Meeting with graduates of the Karaganda Higher Polytechnic College

Meeting with graduates of the Karaganda Higher Polytechnic CollegeOn May 4, as part of career guidance, a meeting was held with graduates of the Karaganda Higher Polytechnic College. The following made a presentation:
1. Vice-Rector for Digital Technologies, Doctor of Technical Science - Ten Tatyana Leonidovna
2. Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Strategic and Innovative Development, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economics - Nakipova Gulmira Ermekovnaa
3. Dean of FFLCT, Ph.D., Associate Professor Gulzira Salmagambetovna.
At the online meeting, the main aspects of passing exams when entering the budget were considered, as well as on a paid basis. The following questions of interest to students are covered: does the university provide discounts on tuition? If the opportunity to transfer from paid to free training? Does the university provide a non-urban hostel?

Training "Life with meaning on the way to yourself»

Training "Life with meaning on the way to yourself»

From April 13 to 20, the Center for Youth Initiatives for University students organized an online training on the topic "Life with meaning on the way to yourself" with the invitation of a professional psychologist of the Youth Resource Center of the Karaganda region Kopbaeva Zh.
The training is aimed at developing students ' ability to self-reflect and promote awareness of their life goals, the formation of an active life position and the development of the desire to realize personal potential.
The training was held in the format of a conversation with the implementation of psychological exercises, and students were also given answers to their questions "How to find yourself?", "How not to burn out and cope with panic attacks?", "How to live without social networks?", "How not to lose heart during quarantine?", "When I don't know what I want?", etc.

May 1 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan

May 1 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan

On April 22, 2021, the Center for Youth Initiatives held a round table "May 1 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan"in an online format.
The Vice-Rector for Social Affairs of the University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abilov K. Zh., addressed the participants of the round table with a welcoming speech.
"Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional country. In it, representatives of about one hundred and forty ethnic groups live in peace and harmony. The peoples of Kazakhstan live peacefully, in mutual understanding and respect for the culture, traditions, and customs of all ethnic groups that work on this land. The holiday of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan is designed to strengthen ties, make a more open dialogue between representatives of different ethnic groups, and demonstrate the achievements of the cultural dialogue of ethnic groups living in the country. For many years of its existence, the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan has acquired well-established traditions and order of celebration – " he said.
Expert of the department of scientific and expert support and methodological support of the KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" A. A. Dyusekeeva told the audience about the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, about the contribution of ethno-cultural associations of the Karaganda region to strengthening friendship, peace and harmony in our common home.
The round table discussed the reports of Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department "Kazakh language and Culture of Kazakhstan" Topashov M. A., university students, on the history of the holiday, its significance for Kazakhstan, the problems of the formation of Kazakhstan's identity and unity, the nation of a single future.

KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz in the World Ranking

KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz in the World Ranking

On April 21, 2021, Times Higher Education published a comprehensive assessment of the impact of universities around the world - THE Impact Rankings 2021.
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took part in this authoritative rating and entered the top 801+ along with 7 other national and leading universities in Kazakhstan. In the implementation of individual goals, the positions of our university are even more outstanding and reach the level of 301+.
The Impact Rankings is one of the leaders in the field of assessing the quality of universities performance. The purpose of the ranking is to analyze the impact of the higher education on the development of society and the achievement of the United Nations’ goals in the field of sustainable development. The ranking helps universities to find their place in the international market and to correspond to their missions. For applicants, this rating shows which universities today correspond to their aspirations, the maximum realization of abilities and life values. The ranking also helps higher education institutions to spread transformational teaching, research and innovation.
We congratulate the students, graduates and teaching staff of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with a worthy victory!
This is the result of the activities of the entire team, aimed at success, achieving high results in the training of highly qualified personnel according to popular programs and the development of the region.


Round table was held on the topic "Ulylar Undestigi"

Round table was held on the topic "Ulylar Undestigi"

Within the framework of the "Rukhani Zhagyru" program dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great poet Zhambyl Zhabayev, the 110th anniversary of the birth of akyn Kasym Amanzholov, the 90th anniversary of the birth of the famous akyn Mukagali Makatayev on April 16, the department of the Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan on the platform Zoom, a round table was held on the topic "Ulylar Undestigi". The event was attended by 1-2 year students and teachers of the department. During the round table, students shared their thoughts on the life and work of Zh.Zhabayev, K. Amanzholov, M. Makatayev, and also expressed a meaningful opinion about them. During the event, poems of poets were read, in general, the round table was held at the proper level.

Youth practice: conditions, opportunities, experience.

Youth practice: conditions, opportunities, experience.

On April 14, 2021 year, the Resource Center organized an online meeting within the framework of the Job Fair with the director of the KSU "Employment Center of the Akimat of Karaganda City". Students and undergraduates of graduate courses were invited to the meeting, the purpose of which was to inform about the implementation of the "Youth Practice" program.
Youth practice is organized for graduates of educational organizations in order to obtain initial work experience in the profession (specialty) received. Unemployed people under the age of 29 are sent to youth practice for 3 years after completing their studies. The duration of the youth practice is up to 6 months. The amount of the subsidy per month is 25 MCI. Labor is paid monthly.
The representative of the state institution Nurzhan Khamitovich Syzdykov answered all questions regarding the stages in state support for further employment after the end of the internship. This information is especially relevant for students completing their studies on a state educational order.
For all questions, graduates can contact the Employment Center by phone +7 775 644 3580, +7 7212 996394, as well as the Resource Center of the University (room 107, phone +7 7212 441568).

"Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan

"Ruhani zhangyru" - new philosophy of Kazakhstan

On April 14, 2021, the round table "Rukhani zhangyru" - a new philosophy of Kazakhstan: Equestrian culture” was held in the online format at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The round table was organized by the Department of "Social Work and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" and was held within the framework of the implementation of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru" and of the contractual theme "Equestrian culture".
Moderator-Candidate of philosophical sciences, Professor Klishina M. V. outlined the purpose and objectives of the round table. The vice-rector for Social Affairs of the University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abilov K. Zh. and the Head of the Department of scientific and expert support and methodological provision of the KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" of the office of the Akim of the Karaganda region Malaev D. B. greeted the participants of the conference.
Students' reports that are relevant in the framework of research activities, the development of creative potential, the formation of a worldview, a culture of thinking and the modernization of the public consciousness of students were discussed:
1. Native land. The beauty of nature in Kazakhstan: aesthetic, utilitarian, and ecological aspects. (Kireyeva Sofya. gr. RD-19-2).
2. Life and culture of nomads. (Angelina Yakovleva. gr. RD-19-3)
3. Life and culture of the nomads of Kazakhstan. (Aikobenova Diana. gr. RD-19-2).
4. Horse breeding in Kazakhstan: history and modernity, horse breeding plants. Kristina Ignatenko (gr. RD-19-2).
5. Horse riding-hedonic and medical aspects. (The cooper Christina. gr. ME-19-2).
6. Equestrian tourism. (Kolbaeva Asema. gr. RD-19-2)
7. Opportunities for equestrian tourism in Kazakhstan. (Galiakhmetova Ralin. gr. ME-19-2).
The results of the round table were summed up by the head of the Department "Social Work and the APK", Candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor M. K. Abdakimova.



The job fair is in full swing!

The job fair is in full swing! Production, services, sales, construction, consulting, high technology.... Where do you see yourself after graduation?
Our already traditional Job Fair will help you choose the field and place of further activity, taking into account your abilities and interests.
On April 14, 2021, the Resource Center organized an online meeting within the framework of the Job Fair with the KSU "Employment Center of the Akimat of the city of Karaganda". The meeting was attended by companies participating in the state program "Youth Practice" and "With a diploma to the village": Rem Stroy Portal LLP, Vershina K2 LLP, Fair Light of the Milky Way LLP, Mikomp LLP, Leader AT LLP, Kraftmetiz LLP, Intur LLP.

Meeting with representatives of the State Institution «Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda region»

Meeting with representatives of the State Institution «Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda region»

On April 13, 2021 year, the Resource Center of the «Karaganda university of Kazpotrebsoyuz» organized a meeting of graduates with the State Institution «Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda region».
The Agency is a law enforcement body that is responsible for the formation and implementation of the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and coordination in the field of combating corruption, as well as the identification, suppression, disclosure and investigation of corruption offenses.
The representative of the state institution Oral Indira explained about the procedure for admission to the administrative and law enforcement service. The invitation of the graduates of the «Karaganda university of Kazpotrebsoyuz» to pass testing for admission to the civil service was also announced.
If you have any questions about writing a resume, preparing for an interview with this or other companies, please contact the Resource Center (room 107). Phone +7 (7212) 44 15 68.

Employees of the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Research took part in the Nobel Festival " Inventing the Future»

Employees of the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Research took part in the Nobel Festival " Inventing the Future»

The "Foundation for Inclusive Development" with the support of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" in the period from 7 to 9 April 2021 organized and held the Second Nobel Festival under the auspices of "Inventing the Future" (Central Asia Nobel Fest), which was held in the format of an online conference.

Within the framework of this Festival, a scientific and educational discussion platform for Central Asia was formed with the participation of outstanding scientists and Nobel Prize laureates, dedicated to the development of technologies and innovations in three main areas:

1) The Industry of the Future,

2) The Economy of Opportunity,

3) Educational Trends.

The Second Nobel Festival was attended by the leaders of the international organizations UNESCO, OECD, UNICEF, representatives of the largest companies Google, Twitter, Ford Motor, Bloom Energy, as well as outstanding world scientists and experts.

According to the Program of the Second Nobel Festival, it was attended by employees of the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz: head of the laboratory, Doctor of Economics, Professor  Sikhimbayev M.R. Doctor of Economics, Professor  Sikhimbayevа D.R. head of the laboratory, c.t.s., Bashirov A.V., senior researcher of the Research Institute of ELS, c.l.s., docent B. U. Seitkhozhin, c.l.s., docent A.Kh. Fetkulov and junior researcher of the Research Institute of ELS T.N. Pupysheva, who listened to the full course of three-day speeches and received certificates of participants.

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