Republican round table "ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance"

Republican round table "ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance"

On November 9, 2020, the Department of Social Work and KPA of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology of the KEUK organized a republican round table "Ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance", dedicated to the International Day against Fascism, Racism, Anti-Semitism. The head of the department, Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor Abdakimova M.K. introduced the report "Intercultural tolerance as the formation of culture" to the guests and students-participants and undergraduates (Interculture as the basis for the formation of a culture of tolerance).
Guests and participants of the republican round table:
Duysenbaeva Albina Kurakhbaevna, Acting Head, Associate Professor of the Department of "Religious Studies" of the Egyptian Islamic University Nur-Mubarak, PhD. Topic of the report: "The problem of interfaith tolerance in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
Balosybayeva Ainur Kanapieva, Senior Lecturer of the Department of KPA and Socio-Political Disciplines, Aktobe Regional University named by K. Zhubanov, Master of Social Sciences. Topic of the report: "Feminization of extremism as a social phenomenon."
Balpanov Nurlan Mukhametkalievich, senior lecturer of the department "International relations" of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named by Ablai Khan, PhD, specialty "Religious Studies". Topic of the report: "Ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance."
Moderator of the republican round table Tutinova N.Ye., PhD in the specialty "Religious Studies". Topic of the report: "The modern religious situation in Kazakhstan: the relationship between religion and state."
The participants of the republican round table were the teaching staff, students and undergraduates of the Department of Social Work and KPA of KEUK.



Republican round table "ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance" Republican round table "ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance" Republican round table "ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance"
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