


Подача заявления на Комплексное тестирование (КТ) через ИС НЦТ https://app.testcenter.kzдо 18 ноября 2022 г.

Сдача КТ в пунктах НЦТ – 19 ноября – 11 декабря 2022 г.

Подача пакета документов в приемную комиссию Университета и зачисление – до 10 января 2023 г.

Подробная информация по условиям поступления в магистратуру:

-консультации онлайн на платформе ZOOM ежедневно с 14.00 до 18.00 часов


Идентификатор конференции: 323 993 2954 Код доступа: 2022

-социальная сеть Instagram official_karuk

-E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Приемная комиссия Карагандинского университета Казпотребсоюза

Наш адрес: 100009, г. Караганда, ул. Академическая,9 (1 этаж, 106 кабинет)

Телефоны: +7 7212 44-15-72

Call-center:  +7 7212 50-21-24

Время работы: 9.00-18.00 (выходной- суббота, воскресенье)

Round table on the topic "Youth in science: problems and prospects of development

On November 2, 2022, a round table on the topic "Youth in science: problems and prospects of development" will be held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The round table is held under the auspices of the Council of Young Scientists of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in the light of the implementation of the Concept of Science Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026.
The purpose of the round table is to discuss the problems of the development of youth science in new conditions.
The objectives of the round table:
- attracting students and young scientists to expand scientific ties and develop creative potential;
-expansion and deepening of links between scientific and research
activities, business and government agencies;
- coverage of issues of support of scientific research of young scientists;
- popularization of scientific activities of young people.
The round table will be attended by young scientists: Nazarbayev University, Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G.Daukeev, Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B.Beisenov, E.A. Buketov KarSU, A. Saginov Map, Bolashaq Academy.



October 20, 2022 in room 289
a round table will be held on the topic: «Problems of ensuring the rule of law and the quality of the administration of justice in the light of the implementation of the Law and Order reform», dedicated to the celebration of Republic Day with the participation of representatives of the Karaganda Regional Court,
Specialized inter-district economic court of Karaganda region, Specialized inter-district court for administrative offenses of the city of Karaganda, Administration of akim of Karaganda region and the scientific community.
Everyone is welcome!

Calendar of events of the Dostyk Coworking center

Calendar of events of the Dostyk Coworking center

In order to systematically involve students, undergraduates, and doctoral students in research activities through educational and organizational support for the creation and incubation of youth innovation projects, the formation of competencies that allow combining research, project and entrepreneurial activities, a Calendar of events of the Dostyk Coworking center for the development of entrepreneurial skills among students for the 1st semester of the 2022-2023 academic year has been developed. We will inform you about the specific dates of the events through the responsible for the research work of students.

Start of training sessions

Start of training sessions

Dear students, undergraduates, doctoral students! Congratulations to everyone on the start of the new school year! Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz invites you to a solemn event dedicated to the start of the new academic year 2022-2023, which will be held on September 1 at 10.00 at the address: Karaganda, st. Akademicheskaya, 9 We are waiting for you!!!!

On May 30-31, 2022, within the framework of the implementation of the international project Erasmus+ "MIETC", the presentation of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship" will take place at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

"Technological Entrepreneurship"




On May 30-31, 2022, within the framework of the implementation of the international project Erasmus+ "MIETC", the presentation of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship" will take place at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

The international interdisciplinary Master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship" is unique in the symbiosis of technical and economic components and sustainable cooperation between university and business community.

The event will be supported and participated by partners from Kazakhstan (KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz, EKTU named after D. Serikbayev), Spain (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, AYeconomics research centre S.L., USC), Italy (University of Naples Federico II), Slovenia (University of Ljubljana), Tajikistan (Technological University of Tajikistan, Tajik State University of Commerce, Technopark FANOVAR) and Turkmenistan (Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Turkmen State Institute of Finance).

The Erasmus+ project "Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for transition Countries" (MIETC) aims to strengthen the academic potential of higher education institutions in Central Asia (Universities) in the field of industrial entrepreneurship and establishing sustainable cooperation among universities and the labor market.

The aim of the event: The establishment of sustainable cooperation among enterprises, management organizations and Universities in the region regarding the training of specialists in the management of industrial entrepreneurship and their demand. Informing individuals, groups and organizations about the opening of a new master's program.

The implementation of this program is important for the economy of Kazakhstan as it will allow producing highly qualified specialists in the field of industrial entrepreneurship, corresponding to the needs of the labor market.

The structure of the event:

May 30: Meeting of contact groups to identify areas and options for collaboration (Academic str., 9, Karaganda, room 104, 10.00 a.m.)

May 31: International scientific and practical conference "Prospects and opportunities of modern economy in the conditions of integration of science, education and business". (Academic str., 9, Karaganda, room 104, 10.00 a.m.).

Teachers of higher educational institutions, representatives of the scientific and professional community, civil servants, and employees of the financial and economic sphere, entrepreneurs, students, undergraduates and doctoral students are invited to participate.

Stakeholders of the event: public authorities, industrial enterprises and organizations, companies, universities.

Institutional support and the interest of the regional Government in the implementation of the project are crucial. The participation of the entire institutional environment of the region in the event will be an important contribution that will help organize the effective work of knowledge sharing between universities and business, which is the key to establishing lasting cooperation.

Project Coordinator - Oxana Bezler,

+7 701 677 3576, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ales Galich from April 25 to April 29, 2022

A course of lectures on theme International Commercial Arbitration - Principles and Modern Trends will be read by Professor, Doctor of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) Ales Galich from April 25 to April 29, 2022 for students, undergraduates, doctoral students and faculty staff of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The University of Ljubljana is the country's oldest university with over 37,000 students in 23 faculties and 3 art academies.

Job Fair-2022

April 22, 2022 at 14.00 in the cafe "Millennium" The city "Job Fair-2022" will be held. Representatives of organizations and companies that need qualified personnel are invited. During the meeting, graduates and students will have the opportunity to pass an express interview and find a promising and interesting job.

The actions of the population at the signal «Attention please!»

The actions of the population at the signal «Attention please!»

Every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan should know and follow the procedure for the signal «Attention please!» transmitted by means of sirens or other signaling means, launched to attract the attention of the population in in case of a threat or emergency.
Having heard the signal «Attention please!», the population is obliged to turn on TVs, radios and other means of receiving information, carefully listen to the transmitted information and comply with the requirements step by step. The information transmitted can be of various nature: about the accident of a chemically dangerous object or railway transport, about the threat of chemical, radioactive contamination, about natural disasters, about the possible air danger and other emergencies threatening the life and health of people, as well as about the actions of the population in these emergencies.
The text of voice information will be transmitted in Kazakh and Russian languages. In places where due to the distance there is no sound of sirens and no loudspeakers of central radio broadcasting, the signal «Attention please!» and voice information will be transmitted by special cars equipped with a signal-speaker. Inform relatives, friends, neighbors - they may not have heard the information being transmitted. Stop any public panic and spreading of rumors immediately.

Chief of Civil Defense Staff N. Alimkulov


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