A benefit performance called the “Formula for success”

A benefit performance called the “Formula for success”

Library of the University together with the Department of Social and Pedagogical Disciplines and the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan held a benefit performance called the “Formula for success” on the 15th of September of 2021, and the winner was a student of an IR-19-2 group Aytzhanov Sanzhar, laureate of the first prize of the annual Olympiad for schoolchildren in world history and foreign language (certificate for a discount from the rector of KEUK dated by February of 2019), holder of a scholarship from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of a grant from the KAZENERGY association for 2020-2021 academic year.

The event was attended by first-year students of the SLG and PIM groups of the Faculty of FEME.

Sanzhar spoke about his achievements, and then freshmen asked questions and received comprehensive answers. The author of the most interesting question received a prize - a book.

The library staff expresses gratitude to the Department of the WE and IR, and to a teacher G.K. Kaliyeva for the assistance provided in the event.

TBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investment

On September 10, 2021, the Dostyk Coworking Center organized the participation of students in an online master class on investment. The master class was conducted by Madiyev Seitzhan, entrepreneur, regional Director of Kazakh Invest, financier of CAIFC INVESTMENT GROUP.

The speaker spoke about the difference between saving and investing, introduced students to the main instruments of the stock market. He also helped to learn how the stock market works and how to evaluate a company in order to choose reliable and profitable securities.

The master class was very informative and exciting. Students were able to ask interesting questions, share their knowledge, and, of course, get new ones.

TBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investmentTBI "Coworking Center" Dostyk " organized the participation of students in an online master class on investment

The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Department of "Management and Innovation"

The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Department of "Management and Innovation"

On September 10, 2021, a meeting of the Faculty of the department was held at the Department of Management and Innovation with the participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship G. I. Gimranova and undergraduates of the educational program " Management "to discuss the President's Address to the people of Kazakhstan dated 01.09.2021"Unity of the people and systemic reforms – a solid foundation for the prosperity of the country".

The meeting was opened by the acting head of the department, D. M. Salauatova, presenting the main issues of the Address and identifying new tasks for the development of the country.
During the event, Doctor of Economics, Professor Sikhimbayeva D. R., Doctor of Economics, Professor Pritvorova T. P., Master, teacher Zulkharnai A. N. made speeches.
In general, the participants noted the strategic nature of the third Message of the head of State K. Tokayev, aimed at implementing systemic reforms in all spheres of public life in the post-pandemic period, which are possible under the condition of the unity of the Kazakh people and interethnic harmony in society.


Career assignment of graduates of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz – 2021

Career assignment of graduates of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz – 2021

A meeting of the Commission for the personal career assignment of university graduates who studied under the state educational order was held under the leadership of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Strategic Development on the 21-22th of June 2021 at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. Deans of faculties, heads of structural divisions of the university and deputy head of the regional department of employment and social programs T.K. Mukhtar took part in the work of the commission.
At the time of career assignment, most of the graduates, 64%, are provided with a place of work, the remaining graduates are sent to the Employment Centers at the place of registration and plan to start work after the summer vacation.
Congratulations to our graduates on graduation from the university, we wish you success and career growth!

Regional director of QS visited KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz

Regional director of QS visited KarU KazpotrebsoyuzOn a working visit on June 22, 2021, the regional director of QS Quacquarelli Symonds for Central Asia and Eastern Europe, Sergey Khristolyubov, arrived at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
During the visit, a meeting was held with the rector of the university Aimagambetov E.B. and Director of the Department of Strategic Development Glazunova S.B., during which the issues of effective development of the university, expansion of partnerships and prospects for the participation of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz in the regional and subject rankings of QS were considered.

