KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz entered the National rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan-2021

KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz entered the National rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan-2021On June 3, 2021, in Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, the National Rating of the Best Universities of Kazakhstan - 2021 was published, in which Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took the 2nd place among the humanitarian and economic ones! The National Institutional Ranking is a multidimensional tool and includes an assessment of universities according to 5 main components: academic activity of universities, reputation assessment of experts, employers, students, and alumni.
Among the many indicators by which the performance of universities in Kazakhstan was assessed, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took the highest position in the following sections: "Academic staff" - 1st place, "Research and innovation work" - 2nd place, "Information support" - 2nd place, "Results of Employment and Achievements of Graduates" - 2nd place among humanitarian and economic universities.
Congratulations to the staff and students of the University on the achieved successes! We wish applicants to make the right choice in accordance with their interests and requests. We create all the conditions for your high-quality and comfortable learning. And our pleasure and pride that this is confirmed by an independent assessment!

It's never too late to learn!

It's never too late to learn!The young team of Teplotranzit Karaganda LLP is actively engaged not only in their professional activities, but also seriously thinks to improve their competencies in management, analytics and other modern issues of economics and law through training in educational programs of the magistracy. A meeting with the vice-rector of our university G.E. Nakipova was held with great interest of industrial personnel and chief Department specialist O.D. Bezler on highlighting the conditions of admission and training under the programs of higher and postgraduate education.
Professional staff is the backbone of the development of the region

Valeria Rudakova – the best in the karate tournament

Valeria Rudakova – the best in the karate tournamentNur-sultan hosted the Tenth Republican inclusive tournament "Nur-Sultan Open-2021" among athletes of all ages over six years in WKF karate and para-karate. Athletes from the cities of Nur-sultan, Shymkent, Akmola, West Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Kostanay, Karaganda, Almaty, and Kyzylorda regions took part in the competition. The tournament was attended by children, young people and adults with all types of disabilities, as well as healthy athletes.
We sincerely congratulate Valeria Rudakova, a student of the MN-20-2 group, on taking the first place in the U18-U21 age category! Valeria defended the honor of the federation and our university. We wish her high results in competitions and success in her sports activities!


CONGRATULATIONS TO GISA DANA!On April 20-21, 2021, Nur-Sultan hosted the International Competition "The Best Young Scientist of the CIS-2021" among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States. This competition was attended by the best young scientists who made an invaluable contribution to the development of science and education in the entire Commonwealth of Independent States. The main purpose of this competition was to promote science and personal success of young scientists from the CIS and Europe, to form the scientific base of the III International Book Edition of the CIS countries, to inform the scientific and pedagogical community about the development of science in the CIS and Europe, to develop international cooperation for the benefit of further integration of science. Young scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Tajikistan and other countries took part in the competition.
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was presented by a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship of the educational program "International Relations" Gisa Dana Meyirlankyzy. According to the results of the competition, a student of our university was awarded a medal and a diploma of the first degree "The best young scientist of the CIS-2021!". The best scientific works of young scientists were also published in the III International Book Edition of the CIS countries.
A year before this event, Dana was also awarded the "Best Student of the CIS-2020" award.
Congratulations to Dana on her well-deserved victories! We wish you further success in all your endeavors and scientific work!

Meeting of JSC "Financial Center" with students, undergraduates and doctoral students of graduate courses of students under the state educational order.

Meeting of JSC "Financial Center" with students, undergraduates and doctoral students of graduate courses of students under the state educational order.

On April 28, 2021 year, the Resource Center held an online meeting with students, undergraduates and doctoral students of graduate courses of students under the state educational order. The topic of the meeting was changes in the regulatory documents for the distribution of young specialists.
Representatives of the JSC "Financial Center" Lyazzat Abisheva and Baden Inesh explained in detail all the moments and stages of distribution, reported on the terms and situations that are exempted from working off.
During the meeting, the alumni asked topical questions about the changes made to the processes of distribution and working off the grant.
For more information, contact the Resource Center (office 107) Phone +7 (7212) 44 15 68.


Meeting with representatives of LLP «Delta M Group»

Meeting with representatives of LLP «Delta M Group»

On May 26, 2021 year, the Resource Center of the Department of Strategic Development organized a meeting at the ZOOM platform with representatives of «Delta M Group» LLP with graduate students.
The international group of companies «Delta M» has been successfully doing business in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Moldova and Belarus for more than ten years, combining Western standards with a deep understanding of the market. In 2015, the official opening of an office in Kazakhstan, Karaganda, took place.
At the moment, the company invites graduates of our university to the following positions: managers for debt collection and managers for the sale of banking products and services. Students were provided with information about learning, growth and development opportunities.
More detailed information about the company and employment in it can be obtained from the Resource Center (107 room) Phone +7 (7212) 44 15 68.


100 NEW NAMES OF TEACHERS OF KAZAKHSTANWinner of the republican contest "100 NEW NAMES OF TEACHERS OF KAZAKHSTAN" Kernebayev Aidyn Saparovich. The competition was held on the basis of the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 01-13-9/3742-I DATED 11.10.2019 in order to support teachers and teachers of our country, identify the best teachers and identify innovative ideas in the organization of the National Innovative Research Center "Bilim-orkenieti "within the framework of the project"Best Teacher"! The competition was attended by teachers of universities of the republican level, colleges and school teachers!

