Republican Subject Olympiad

Republican Subject Olympiad

From April 14 to April 15, a team of students of the EP "Restaurant Business and Hotel Business" Uzakhova Bibinur (RD-20-1k), Kalkenova Nursulu (RD-20-1k), Imanbekova Ansagan (RD-20-1k), Ospanova Aruzhan (RD- 20-1k) under the guidance of a teacher Zholamanova Moldir kayrkhankyzy took part in the Republican Subject Olympiad held by the Almaty Technological University.

The Olympiad consisted of several stages, testing, practical tasks and defense of projects. Our students showed a high level of training, becoming the owners of 3 team places out of 11 participating teams, as well as student Uzakhova Bibinur received 3rd place in the individual championship (Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) Congratulations to the team and teaching staff of the Department of Tourism and Restaurant Business with a victory! We wish our students further success and conquer new heights

Republican Subject OlympiadRepublican Subject OlympiadRepublican Subject OlympiadRepublican Subject OlympiadRepublican Subject Olympiad

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