competitive insurance market in Kazakhstan based on the study of industrial competitiveness indicators.
        In the process of the study, we used empirical, statistical and comparative analysis, study of scientific and specialized literature, reports of the Eurasian Economic Commission. During the study, was assessed the competitiveness of the insurance market based on industry competitiveness indicators.
        As a result of the research developed measures to develop insurance that contribute to ensuring the competitiveness of the insurance market in Kazakhstan in the context of the integration of the EEU, analysis of the national insurance markets competitiveness of the EEU, through the economic and mathematical modeling was calculated the influence of competitiveness factors, proposed a range of actions aimed at strengthening competitive advantages in the activity of insurance companies and competitiveness of the insurance market of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Project: «Increasing the effectiveness of the state language teaching methods in kazakhstan's education system»

      The aim and objectives of the project:
      The aim of project is : to clarify the methods of management of effective teaching of the State language in modern innovative direction, the application of this methodology in practice, study paths: understanding the terms of economic and legal areas, identification of relevant issues. Concerning with this project has the following objectives:
      - to review the latest innovations of technology education in the field of methodologies
      - to offer the most effective methods of the various techniques of teaching state language;
      - classification of ways to effectively study the terms of economic and legal spheres;
      - to prepare a glossary of economic and legal spheres;
      - An effective training study of vocational training methods in close relationship with specialty.
      - classification of new technologies of teaching Kazakh language, improvement of advanced technologies;
      - differentiating the methodical science of Turkic countries, countries of Europe, to introduce advanced technology into the domestic sphere of learning the State language;
      - Accordingly, "State programme on languages development and undertake in 2010-2010 years" to improve methodology of teaching Kazakh language.
      The list of executors:
      a) Project leader:
      1. Head of Kazakh Language and Culture of Kazakhstan Chair, Candidate of Philologcal sciences, Professor K.T. Kabatayeva.
      b) Executors:
      2. Leading scientific researcher, Candidate of Philologcal sciences, associate professor Zhukeyev T.B.
      3. Leading scientific researcher, Doctor of Philologcal sciences,Professor Smagulov Zh.K.
      4. Leading scientific researcher, Doctor PhD Zhalalova А.М.
      5. scientific researcher, Master of Philology Bilyal B.K.
      6. scientific researcher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Baerbekova A.E.
      7. scientific researcher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Keldmagambetova Sh.S.
      8. scientific researcher, Master of Philology Bazzhikeev K.K.
      9. technical performer Nıgmetolla Zh.

      Publications in foreign journals:
      1. Z. Bazarbaeva, Y. Ormakhanova, N. Ospangaziyeva, B. Karbozova. Intonational Division of a Speech Flow in the Kazakh Language. //International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. Vol. 11, - NO. 10, 03 August, 2016. 3669 – 3678 pp. (Scopus)
      2. Shara Mazhitayeva, Zhanbai Kadyrov, Zhandos Smagulov, Kamshat Toleubayeva, Sagila Rahimberlina. Do Function Words Belong to Part of Speech?
      International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature. ISSN 2200-3592 (Print), ISSN 2200-3452 (Online) Vol. 5 No. 7; December 2016 [Special Issue on Language and Literature] Australian International Academic Centre, Australia.
      3. . Zh.B.Akhmetzhanova, K.T.Kabataeva, M.Sh.Toizhigitova. Comparative-typological Analysis of Kazakh Historical Songs. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy. ISSN 2039-2117 (online) ISSN 2039-9340 (print). Vol 6№552 September 2015.

      Publication of books/chapters abroad:
      Kabatayeva K.T., Ahmetova N.A., Shaban Aidoglu. Applied Kazakh-kyrgyz Language. Training manual. Karaganda, “Tengri”publishing house, 2017, 160p.

      Kabatayeva K.T., Bylyal B.K., Baerbekova A.E. Increasing the effectiveness of state language teaching methods in Kazakhstan’s education system. Monography. Karaganda, “Tengri”, 2017, 203p.

      Applicability of scientific results: the results of the study will be developed with a view to implementation in teaching practice of the State language. The results of the study will be designed in the form of methodological and practical recommendations. The effectiveness of the implementation of these recommendations will be conditioned by complex character study that would get maximize effect of using.

