"Prevention of domestic violence in Kazakhstan"

"Prevention of domestic violence in Kazakhstan"On March 10, 2021, according to the plan of educational work of the Department of "Accounting and Audit" and as part of the pedagogical practice of undergraduates of the first year of study, an event was held in the hostel No. 1 KarUK on the topic "Prevention of domestic violence in Kazakhstan". The event was organized by the master responsible for educational work at the department, senior teacher Musipova L. K. and the master's student of the OP "Accounting and Audit" Nazargaliev T. The event was also attended by the Deputy Dean for Educational Work-A. E. Tomashinova and took an active part in the discussion. The main purpose of the event is to inform students about domestic violence, types and types of domestic violence, causes, punishments of perpetrators of domestic violence, as well as shortcomings in the legislative system regarding this problem. Students actively discussed, expressed their opinions and possible solutions to the current problem.


"Prevention of domestic violence in Kazakhstan" "Prevention of domestic violence in Kazakhstan"
"Prevention of domestic violence in Kazakhstan" "Prevention of domestic violence in Kazakhstan"
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