
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates Tasbulatova Balsula Kuvandykovna


with the award of the degree of doctor (PhD) in the specialty 6D050700-Management.

We wish you health, happiness, prosperity and creative victories.


Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates Ayaganova Meiramgul Pazylovna


with the award of the degree of doctor (PhD) in the specialty 6D050700-Management.

We wish you health, happiness, prosperity and creative victories.



Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates Salauatova Dinara Muslimovna


with the award of the degree of doctor (PhD) in the specialty 6D050600-Economics.

We wish you health, happiness, prosperity and creative victories.


Advertisement!!!In order to systematically involve students, undergraduates, and doctoral students in research activities through educational and organizational support for the creation and incubation of youth innovation projects, the formation of competencies that allow combining research, project and entrepreneurial activities, a Calendar of events of the Dostyk Coworking center for the development of entrepreneurial skills among students for the 2nd semester of the 2020-2021 academic year has been developed. We will inform you about the specific dates of the events through the responsible for the research work of students.


In the competition for the award of vacant educational grants of the MES group of educational programs of higher education В076 – Standardization, certification and Metrology (by industries) have taken part student of group s-19-1K Ospanova Alua Eralikyzy received in 2019 on a paid basis at educational program 6В07502 "Standardization, certification and Metrology (on branches)".
The Academic Council of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (Protocol No. 4 of December 29, 2020) adopted a decision:
To apply to the MES on the transfer of the student group s-19-1K Ospanova Alua Erality for vacant educational grant of the MES group of educational programs of higher education В076 – Standardization, certification and Metrology (on branches).


In the competition for the award of vacant educational grants of the MES group of educational programs of higher education В093 - Restaurant business and hotel business participated, students in 2019 on the basis of post-secondary education on a paid basis at educational program "Restaurant business and hotel business»:
1. Askerov Arystan Askarovich, student group RD-19-4C, GPA is 2.7.
2. Valiakhmetov Azat nurievich, student group RD-19-4C, GPA - 2.77.
3. Mazhitova Madina Sakenkyzy, student group RD-19-4C, GPA - 3.35.
The Academic Council of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (Protocol No. 4 of December 29, 2020) adopted a decision:
To apply to the MES on the transfer of the student group RD-19-4C Mazhitova Madina Sakenkyzy for vacant educational grant of the MES group of educational programs of higher education В093 - Restaurant business and hotel business


The Republic of Kazakhstan asserts itself as a state governed by the rule of law, the most important institution of which is a strong and independent judiciary that protects the inviolability of the law and constitutional human rights and freedoms.
On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on the judicial system and the status of judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the NGO "Union of judges" together with our University is holding a legal regional sports contest among students of law faculties of universities in Karaganda.
The sports contest will be held on the basis of the Karaganda economic University on December 25, 2020 at 15.00 local time. The sports contest is held in an on-lain format.
We wish good luck to all the teams that have been announced for participation!
Let the strongest win!

"Job fair-2020" continues!

Youth practice is organized for graduates of educational organizations in order for graduates to get initial work experience in their profession (specialty).
An employer is most often interested in hiring an employee with work experience. In this case, the state comes to the aid of yesterday's graduates by implementing the programs "with a diploma in the village", "Youth practice "and"Youth personnel reserve".

In other words, this is a great opportunity to find a job right after graduation!

How do I do this? Where can I find such a job? How long does Youth practice last? How much will I get at this time? Many, many questions may arise from our graduate students.
These and other questions can be answered by the director of the KSU "employment center of the akimat of Karaganda" Syzdykov Nurzhan Khamitovich and the head of the Employer Support Department Asem Zhakanova.

We will meet tomorrow, November 19 at 16:00h on the ZOOM platform.
The conference ID: 298 060 2273
Access code: 112233.

Be sure to come! Add to your knowledge of various job opportunities in the summer of 2021!


Congratulations to the students of OP «Ecology» of the Department of ecology and assessment , Amantay Ayymbek and Tursynbayeva Lyazzat on receiving a grant for training from the KAZENERGY Association!
Please accept our sincere congratulations from the faculty of the Department of ecology and assessment. We wish you to become excellent specialists not only in the field of your profession, but also in the field of success, well-being and prosperity.

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