      Target consumers of received results: Ministry of education and science; departments of education; educational institutions; the population. Civil society institutions, commercial organizations, the population. Dissemination of the results to potential users will be carried out through publications in journals, books, conferences, MEDIA, through participation in conferences, seminars, round tables, as well as on the website of the University and Department of Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan. The research project will be the production of monographs.
      List of research papers published by the authors in 2015-2017 on the theme of research:
      1. Z. Bazarbaeva, Y. Ormakhanova, N. Ospangaziyeva, B. Karbozova. Intonational Division of a Speech Flow in the Kazakh Language. //International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. Vol. 11, - NO. 10, 03 August, 2016. 3669 – 3678 pp. (Scopus)
      2. Shara Mazhitayeva, Zhanbai Kadyrov, Zhandos Smagulov, Kamshat Toleubayeva, Sagila Rahimberlina. Do Function Words Belong to Part of Speech?
      International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature. ISSN 2200-3592 (Print), ISSN 2200-3452 (Online) Vol. 5 No. 7; December 2016 [Special Issue on Language and Literature] Australian International Academic Centre, Australia.
      3. . Zh.B.Akhmetzhanova, K.T.Kabataeva, M.Sh.Toizhigitova. Comparative-typological Analysis of Kazakh Historical Songs. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy. ISSN 2039-2117 (online) ISSN 2039-9340 (print). Vol 6№552 September 2015.

      4. Kabatayeva K.T., Bylyal B.K., Baerbekova A.E. Increasing the effectiveness of state language teaching methods in Kazakhstan’s education system. Monography. Karaganda, “Tengri”, 2017, 203p.
      5. Kabatayeva K.T., Bylyal B.K., Baerbekova A.E. Economical Russian-Kazakh explanatory dictionary. Economical Russian-Kazakh explanatory dictionary. Training manual. Karaganda, “Tengri”, 2017, 170p.
      6. Kabatayeva K.T., Bylyal B.K., Baerbekova A.E. Russian-Kazakh dictionary of legal terms. Karaganda, “Tengri”, 2017, 100p.
      7. Kabatayeva K.T., Ahmetova N.A., Shaban Aidoglu. Applied Kazakh-kyrgyz Language. Training manual. Karaganda, “Tengri”publishing house, 2017, 160p.
      8. Kabatayeva K.T., Bazhikeev K.K., Baerbekova A.E. Professional Kazakh language: A training manual for all economy specialties. Training manual. Karaganda, KEUK, 2017, 124p.
      9. Kabatayeva K.T., Baerbekova A.E. Types of games used in the professional Kazakh language. Educational-methodical manual. Karaganda, KEUK, 71p.
      10. Kabatayeva K.T., Kelmagambetova Sh.S. Professional Kazakh language: intended for specialty “Jurisprudence”. Training manual. Karaganda, KEUK, 2017, 129p.
      11. Kabatayeva K.T., Kelmagambetova Sh.S. Baerbekova A.E. Professional Kazakh language: intended for specialty “International relations”. Training manual. Karaganda, KEUK, 2017, 128p.


The Center for Youth Initiatives (CMI) promotes the implementation of the state's youth policy and the creation of conditions for the development of social activity and creative abilities of students.

CMI plays a key role in the development of student self-government, is an independent structural unit of the university.

Student groups and associations 


Director of the youth initiative center

Idirissova Ainazyia Tulegenovna

Education: Higher. Peoples friendship University of Russia

Moscow city

Teaching experience: 7 years

Address: Karaganda, Akademicheskaya str. 9, office 208

Phone: 8 (7212) 44-16-24 (ext.169)

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The main tasks of the Center for Youth Initiatives:

  • implementation of strategic priorities of the state youth policy at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz;
  • preservation and enhancement of the traditions of the University, promotion of its history, maintenance and further growth of the prestige of education at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz;
  • creation of guaranteed socio-economic, political, legal, organizational conditions for the formation of Kazakhstani patriotism among students,
  • citizenship, tolerance, as well as the upbringing of a spiritually-moral, physically healthy and socially active personality;
  • providing a set of measures to create conditions for self-development, self-realization of students, their readiness to participate in the socio-political and professional activities of the country;
  • implementation of a set of measures for patriotic education and the formation of civic engagement, social responsibility and the disclosure of the potential of youth;
  • organization of interaction between the activities of public, charitable organizations and associations dealing with issues of youth policy of the University;
  • improvement of the system of prevention of the use of narcotic and other harmful substances;
  • prevention of religious extremism among students;
  • promoting the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of young people;
  • formation of an environment of creativity, mutual assistance, and a conscious attitude to study in student groups;
  • interaction with higher authorities on issues related to the problems of the University's youth.














