Online conference "Philosophy of education: modernization and digitalization of education»

Online conference "Philosophy of education: modernization and digitalization of education»

On March 31, 2021, the online conference "Philosophy of Education: Modernization and digitalization of education", organized by the Department of "Social Work and APK", was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The reports that are important both in the framework of students ' research activities and in the framework of the formation of the worldview, culture of thinking and modernization of the public consciousness of students were discussed, including : "Computerization and digitalization in Kazakhstan" (Ilyin P., IS-19-2), "Clip thinking" (Rishkus V., IS-19-2), "Digital Kazakhstan: digitalization is not the goal, but the means" (Baskakova A., Log-19-2), "Educational web quests" (Naboka D., IS-19-2), "Philosophy of Education" (Rakhimgulov I.,PIM-19-1), "Kahoot! A platform for an automated form of knowledge control" (Fathullina R., Logistics
19-2), etc.
The round table was held within the framework of the activities of the socio-political council and the initiative topic "Philosophical analysis of the theory and practice of modern education" under the leadership of Klishina M. V. with the direct participation of the scientific expert group of the KSU "Public consent" Dyusekeeva A. A., who emphasized the high level of discussion of topical issues of modernization and digitalization of education, the complexity of public perception of the conditions of digitalization, the pros and cons of digitalization of education.
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz has always been and remains the flagship of higher education in the region and the republic, one of the first in the country to take a course on the digitalization of education.

Scientific seminar " Preparation of students for participation in Olympiads»

Scientific seminar " Preparation of students for participation in Olympiads»

On March 26 2021, the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz organized a scientific seminar on the topic: "Preparing students to participate in the Olympiads" in the Zoom platform, the speaker was – master, teacher Akhmetov Askhat Sezbekovich.
Askhat told general information about the Olympiads, explained the features of the Competition, the necessary actions and stages of preparation for the Olympiad.
The meeting was useful and exciting. Students were able to hear useful information about the Olympiads, the features of the Competition, recommendations and educational resources for successful preparation for the Olympiad.
The event was attended by teachers and students.

Round table «Political Modernization»

Round table «Political Modernization»On March 29, 2021, the Department of «Social Work and the APK» held a round table «Political Modernization», the relevance of which is due to the fact that the topic of modernization, that is, building a modern society and full integration of Kazakhstan into the global world, today has become a core issue of the socio - economic and political life of our country. The presentations of the participants of the round table-teachers of the Social Work and the APK department, students of the educational programs «Social Work», «Fundamentals of Law and Economics» were devoted to revealing the essence and types of political modernization, highlighting the concepts of political modernization in Kazakhstan, analyzing the features of political modernization in Kazakhstan. Summing up the results of the round table, moderator Ph. D., Associate Professor Seifullina G. R. She noted that in the context of the development of a multi-ethnic society, without taking into account the dichotomous connection of universal, national values and political modernization, it is impossible to successfully solve the issue of effective innovative transformation of society and the state in the context of ensuring its political stability.

What we know about Nauryz?

What we know about Nauryz?

Within the framework of pedagogical practice of 2020-2021 Masters students MN-11 NP represented by students A. Znamenok and K. Zudochkin conducted curatorial hour in honor of the past national holiday "Nauryz" under the guidance of the supervisor of research candidate of economic sciences, Professor A.A. Legostaeva.
The group MN-18-2 was chosen for the curatorial hour, the curator of the group is Bakhytzhan Erikovich Blyalov. Subjects of the curatorial hour were chosen according to the curriculum.
The curatorial hour consisted of two stages. In the first one Magistrates had covered the information about the history of Nauryz and traditional aspects of the holiday. The peculiarities of celebrating of the holiday in other Asian and Muslim countries were highlighted.

The second stage was a game, which was aimed at consolidation of the presentation material. Students showed interest and actively participated in the discussion and answering questions.

In their curatorial hour Magistrates reflected all the essence and importance of the main national holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students of MN-18-2 group were able to learn new information which helped them to know more about the holiday and how Nauryz is celebrated in other countries. This internship allows the students to show their knowledge and be creative in preparing and presenting the material.



