Career guidance webinar

Career guidance webinar November 5, 2020 A career-oriented webinar was held with parents and students of the final grades of KSU secondary school No. 52 named after E. A. Buketov @sch52_karaganda. Moderated by Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department "BMIR" Saifullin YM participated In the event: Director of the center for career guidance and public relations Ivanilova L. H., head.Department "Bmifr", doctor of Economics, Professor Talimova L. A., Executive Secretary of the admissions Committee Krasnoshchekova E. A., Deputy.Director of UMR Lytkina, A.V., C. the head 11 "And" Izambaeva T. sh., CL. head 11 B Jaksybaeva B. A.


Career guidance webinar Career guidance webinar Career guidance webinar
Career guidance webinar   Career guidance webinar
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