Human resources department

Human resources department is an independent subdivision of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The activity is aimed at the formation, optimization of the human resources in terms of their activities, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, in order to rationally achieving the university goals.

Head of Human resources department is associate professor, Eremin Yuri Nikolaevich.

Contact information: 9 Academicheskaya, room 255, Karaganda
Working hours: Monday-Friday from 9.00 to 18.00. Lunch break: from 13.00 to 14.00
Phones: 8 (7212) 441652 ext. 117
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The structure of the Department:

1) Main goals:
- HR record management;
- determination of the need for staff and selection of staff in conjunction with the heads of departments;
- registration of personal records of employees;
- issuance of certificates and copies of documents upon request of employees;
- conducting operations with Employment record books (receiving, issuing, filling and storing documents);
- scheduling and drawing up of holidays in accordance with labor legislation;
- preparing plans for in-service education;
- creation of conditions for the realization of the labor and personal potential;
- improvement of motivation of work of university employees;
- evaluation and certification of teaching staff;
- competitive selection for the position of teaching staff and researchers;
- work on the development of corporate culture.

2) Documentation Support and Control Service Head: Larisa Smagulova, room 253, tel.441634 ext.156
Main goals:
- control over the execution of documents and preparation of them for transfer to the archive of university
- maintenance of the uniform procedure of documentation;
- creation and maintenance of information retrieval system;
- improvement of forms and methods of working with documents at the university;
- creation of control and information catalogue, file register of the university.

3) Translation service, room 221, Bekadil Semkul
Main goals:
- translation of business documentation;
- translation of educational and methodical instructions;
- translation of proceedings of conferences, meetings and seminars;
- translation of textbooks and study guide.

Human resources department

Human resources department

Human resources department

Human resources department

International Programs and Projects Center


Dinara Atabayeva

Head of the Center


Zariya Aitova

Deputy Head of the Center

The International Programs and Projects Center ensures organization of international cooperation of the University, promotes development of international relations, searches for foreign partners in scientific and educational activities, coordinates and implements joint projects and academic mobility programs.

The Center provides assistance in arranging participation of the faculty staff and students in international and domestic exchanges and events, coordinating specific international joint programs (training and internships, master’s programs, doctoral studies, etc.), drawing up programs for visits and meetings with foreign experts.

Contact details: 100009 Karaganda, Akademicheskaya Str., 9 (Office 268)

Tel.: +7 (7212) 44-16-12

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



«Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan»

Project coordinator: Karaganda State Medical University


European partners: European University Association, Lund University (se), University of Ljubljana (si), Lublin University of Technology (pl), Savonia University of Applied Sciences (fi), Aga Khan University - Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations (uk), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (it)
Kazakhstan partners: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (kz), Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (kz), Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (kz), M. Kozybaev North Kazakhstan State University. (kz), West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University. (kz), Astana Medical University (kz) Karaganda State Medical University (kz) Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University (kz)
Period of implementation: 2017-2020
Objective of the project:
providing a basis for consensus around the self-government model of Kazakhstan universities which will help to make decisions about what level of budgetary and academic self-government is desirable. The project increases knowledge of the diversity of university autonomy models used in European countries. It provides a survey of Kazakhstan universities in order to identify the need for self-government.
Interim objectives of the project:
1. Development of a basic model (including alternative models for special areas of higher education, for example, medicine) of university autonomy.
2. Implementation at partner universities.
3. Development of information strategies for communication with universities and participants in proposed reforms, drafting a schedule for implementing the reform.
4. Establishment of a Consultative Group on the implementation of self-government, which will be located in one of the educational institutions and assist other Kazakh universities.
Efficiency and effectiveness:
- a partnership agreement was signed (2017)
- a kick-off meeting was held in Karaganda on the basis of the Medical State University (November 2017)
- A working group was established, the functions of key persons were defined (December 2017).
- The first quality plan was submitted (January 2018);
You can join us on Facebook:

Implementation of the project:

Date :


November 13-17, 2017

The first meeting of project participants on the basis of the Karaganda State Medical University took place. During the meeting, the project members got acquainted with each other and the state of autonomy in Kazakhstan.

