"One people - one country - one destiny"

"One people - one country - one destiny"

On March 1, on the day of celebration of the "Day of Gratitude" and the 26th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the Department of Social Work and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan held a round table "One people - One country - One destiny!" with the aim of developing students' citizenship and patriotism, a sense of love for their homeland, respect for its history and culture, pride in the achievements of modern Kazakhstan, as well as strengthening interethnic harmony and interethnic relations in Kazakhstan.
The participants and organizers of the event once again voiced the words of the initiator of the celebration, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev: “One people” is the common national interests for all. "One country" is our homeland, one for all. "One destiny" is the difficulties and victories that we went through and won together! This is our common prospect - a prosperous and prosperous Kazakhstan!" In the reports of the round table participants Azine Sh. (SW-18-1k) "Cultural heritage as the value of the idea of Mangilik el", Alpysbay D. (SW-20-1K-k) "The path to the future of Rukhani zhagyru", Abdikarimova A. (SW -20-3sk) "Cultural heritage-cultural value", Pogorelova A. (SW-20-4s) "The legacy of Abai Kunanbaev", Kabyken N. (IS-19-1k) "Interethnic consent in Kazakhstan", Abylkhasynova A. ( Law-20-2) "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" it was emphasized that the holiday carries a great semantic load, it unites the people of Kazakhstan, demonstrates the manifestation of goodwill and peacefulness of the people of Kazakhstan.

"One people - one country - one destiny"

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