May 1 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan

May 1 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan

On April 22, 2021, the Center for Youth Initiatives held a round table "May 1 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan"in an online format.
The Vice-Rector for Social Affairs of the University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abilov K. Zh., addressed the participants of the round table with a welcoming speech.
"Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional country. In it, representatives of about one hundred and forty ethnic groups live in peace and harmony. The peoples of Kazakhstan live peacefully, in mutual understanding and respect for the culture, traditions, and customs of all ethnic groups that work on this land. The holiday of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan is designed to strengthen ties, make a more open dialogue between representatives of different ethnic groups, and demonstrate the achievements of the cultural dialogue of ethnic groups living in the country. For many years of its existence, the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan has acquired well-established traditions and order of celebration – " he said.
Expert of the department of scientific and expert support and methodological support of the KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" A. A. Dyusekeeva told the audience about the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, about the contribution of ethno-cultural associations of the Karaganda region to strengthening friendship, peace and harmony in our common home.
The round table discussed the reports of Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department "Kazakh language and Culture of Kazakhstan" Topashov M. A., university students, on the history of the holiday, its significance for Kazakhstan, the problems of the formation of Kazakhstan's identity and unity, the nation of a single future.


May 1 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan May 1 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan
May 1 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan May 1 – Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan
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