March 5, 2018

The KSMU underwent monitoring of the project “Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan” (TRUNAK) of the Erasmus + program. The project results were presented to Shaizade Tasbulatova, Director of the Erasmus + National Office in Kazakhstan and Deputy Director Zhanara Kazbekova. During the meeting, existing problems, operational and financial difficulties were discussed, and ways to solve them were identified.

During the meeting, the project partners discussed the progress of the project. Members of the working group prepared presentations on work packages to familiarize the audience with the progress of work. The reports indicated the goals and objectives of the project, the relevance of the project goals, effectiveness, prevalence and potential for sustainable development.

March 19-20,  2018

On March 19-20, a training seminar on the study and assessment of university autonomy within the framework of the Erasmus + project “TRUNAK Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan” was held on the basis of the European University Association (EUA) in Brussels. The staff of the European Association of Universities provided information on the definition of university autonomy, its advantages and structural conditions on the basis of European benchmarking.

The TRUNAK consortium partners were trained in the methodology for collecting and analyzing information on the current state of autonomy in accordance with the autonomy assessment system developed by the European University Association. This approach is based on the analysis of indicators for four areas of autonomy: organizational, financial, personnel and academic.

February 4-8, 2019

Within the framework of the TRUNAK project, from February 4 to 8, 2019, the seminar was attended by representatives of the Medical University of Karaganda, European University Association, Lund University, University of Ljubljana, Aga Khan University - Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilization, Lublin University of Technology, University of Applied Sciences of Savonia, Catholic University del Sacro Cuore, Medical University of Astana, West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after M. Ospanova, North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev;
Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedova,
Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (Kusainova L.K. and Garipova A.A.).

A report was presented by the European University Association on the current situation in university management and recommendations on the process of reforming higher education. To develop recommendations, all participants were divided into two teams for the formation and presentation of proposals and recommendations in 4 areas - financial autonomy, personnel autonomy, financial and academic autonomy. All results were presented in the form of presentations and presented to the participants of the next seminar, which was held at the Lublin University of Technology, Poland.

February 12,  2019

Members of the working group of the ERASMUS+ project "Transition to university autonomy TRUNAK" - Kusainova L. K., Garipova A.A. participated in the first of seminars series on the development of recommendations and the subsequent development of a model of university autonomy, held at Lund University (Lund, Sweden). Upon arrival, the members of the working group held a training seminar, which presented preliminary results obtained as part of the ongoing analysis of the state of university autonomy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as presented the first results for discussion within the university and presentation of their proposals.

February 24 – March 3, 2019

Tarpanov G.J., the chief specialist of the Center of International Programs and Projects and Academic Mobility took part in the seminar within implementation of the ERASMUS+ project "Transition to university autonomy in Kazakhstan" (TRUNAK).

Within the project TRUNAK Tarpanov G.J. participated in seminars and organized trainings. Various aspects of the project implementation were considered within the monitoring:

  • Organizational autonomy: challenges/directions for reform;
  • Financial autonomy: challenges/directions for reform;
  • Academic autonomy: challenges/directions for reform;
  • Personnel autonomy: challenges/directions for reform.

March 3-9, 2019

The Head of Department of strategic development Mulikova S.A. took part in work of the seminar which held within the work on the "Transition to University Autonomy of TRUNAK" project at the Technological university Lublin (Lublin, Poland). The seminar was a logical continuation of master classes aimed at developing a model of university autonomy in the conditions of Kazakhstan.

May 15-16, 2019

Based on Atyrau State University. H. Dosmukhamedova in the framework of the project "Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan" (TRUNAK) held a seminar on the development of a basic model of autonomy.

The seminars presented the results of work package

2. Development, proposals to expand on 4 types of autonomy, which were discussed at seminars in Slovenia, Poland, Sweden and mechanisms for introducing autonomy in universities of European partners.

Kazakhstan partners together with the Ministry of Health, European partners, the Association of European Universities during the course of the seminar developed the basic principles for building a basic model of university autonomy, and further steps.

May 25, 2019

At the meeting of the Academic Council of KEU, the presentation of the results of the work within the framework of the ERASMUS + project “Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan TRUNAK” was held, where the heads of departments, structural divisions of KEU were presented the main findings and recommendations developed by the working group of the ERASMUS + project “Transition to university autonomy in Kazakhstan TRUNAK” during seminars at the Lublin University of Technology, the University of Ljubljana, the University of Lund. During the discussion, to disseminate the results of the project among the academic environment, it was decided to hold a conference on the problems of university autonomy.

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