CONGRATULATIONSWe congratulate the student of AA-13 group Khuzina Laysan with taking II place in the Interuniversity Olympiad on higher mathematics.

The day of open doors

The day of open doorsHead of the «Banking» department, professor Talimova Lyazat Azimovna,, docents Gusmanova Zhanara Ahmedzharovna, Saifullina Julia Magdatovna and senior teacher Yermekova Kulmariya Abdualievna visited MG «Kazakh - turkish lyceum – boarding school №1 of the Karaganda region department of education» in order to conduct «The day of open doors» meeting.
Teachers of the department of "Banking", docents Gusmanova Zhanar Ahmedzharovna, Saifullina Julia Magdatovna showed videos about the life of the university and spoke about the specialties of the university.

Presentation of university specialties

Presentation of university specialtiesOn 19th of January 2015 in the Regional specialized school for gifted children № 2 named after Nurmakov N.N. was conducted the Day of open doors of KEU.
The purpose of this event was the presentation of specialties (was shown the universities' video, were distributed the informational leaflets and brochures and informational interview was made).
Pupils had the opportunity to ask questions, talk with leading teachers of the issuing departments, who explained the specifics of the specialties.


SeminarThe seminar was attended by prorectors, heads of departments, deans and their deputies, teachers and staff. The participants of the seminar, such as Ulakov S.N., Khanov T.A., Gimranova G.I., Kernebaev A.S., Zhaksybayeva G.M., Hauiya S. and others actively discussed their positions and views on the use of state language and optimization of the methods for its development. At the end of the seminar the presentation of books and dictionaries for the courses of secondary and higher levels was made.

Studying the peculiarities of the national cuisine

Studying the peculiarities of the national cuisineFrom 12 to 24 January in the Karaganda Economic University in the framework of the internal academic mobility for students of the specialty "Technology of food products" of Kostanai State University named after A.Baitursynov is working the "Winter School".
To study the peculiarities of the national cuisine, technology of maintenance and service by the department of commodity and certification was conducted an outing to the hotel complex "Merey" where students were shown a master - class with the participation of the chief technologist of the restaurant.



We congratulate Kiakpayev Daniyar Berikpolovich the teacher of the department «Legal and special disciplines» of the Business and Law faculty with receiving the title «BEST CURATOR»!!! We wish you further success in scientific and pedagogical activity, health, happiness and well-being!!!


CONGRATULATIONS!!!Department of "Social work and social-political sciences" of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates the, docent Kenjebayeva Saniya Kuzairovna with receiving the title «PERSON OF THE YEAR»! We wish you further success in scientific and pedagogical activity, health, happiness, family well-being!


 CONGRATULATIONS !!!The House of Culture p.Botakara Buhar-Zhyrau district hosted a presentation of the monograph "Toponomika Buhar-Zhyrau area." The author of the monograph is Zhetpisov Sagyndyk Urazgulovich - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and restaurant business.
The monograph describes the administrative-territorial characteristics and maps showing the location of the population the main points Buhar-Zhyrau area. Job undoubtedly will make a significant contribution to the development of tourism in the area, and will also be useful for a wide range of readers, and for professionals, scientists for further research on the history, georafii, local history.
Zhetpisov SU was awarded a diploma of Akim Buhar-Zhyrau district Nurken Kobzhanova.


THE RANKING RESULTS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS – 2014The annual contest «The best educational program» (here on - Contest) is held to promote the work of professors and teaching stuff and heads of educational programs to improve the quality and effectiveness of training.
On the basis of the annual contest «The best educational program» the winner became 5В050800 «Accounting and auditing» specialty

Akim visit in KEUK (Video)

Akim visit in KEUK (Video)On December 30, 2014 Abdibekov Nurmukhambet Kanapievich Akim of the Karaganda region visited the Karaganda Economic University.
The purpose of the visit was the opening of co-working center "Dostyk" - technology business incubator for young entrepreneurs and innovators of the region.
The basis of future student campus is formed in KEUK, which consists of 4 dormitories, stadium, tennis court, gyms, health center, student cafés, mini-laundry, informational and educational center.

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