THE WINNER OF THE REPUBLICAN CONTEST "ALTYN KITAP-2021" ("Golden Book of Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2021") – Aidyn Saparovich Kernebayev!

THE WINNER OF THE REPUBLICAN CONTEST "ALTYN KITAP-2021" ("Golden Book of Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2021") – Aidyn Saparovich Kernebayev!The National innovative Research Center "Bilim-orkenieti" and the Republican Center for Advanced Training and Retraining of Teachers of Kazakhstan" Bilim-Orkenieti" in the field of education of our country together with the training center in support of teachers. The participants of the competition were teachers of different educational organizations of the republic. The winner was awarded the badge "Altyn tosbelgi".

Teacher of the Department "Marketing and Logistics" took 1st place in the competition of young scientists of the Commonwealth of Independent States " Best young Scientist-2021»

Teacher of the Department "Marketing and Logistics" took 1st place in the competition of young scientists of the Commonwealth of Independent States " Best young Scientist-2021»

On April 20-23, a competition was held for the publication in the third issue of the book collection of young scientists of the Commonwealth of Independent States "Best Young Scientist - 2021", organized by the International Association of Young Scientists (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan) with the support of the Association of Legal Entities in the form of the association "National Movement "Bobek".
The book includes winners of international, national and regional Olympiads, conferences, projects and speeches; leaders and activists of public youth movements, members of the national team, laureates and prize-winners of the Olympic Games, international and sports competitions. The project participants were awarded the collection "The best young scientist-2021", a special medal "The Best Young Scientist-2021" and diplomas of the I,II, III degrees. As well as an electronic version of the book.
Based on the results of the project, within the framework of the concluded agreement No. 759-06 / 2019K of the National Movement "Bobek" (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan), with the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) (Moscow, Russia) for the placement of non-periodic publications, it is planned to place metadata on the website of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU.
According to the results of the competition, the teacher of the department "Marketing and Logistics" Privalova O. A. received a diploma of the first degree, a special medal "Best young Scientist-2021", a collection "Best young Scientist-2021" and a certificate "Best young Scientist-2021".

The teacher of the department "Marketing and Logistics" was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican competition "Golden Book-2021" of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The teacher of the department "Marketing and Logistics" was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican competition "Golden Book-2021" of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan

With the joint organization of the National Innovative Research Center "Bilim-orkenieti" and the Republican Center for Advanced Training and Retraining of Teachers of Kazakhstan "Bilim-orkenieti" in order to support teachers in the field of education of our country, a competition is being held for the second edition of the collection of the republican competition "Golden Book-2021" of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan", held within the framework of the republican project "Best Teacher"!
The competition was attended by teachers of educational institutions from all over the republic!
The participants of the competition were awarded: a color republican collection "Golden Book" of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan", a specially designated "Golden Badge", a certificate and a republican diploma of the I, II, III degree.
As a result of summing up the results, the teacher of the department "Marketing and Logistics" Privalova O. A. received the republican diploma of the 1st degree, "Golden Badge", certificate and the republican collection "Golden Book of Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan".


CONGRATULATIONS!Congratulations to the student of gr. MN-41k of the educational program 6B04102 "Management» Rakhym Inkar Yerbolatkyzy and PhD supervisor, Associate Professor Baldyrgan Koldasbayevna Jazykbayeva with a diploma of the First Degree for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Science: a new vision and dialectic of development"! We
wish you further creative success and new victories!
Congratulations to the student of PIM-19-1 of the educational program 6B04111 "Project and innovation management" Rakhimgulov Islam Bulatovich and the PhD supervisor, associate professor Jazykbayeva Baldyrgan Koldasbayevnuspol-ing a diploma for taking the first place in the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline "Fundamentals of Management", organized by the All-Russian media of the Educational portal "Academy of Intellectual Development"! We wish you further creative success and new victories!
Congratulations to the 1st year student of the educational program 6B04102 "Management" Kristina Dmitrievna Sevalieva and the supervisor of the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Anna Anatolyevna Legostaeva on receiving a diploma for participation in the International Conference of Students and Undergraduates "Current problems of the world Economy and Management", which was held in the Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation!
We wish you success and new achievements!
Congratulations to the student gr.PIM-19-1 educational program 6В04111 "Design and innovative management" Rakhimgulov Islam Bulatovic and scientific supervisor of PhD, associate Professor Jazykbayeva Baldyrgan Koldybaev diploma for the participation in the International conference of students and undergraduates "Actual problems of international Economics and management", held in EE "Belarusian trade-economic University of consumer cooperation"!
We wish you success and new achievements!
Congratulations to the master's student of the educational program "Management»Madiyar Bakhtiarovich Rashitov and PhD supervisor, Associate Professor Baldyrgan Koldasbayevna Jazykbayeva with a diploma of the First degree for participating in the Republican scientific and practical conference "New Generation and modern problems of economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan"! We wish you further victories in your research activities!

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