Trends and prospects of development of civil service in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Trends and prospects of development of civil service in the Republic of KazakhstanJanuary 27, 2016 at the Academy of the "Bolashak" was held scientific-theoretical seminar on "Problems and prospects of development of the legislation on the civil service in the Republic of Kazakhstan."
The moderator – head of the "Legal disciplines" Academy "Bolashak" PhD, Associate Professor A.T. Kabzhanov, coordinator – Ph.D., Associate Professor L.K. Amandykova.
The participants: Ph.D., Professor of "Constitutional and International Law" Buketov Karaganda State University, K.S. Muslimov, Senior Lecturer of the Regional center of retraining and advanced training of civil servants MSPE "Akim's office of Karaganda region" S.H. Mustafin. Main Specialist of the Department of Civil Service of the Karaganda region R.M. Zhusupov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of "Legal disciplines" Academy "Bolashak" A.M. Maldybaev and others.
Bolat Keneluly Syzdyk, Senior Researcher of Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK, was attended the seminar. He made a report: "Prevention of crime and delinquency among government officials of the Republic of Kazakhstan."


Trends and prospects of development of civil service in the Republic of Kazakhstan Trends and prospects of development of civil service in the Republic of Kazakhstan
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