The topic of the international seminar "Day of Spiritual Accord - the foundation of stability"

The topic of the international seminar

"Day of Spiritual Accord - the foundation of stability"

Date of the event: October 15, 2021

Starts at 14:00

Identifier: 474 583 84 53

Access code: 2020

Moderator: PhD Dr. Tutinova Nurgul Erkanatovna


  1. Speaker: Bilal Ahmad Malik (Master Bilal Ahmad Malik) Master of Philosophy

Doctor of Science, University of Kashmir, State of India. The topic of the report is "Religion Contributing to Harmone: Interfaith Dialogue Approach".

  1. Speaker: Lawyer, PhD Dr. Saparov Bakhytzhan Zholdybayevich, Abai

Director of the Administrative Department of KazNPU named after Topic of the report; "Secularism as the basis of constitutional construction".

  1. Kusherbayeva Inkar - Master's degree in S-21-1k NP, "Spiritual harmony"

a sign of stability. "

The working languages ​​of the international seminar are Kazakh and Englis

The Olympiad “Multilingual graduate”

The Olympiad “Multilingual graduate”

Russian and Foreign Languages Department of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz invites 11th grade students to participate in the online Olympiad in Kazakh, English, Russian "Multilingual graduate", which will be held on October 29, 2021 at 10.00. Conference ID: 7387321035; password:2020.
An online seminar will be held for teachers of schools in Karaganda: "Modern trends and approaches in teaching foreign languages to multi-level groups of students." The participation of listeners is free of charge. Moderator: Professor, PhD Aubakirova G.T. Conference ID: 7348585831; password:1958.

The Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies, from October 11 to October 21, 2021, is conducting a decade of the faculty.

Dear teachers and students !!!

The Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies, from October 11 to October 21, 2021, is conducting a decade of the faculty.

The purpose of the decade: creating conditions for the development of individual intellectual, scientific, creative abilities of students at the university to improve the quality of education at the university.


(October 11-21, 2021)



Event name


Academic group



Quest-game for freshmen "I am a student of FFLCT!"


1 сourse



Round table NIRS on the topic "30 years of independence of Kazakhstan: achievements and stages of development"




Password: 2020

1-4 courses



Intellectual game "Brain-ring"


1-4 courses



Open competition "Tiktok videos" on the topic "My future profession" for 11th grade schoolchildren of the Karaganda region

Instagram - faculty account fflct.karuk

Students of secondary school in Karaganda



Meeting with successful graduates of the faculty of FLICT


Identifier:  7137165557

Password: 2020

1-4 courses



 Flashmob "For a healthy lifestyle!"

Hall on the 1st floor

1-2 courses



Conducting an event in the hostel on the theme "No drugs!"

social behavior



1-3 courses



Creative project - intellectual game "Mathematical battle"

social behavior


 е № 3

1-3 courses



Event in the direction of "Sports among youth" on the implementation of the message of the President of the country Tokayev KK "People's unity and systemic reforms - a solid foundation for the country's prosperity"

social behavior


 № 4

2-4 courses



Closing ceremony of the decade of the Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies


Identifier:  2290830927

Password:  2020

1-4 courses

Project on the formation of financial literacy


The Department for Youth Policy of the Karaganda region is launching a project on the formation of financial literacy among young people.

The aim of the project is to increase the financial literacy of young people, develop basic financial management skills.

During the training, participants:

- develop budget planning skills and a set of competencies that form the basis for reasonable financial decision-making;

- create a culture of saving;

- they will increase the skills of capital multiplication;

- they will create a club of young financiers

As well as in the process of training, the project participants will receive training from experienced experts and specialists in the world of finance in such areas as IPO, housing programs, business, financial strategies, banking, etc.

Acceptance of applications: until September 24, 2021

For more information, you can find out by phone number or write to whatsapp/telegram:8 776 5 444 666



А project to train university and college students in entrepreneurial skills

The Department for Youth Policy of the Karaganda region is launching a project to train university and college students in entrepreneurial skills.
The purpose of this project is to promote entrepreneurship among students.
During the training, participants will be able to:
- develop basic entrepreneurial skills;
- get support for your business ideas;
- to raise awareness of state support measures for the development of youth entrepreneurship;
The training will be conducted by experts and specialists in the field of business and entrepreneurship.
Also, the project participants will have the opportunity to participate in the contest of the best business ideas with a total prize fund of 2,000,000 tenge!
Acceptance of applications: until September 10
Format: online
For more information, you can find out by phone number or write to whatsapp/telegram: 8775 357 26 96

Конкурс на присуждение вакантного образовательного гранта

Карагандинский университет Казпотребсоюза объявляет о проведении конкурса на присуждение вакантного образовательного гранта МОН РК по группе образовательных программ М078 «Право» (2 год обучения), высвободившегося в процессе получения послевузовского образования (уровень магистратура).

Список претендентов на вакантный образовательный грант в магистратуре по результатам зимней и летней экзаменационной сессии 2020-2021 учебного года

ФИО магистранта




Маханов Бауыржан Аманкелдіұлы

М078 Право

7М04201 «Юриспруденция»


Тусупова Назерке Улангалиевна

М078 Право

7М04201 «Юриспруденция»



The Faculty of Business, right and nechnology announces a competition for the award of a vacant educational grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the group of educational programs of higher education B076 - Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry), year of admission to the university is 2019, the language of instruction is russian.
Students applying for a vacant educational grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan must submit the following documents to the dean's office by 05.08. 2021:

1) application for participation in the competition (before 30.07. 2021)
2) a copy of the identity card
3) transcript
4) characteristic
5) dean's letter of recommendation


Dean's office of FBRiT

The school of a young government employee of the city of Karaganda opens a set!

The school of a young government employee is the first step towards achieving the goal. At school you have the opportunity not only to try yourself as a government employee, but also to undergo training in personal development and get acquainted with leaders from all over the field.

Applications will be accepted online from 04.06.2021 to 24.06.2021.

Students of 3-4 courses, undergraduates and graduates of universities of Karaganda region under the age of 29 are invited to participate.

You can apply by clicking on the link

Learn more about school at:

8 (778) – 152 – 69 – 28 (WhatsApp)

8 (707) – 262 – 37 – 53 (Telegram)

As well as by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

See you at school!


До встречи в школе!




Meeting with representatives of Nurbank JSC and SB Sberbank JSC

Meeting with representatives of Nurbank JSC and SB Sberbank JSC

Dear students, we invite you to take part in meetings with representatives of Nurbank JSC and SB Sberbank JSC on employment in these financial institutions.The meetings will take place on 01 and 02 April 2021 at 15:00 at the ZOOM site: 01 April 2021 year JSC "Nurbank" Conference identifier: 750 097 1617Access code: 12345   02 April 2021 year SB Sberbank JSC Conference identifier: 772 186 2443Access code: 2020


А round table on the topic: "Contribution of Academician Salyk Zimanov to the social and political life of the country", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician S. Z. Zimanov.

The Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Relations holds a round table on the topic: "Contribution of Academician Salyk Zimanov to the social and political life of the country", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician S. Z. Zimanov.

The round table is held in the online forman on the ZOOM platform.
The date of the event is March 31, 2021, the time of the event is 16.00 hours.
Conference ID: 2031995178 Access code 9JFE4E

We invite everyone to take part in this event.

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