The topic of the international seminar "Day of Spiritual Accord - the foundation of stability"

The topic of the international seminar

"Day of Spiritual Accord - the foundation of stability"

Date of the event: October 15, 2021

Starts at 14:00

Identifier: 474 583 84 53

Access code: 2020

Moderator: PhD Dr. Tutinova Nurgul Erkanatovna


  1. Speaker: Bilal Ahmad Malik (Master Bilal Ahmad Malik) Master of Philosophy

Doctor of Science, University of Kashmir, State of India. The topic of the report is "Religion Contributing to Harmone: Interfaith Dialogue Approach".

  1. Speaker: Lawyer, PhD Dr. Saparov Bakhytzhan Zholdybayevich, Abai

Director of the Administrative Department of KazNPU named after Topic of the report; "Secularism as the basis of constitutional construction".

  1. Kusherbayeva Inkar - Master's degree in S-21-1k NP, "Spiritual harmony"

a sign of stability. "

The working languages ​​of the international seminar are Kazakh and Englis

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