Guest lectures by a Spanish professor

Guest lectures by a Spanish professorProfessor of the Spanish University of Santiago de Compostela - PhD Adrian Dios Vicente arrived with a visit to the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ international credit mobility program Adrian Dios Vicente delivers a course of online lectures entitled “Corporate Safety: How Internationalization and Innovation Can Promote Economic Development?” from the 15th of June to the 5th of July, 2021. Over 65 undergraduates and university lecturers undergo training, in which they not only study the content of the new discipline, but also adopt the European experience of presenting the material.
Completing this course, along with professional development, will improve the language competence of our teachers and ensure the introduction of new methods of working with students into the educational process.

"Psychology and management in education" - a new program at KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz

"Psychology and management in education" - a new program at KarU KazpotrebsoyuzIn the modern world, in which all spheres of social life are dynamically developing, the role of psychology is steadily increasing. Today various organizations, enterprises, social groups, individuals need psychological support and help. Knowledge of psychology plays a role in the life of society and a person, makes life brighter, more successful and happier, helps to realize one's potential, better know oneself and others, become more self-confident, master communication skills at a high level, and effectively solve production and personal problems.
Therefore, the opening of an innovative educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is an objective need for specialists with professional competencies in the field of psychology and the use of psychological practices in diagnostics, counseling, correction and personal developm development, as well as the implementation of management activities in the field of education. The innovative educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" is unique and is the only one in Kazakhstan, as it ensures the general readiness of bachelors of social knowledge in two aspects: as a social psychologist, a practical psychologist (consultant, trainer, coach), a psychologist in educational organizations and in as a manager - head, deputy head, specialist of education management bodies at all levels and a leader, specialist of the regional Department for Control in the Sphere in Education of the Committee for Control in the Sphere in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Theoretical and practical training will be provided by highly qualified university faculty and practical psychologists.
We invite graduates of secondary schools to full-time education (4 years) and college graduates to full-time and full-time with the use of DET forms of education (3 years) to study on the innovative educational program 6B03102 "Psychology and Management in Education" at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. For graduates of secondary schools, UNT profile subjects are biology, geography; for a shorter period of study (3 years) - interview, testing for college graduates in the following specialties:
0102000 - Organization of educational work (by levels)
0103000 - Physical culture and sports
0105000 - Primary education
0108000 - Music education
0109000 - Life safety and valeology
0111000 - Basic secondary education
0112000 - Islamic Studies

Congratulations to our athletes!

Congratulations to our athletes!

On June 19-20, 2021, Almaty hosted the most prestigious athletics tournament in Kazakhstan - XXX Gusman Kosanov Memorial. This is the first time this international start is held as part of a world series under the Continental Tour Bronze Label.
In these competitions, the 2nd year student of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz of the educational program "Physical culture and sports management" Evgeniy Prokudin took 2nd place. Congratulations to Evgeny with a worthy performance, we wish you new sports achievements, optimism and good luck!

We are proud and congratulations!

We are proud and congratulations!

At the V Youth Games of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students of the educational program "Physical Culture and Sports Management" of our university again distinguished themselves - Antropov Artem, Omarova Aisha and Prokudin Evgeniy.
Artem Antropov became the winner in weightlifting competitions, Aisha Omarova took second place!
Evgeniy Prokudin is a silver medalist of the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in track and field athletics (hurdling) he became the second in the individual standings and the winner in the event.

II International Competition of scientific articles of young researchers " Management in Education and Science 2021”

II International Competition of scientific articles of young researchers " Management in Education and Science 2021”

On April 26-30, 2021, the Second International Competition of scientific Articles of Young Researchers “Management in Education and Science 2021”was held in Moscow. This competition was attended by a student of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz gr. Yu-19-3 Gerda Natalia with a scientific supervisor, senior lecturer of the Department "Management and Innovation" Blyalov Bakhytzhan Yerikovich.
According to the results of the competition, Gerda N. took the 2nd place.
The aim of the competition is to support promising young researchers, promote professional growth and encourage the creative activity of young scientists. The competition was held in two stages: stage 1 remote; stage 2-face-to-face in the video conference format.
We congratulate our finalist and wish her further creative achievements and victories!

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