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  • Newsletter «20 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan: issues of efficiency and promising reform» round table

Newsletter «20 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan: issues of efficiency and promising reform» round table

Newsletter «20 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan: issues of efficiency and promising reform» round tableOn May 27, 2015 the Faculty of Business and Law of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz will held a round table on the theme «20 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan: issues of efficiency and promising reform» which will involve practitioners.
We invite students, graduates, PhD doctorates and teachers of the universities to participate in this event.
Discussion questions: forecasts of development of Kazakhstan constitutional model, both in the near and in the long term. How do Kazakhstan constitutionalists see the domestic constitution of the future? What problems of constitutional development in Kazakhstan will continue through the decades and what new problems will arise? How much the role of state managers change in the future? These and many other interesting questions we will consider in the course of the round table.
Place and time of the round table: The main building of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 1st floor, auditorium 104 (conference room). Beginning at 14.00.


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