Implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Activities in Kazakhstan and Ukraine: Sharing Experience, Building Cooperation

Implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Activities in Kazakhstan and Ukraine: Sharing Experience, Building Cooperation

On February 9, 2021 the Ukrainian Association of Professors and Researchers of European Integration (APREI) and National Erasmus+ Offices in Kazakhstan and Ukraine held an international Teleconference on Jean Monnet Activities. The event is a joint initiative of the representatives of the two countries, which aims to promote a better understanding of the idea of the Programme, to share best practices in the context of Kazakhstan and Ukraine, to discuss potential challenges, to consider possible ways of establishing closer cooperation within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet activities and to intensify bilateral cooperation in the field of European Studies.
In the framework of the conference Dinara Atabayeva, the senior lecturer of the Chair of World Economy and International Relations and coordinator of the project presented a report on the key factors of realization of the Jean Monnet Module “Theory and Practice of European Integration”.


Download this file (NEO_09.02.2021.pdf)NEO_09.02.2021.pdf655 kB

Master class «Basic requirements for the business plan of student innovation projects»

Master class «Basic requirements for the business plan of student innovation projects»

On February 05, according to the Calendar of events of the TBI "Dostyk Coworking Center" for the development of entrepreneurial skills among students, Director of the EPI Research Institute, Doctor of Law, Professor T. A. Khanov held a master class on the ZOOM platform on the topic "Basic requirements for the business plan of student innovative projects".
The master class was held in preparation for the competition of ready-made business projects and start-up projects and designed business ideas of students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The speaker of the meeting introduced students and project managers to the theoretical features of writing a project, told about its structure and shared step-by-step instructions for writing a correct and structured student project. Talgat Akhmadzievich also told how to correctly justify the significance of the work, the problem statement and answered the questions that arose during the meeting.

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz became a member of the OUL "Union of Transport and Logistics organizations and associations" KAZLOGISTICS "(Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan").

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz became a member of the OUL "Union of Transport and Logistics organizations and associations" KAZLOGISTICS "(Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan").

Representatives of the Department of marketing and logistics (Ph. D. Mazhitova S. K.) 3 Feb 2021г. took part in the final General meeting (Congress) of the Union and the logistics and transportation Committee of the Presidium of the National chamber of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Chairman of the management Board of JSC "NC "KTZ" - Almagambetova K. E.
The congress reviewed the results of the work of the Logistics and Transportation Committee and the Transport Workers ' Union for 2020, discussed problematic issues and necessary support measures in 2021,and heard speeches by the chairmen of the sub-committees on modes of transport.
The cooperation of the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan and the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz will be aimed at supporting the members of KAZLOGISTICS in the implementation of projects in the field of transport services, participation in the development of legislative and regulatory acts. The cooperation will also assist in the implementation of innovations in the field of logistics and in the integration of TLC (transport and logistics system ) Kazakhstan's integration into the world transport system.


THE ROLE OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ IN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONThe head of the laboratory of the EPI Research Institute, Doctor of Economics, Professor M. R. Sikhimbayev, published an article on "Innovations in education" in the regional newspaper "Industrial Karaganda"on February 4, 2021. (
The article notes that the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, being the engine of high-tech industries of the modern economy, directly affects the development of the region's economy, the strengthening of regional human capital is put on the same level as teaching and training, able to train personnel in demand at the national and international levels and use the skills of graduates to develop new "products" that provide interest for regional high-tech industries.
The author emphasizes that the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz has always positioned itself as an innovative university, actively implementing national priorities in the field of education and science, as well as in the economic development of the region.

"The best teacher of Kazakhstan -2020»

"The best teacher of Kazakhstan -2020» The holder of this title was a senior lecturer of the Department "Accounting and Audit" of KEUK, Master of Economic Sciences Nurzhanova I. S., who won the traditional competition for the title "Best Teacher of Kazakhstan-2020", held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Innovative Research Center"Bilim orkeneti". The competition was held within the framework of the execution of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. K. Tokayev "Multi-vector public dialogue-the basis of development and prosperity of Kazakhstan" among teachers of Kazakhstan. Indira Sovetovna was awarded a Diploma of the first degree and a badge.
Nurzhanova I. S. at the end of 2020 won in the category " Best curator "(KEUK).
Congratulations on your victory and well-deserved assessment of your work! We wish you further victories!



On January 28, 2021, the first Deputy chairman of the Karaganda regional branch of the Nur Otan Party,

K. B. Ospanova, presented the activists with letters of thanks from the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N. A. Nazarbayev "For their activity during the elections of deputies of the Majlis of the Parliament and Maslikhats of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Among the activists is our student gr.F-19-1k Nurtazinova Zhanerke, who is also the chairman of the youth wing "Jas Otan" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

Congratulations to Zhanerke! We wish you success in your studies and new achievements!


Прямая трансляция проведения ЕНТ 2021 январь

Прямая трансляция проведения ЕНТ 2021 январь

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Rating of educational programs KEUK - 2020 by NPP "Atameken"

Rating of educational programs KEUK - 2020 by NPP "Atameken"

Every year the Karaganda Economic University participates in the rating of educational programs held by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken". By order of the Ministry of Education and Science, its experts rank all universities in Kazakhstan with the involvement of employers.
The main criteria for the rating of NPP "Atameken": the percentage of employed graduates and their average salary, as well as the duration of job search after graduation. Career prospects, EP quality and student achievements were also taken into account.
Of the 18 educational programs of our university that participated in the assessment, 7 entered the "ten" best among the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1st place - Food technology
3rd place - Customs
4th place - Standardization and certification
6th place - Marketing
7th place - International relations
8th place - Logistics
9th place - Restaurant business

In addition, State and local government - 11th place, Information systems - 15th place, Jurisprudence - 17th place, Tourism - 20th place
Note that the results of this rating allow, including applicants, to assess the demand for a future specialty, see the average salary, and assess how easy it will be to find a job.
Details on the link:

Scientific seminar on the topic "Registration of projects for competitions for grant financing and commercialization of scientific results" for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK.

Scientific seminar on the topic "Registration of projects for competitions for grant financing and commercialization of scientific results" for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK.

On January 8, 2021, candidate of technical sciences, professor of the department of “Marketing and Logistics”, and concurrently chief researcher Scientific Research Institute for Economic and Legal Research Sarzhanov Dauren Kazhabergenovich held a scientific seminar for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK. Seminar included the consideration of issues of the projects’ structure, where to start the submission of application, and how to secure it in the NCSTE(National center of science and technology evaluation) via
Following questions were asked during the discussion:
- structure of projects, especially the economic part;
- accreditation of an individual as a subject of scientific and scientific and technical activities through the PSC (public service center) and the EGOV.KZ portal (;
- registration of a package of documents for free registration of ISBN through the Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan,;
- a registration mechanism and obtaining certificates of intellectual property and other documents of title through the portal of the National Institute of intellectual property (

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