Republican student subject Olympiad on the educational program " Logistics»

Republican student subject Olympiad on the educational program " Logistics»

On March 25, 2021, the" Kazakhstan Academy of Labor and Social Relations "in Almaty hosted the XIII Republican Student Subject Olympiad on the educational program" Logistics "in the discipline»Transport logistics".
The purpose of the Olympiad is to develop the activity and creative abilities of students, increase interest in professional training, provide opportunities for self-expression, and promote the achievement of an optimal level of educational results and conditions for achieving them.
According to the results of the Olympiad, Anastasia Zubova, a student of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz of the Log-18-2 group, took the 3rd place under the guidance of S. K. Mazhitova and O. A. Privalova. Students of the Log-18-2 group Anikina Alina and Islam Aida, as well as students of the Log-18-1 k group Saparbek Alidar and Alemkhan Temirali received a certificate for participation.
We welcome and are proud of our students!

The actions of the population at the signal «Attention please!»

Every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan should know and follow the procedure for the signal «Attention please!» transmitted by means of sirens or other signaling means, launched to attract the attention of the population in in case of a threat or emergency.
Having heard the signal «Attention please!», the population is obliged to turn on TVs, radios and other means of receiving information, carefully listen to the transmitted information and comply with the requirements step by step. The information transmitted can be of various nature: about the accident of a chemically dangerous object or railway transport, about the threat of chemical, radioactive contamination, about natural disasters, about the possible air danger and other emergencies threatening the life and health of people, as well as about the actions of the population in these emergencies.
The text of voice information will be transmitted in Kazakh and Russian languages. In places where due to the distance there is no sound of sirens and no loudspeakers of central radio broadcasting, the signal «Attention please!» and voice information will be transmitted by special cars equipped with a signal-speaker. Inform relatives, friends, neighbors - they may not have heard the information being transmitted. Stop any public panic and spreading of rumors immediately.

Chief of Civil Defense Staff N. Alimkulov


Congratulations to the participants of the debate club "Birlik"!

Congratulations to the participants of the debate club "Birlik"!

On March 20-21, 2021, the debate club "Birlik" took part in the republican debate tournament" Sapaly bilim – Sanaly Urpak " at the Karaganda Technical University.
According to the results of the tournament were awarded with diplomas and cash certificates our students:
diploma of 1 degree – fraction "MS y" Kudaibergenov Ayan (gr.LOG 19-1k), Zhakhsylykova Diana (gr.IE-19-1k)
diploma of 2nd degree – fraction "From" Kamen Mirbek (gr.Y-41к)
"The best speaker" of Amankeldi Madiyar (gr.F-41к)
Congratulations to the winners!

Congratulations to the debate club "Ulagat" with the 1st place!

Congratulations to the debate club "Ulagat" with the 1st place!

The debate club of the University "Ulagat" (Russian league) took the honorable 1st place among 15 teams in the student regional debate tournament "Bolashak Zhastary", dedicated to the formation of a specialist of the new Kazakhstan within the framework of the "Rukhani Zhangyru"program. The team was represented by students of 1 course Ponomarev Igor (gr. F-20-2 ), Yana Petrova (gr. Log-20-2), Rustem Shakenov (Y-20-6s), Bislinger Amalia (gr. IR-20-2).
According to the results of the tournament were awarded the trophy and diploma 1st place, as well as the award for "Best speaker" was awarded Shakenov Rustem.
Congratulations to the winners!




The chair of Russian and Foreign languages held an intellectual project "Experts of languages" among school – graduates of 11 grade city schools of Karaganda. Ten schools took part in this project. The projects were presented in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. The participants were awarded with diplomas.
Diploma of the II degree – Ospanova Dayana school-lyceum №53
Diploma of the III degree – Slamgalieva Lyazzat Secondary school №12, Bekmamatova Elnura Secondary school №27

We thank all the pupils for active participation!

Master class "How to make money in real estate?»

Master class "How to make money in real estate?»On March 17, 2021, according to the Calendar of events of the TBI "Dostyk Coworking Center "for the development of entrepreneurial skills among students, Director of the company " Karaganda Mortgage Center " K. A. Dzhambulov held a master class on the ZOOM platform on the topic" How to make money in real estate?".
This master class helped the participants to learn:
- How to quickly and easily occupy a profitable niche in the real estate market;
- How to earn from 500,000 tenge per transaction without attracting your own funds and loans;
- What legal documents will protect your business from all sides;
- Why a beginner can earn more than an experienced realtor;
- Which objects bring from 700,000 tenge and above from one transaction;
The master class was very informative and exciting. Students were able to ask interesting questions, share their knowledge, and, of course, get new ones.

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