Republican Student Olympiad

Republican Student Olympiad

In the period April 20-22, 2022 at the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov hosted the XIV Republican Student Olympiad in the specialty "Tourism".

10 teams from various universities of Kazakhstan took part in the Olympiad. The team of Karaganda University Kazpotreboyuz "Extremals" (Korneichenko A., Bolatov I., Danilenko A., Kim I., Erbatyrova D.) also took part and took a worthy 2nd place in the team event.Anna Korneichenko took 1st place in the individual competition in orienteering. Anna took the 2nd place in the personal climbing distance with zhumar Korneichenko.

We wish our students further success and conquer new heights!

Republican Student OlympiadRepublican Student OlympiadRepublican Student OlympiadRepublican Student Olympiad

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