Effective Management: Sustainability and Innovation Strategies

Effective Management: Sustainability and Innovation Strategies

Following the results of the section entitled "Effective Management: Sustainable Development and Innovation Strategies", the participants were awarded diplomas:

Diploma of the Winner of the 1st degree - Aigozhin B.E.

MGMU-51 tobynyn master students E.A.

Zhandyk logistics zhүyenі Қazaқstannyң әlemdіk sharuashhylyқ құrylymyna kіrіguіninіn innovatsialyқ құraly retіnde қalyptastyrudy baskaru.

Diploma of Winners of the 1st degree - Rudakova V., Tanirbergenov M.

Student group MH-20-2, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz,

Student gr. MH-12 Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketova,

Questions of the theory of local self-government

Scientific advisers: magician, art. teacher Aubakirova Zh.B., Shugaipova Zh.G.

Diploma of the Winner of the 3rd degree - Bolatova D.Zh.

MGMU-62 tobynyn undergraduates, E.A.

Kazirgі zhagdayda arnayy ekonomikalyk aimaktardy damytu.

Diploma of the Winner of the 3rd degree - Danchuk Ya.

Student of the MH-18-22 group, supervisor: Doctor PhD, Associate Professor Salauatova D.M.

Corporate ethics and social responsibility: theoretical aspects of the study.

Diploma of the Winner of the 2nd degree - Ibraeva A.

Student of the MN-20-2 group, scientific adviser: Ph.D., Professor Legostaeva A.A.

Transformation of healthcare business models in the digital economy.

Diploma of Winners 2 - degree Koshkulova A., Toyalikyzy A.

L.N. Gumilyov atyndagy Eurasia Ulttyk Universitetinin GMU-21 tobynyn students, gyly zhetekshi: Doctor PhD, Associate Professor Nurkenova M.Zh.

Akimshilik management tiimdiligi.

Diploma of the Winner of the 2nd degree - Rakhimgulov I.B.

Student of the PIM-19-1 group, supervisor: master Rymbekov S.E.

Possibilities and ways of using modern pedagogical technologies.

Diploma of the Winner of the 3rd degree - SEYPILOVA A.A.

Student of the GMU-19-2 group, supervisor: master of art. teacher Zulkharnay A.N.

Kazakhstan management features, problems and solutions

Diploma of the Winner of the 3rd degree - Chakal E.

Master student of the 1st course of the MEM-111 group of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasawi, supervisor: PhD., acting Associate Professor Mombekova G.R.

Human resource management in tourism (on the example of the hotel business).

Effective Management: Sustainability and Innovation StrategiesEffective Management: Sustainability and Innovation Strategies

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