IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Safety of the Urban Environment"

IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Safety of the Urban Environment"

On November 17-19, 2021, the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Safety of the Urban Environment" was held on the basis of Omsk State Technical University for students, undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and scientists. The conferences were attended by students of the Department of Ecology and Assessment. Student of Eco-20-2 group Boyko A.E and Eco-18-2 group Molchanova B took first place, students of Eco-21-2 group Kuzmina V.A and Melnik E.S took second place, Vilkyalite E.V took third place and were awarded diplomas.

Republican scientific-practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin

Republican scientific-practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin

This year in our country the 180th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh educator Ybyray Altynsarin is widely celebrated. Our university has also made its contribution.Experience in the application of innovative technologies and teaching methods, ways to improve management in education, the historical significance of the pedagogical heritage of Y. Altynsarin and effective practices of national education, as well as the current state and trends in the development of psychological practice were discussed at the Republican scientific and practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan" with international participation on November 12, 2021.The conference was organized by the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the State Institution "Education Department of the Karaganda region", the organizing committee of the conference - the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work.It should be noted the high professional and scientific level, content and relevance, presented by teachers of secondary schools and TVE organizations, social educators, practicing psychologists, materials. The conference participants noted the high level of organization, the creative and lively atmosphere of the event, a large amount of useful, versatile information and practical examples. The conference became a significant event for the teaching community, educators and psychologists.

Republican scientific-practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. AltynsarinRepublican scientific-practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin

Скачать этот файл (сборник конференции.pdf)сборник конференции.pdf  

Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting

Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting

From November 6 to 11, Taldykorgan (IC "Orken") hosted the personal-team championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting among men and women. Artem Antropov, a student of the FCiSM-20-5S group, took part in the competition. Artem competed in the 102 kg weight category and became the champion. Congratulations to Artem on his well-deserved victory.



From October 25 to October 29, 2021, the 33 International Student Olympiad (MSO) "Economics and Management" - 2021 was held at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics in a distance format, in which 851 people took part: students and leaders from Russia and other countries.

The Olympiad was attended by 68 foreign participants from Germany, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Finland, France.

This year, 14 sections took part in the work of the IES.

The training of students of EP "Marketing", EP "Logistics" and EP "Economics" was conducted by teachers of the Department of Marketing and Logistics - Master Shakhshina Ainur Kazbekovna and Master Dаkаrim Guldurai Kanatkyzy.

On October 25, the ceremonial opening of the ICO took place in the form of a video conference on the Zoom platform.

On October 26, 2021, the sections "Positional Leadership of Logistics" and "Marketing" of the International Student Olympiad 2021 started in a distance format. In the 1st round, the participants of the Olympiad worked in sections (testing in the Moodle system, video conference on the MS Teams platform).

On October 27-28, the 2nd round of the IES was held, during which the participants were offered business cases to solve the problems posed by representatives of the companies that developed the cases.

As a result of the work of the sections, all participants were awarded certificates, and the winners, both in individual and team events, were additionally awarded with honorary diplomas.

The following students became the owners of certificates and diplomas of the International Student Olympiad:

  • Section "Positional leadership of logistics":
  • Zubova Anastasia (group Log-18-2) - 1st round, 3rd place; 2nd round, 2nd place;
  • Fatkhullina Ruzanna (group Log-19-2) - 1st round, 3rd place;
  • Kadyrova Albina (group Log-20-2) - 1st round, 3rd place;
  • Pudogina Lyulmila (group Log-20-2) - 1st round, 3rd place; 2nd round, 2nd place
  • Bakulin Nikita (group Log-21-2) - 1st round, 3rd place; 2nd round, 1st place.
  • Section "Marketing":
  • Eckert Christina (group MK-20-2) - 2nd round, 1st place;
  • Umutchakova Karina (group MK-18-2) - 2nd round, 2nd place;
  • Yegorova Elena (group E-19-1) - 2nd round, 9th place;
  • Siruk Nadezhda (group MK-19-2), 2nd round, 12th place;
  • Epikhin Temirlan (group MK-19-2) - 2nd round, 14th place.

The Department of Marketing and Logistics expresses gratitude to the participants of the International Student Olympiad "Economics and Management" - 2021 for the fruitful work and promotion of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz at the international level.



As part of the implementation of the ERASMUS+ 610198-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2CBHE-JP program project Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)”, there will be a meeting organized at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the 22-23th of November of 2021, during which a discussion of the content of the new joint educational master’s program of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with the East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbayev “Technological Entrepreneurship” with European and Asian partners, as well as with stakeholders of the Karaganda region and the university professors.

*This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. The content of this page is the author responsibility and may not reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission is not responsible for the content of this website.


Visit of Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Kiev National University named after T. Shevchenko (Ukraine) Kupalova Galina Ivanovna

Visit of Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Kiev National University named after T. Shevchenko (Ukraine) Kupalova Galina Ivanovna

Galina Ivanovna Kupalova has been an honorary professor at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz since 2012.

From November 19th to December 2nd of 2021 Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Kiev National University named after T. Shevchenko (Ukraine) Kupalova Galina Ivanovna will give a course of lectures on theme “Methodology and organization of scientific economic research with the basics of intellectual property: adaptation to the best world practice” for undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.





Guest lectures by a professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Guest lectures by a professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - Grishkina Svetlana Nikolaevna arrived with a visit to the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Grishkina Svetlana Nikolaevna will give a course of lectures on theme “Corporate reporting” for students, undergraduates and teachers of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz from the 15th to 27th of November 2021.




On the results of the 1st stage of the competition «The Best University teacher - 2021»

On the results of the 1st stage of the competition «The Best University teacher - 2021»

On November 15, 2021, by the decision of the commission for summing up the results of the intra-university stage of the competition "The best teacher-2021" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, the following candidates were recommended for participation in the republican stage:

1. Salauatova D.M. – Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation, PhD
2. Yesenbayeva G.A. – Professor of the Department of Commodity Science and Certification, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
3. Dauletova A.M. – Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation, PhD in Economics
4. Doskaliyeva B.B. – Professor of the Department of Tourism and Restaurant Business; Doctor of Economics.
5. Mazhitova S.K. – Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, PhD in Economics
6. Tutinova N.E. – - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social and Political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, PhD

Congratulations to the winners of the selection round and wish success at the Republican level!

Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"

Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"

On November 11, 2021, a regional debate tournament was held among students of the Karaganda region together with the Department of Religious Affairs of the Karaganda region and the NGO "Union of Youth and Children's Organizations of the Karaganda region" on the topic "Countering extremism".

The purpose of the debate tournament is to increase awareness and involvement of young people in public discussion on strengthening the secular foundations of the state as the basis of interfaith, interethnic harmony in society and countering terrorism and extremism. In total, 8 teams took part in the tournament (Kazakh league – 4 teams, Russian league - 4 teams).

According to the results of the final game of the debate tournament among students of the Karaganda region:

- the first place was won by the team of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (in Kazakh) and the team of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B.Beisenov (in Russian);

- the second place was won by the teams of the Karaganda University named after E.Buketov "EQ" (in Kazakh) and "Eternity smells of oil" (in Russian);

- the third place was won by the team of Karaganda Medical University "Sakura" (in Kazakh), the team of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz "Ulagat" (in Russian).

Nuril Karamanova, the team captain of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, won in the nomination "Best Speaker".

Congratulations to the winners!

Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"Debate tournament among students of Karaganda region "Countering extremism"

Achievements of students of the educational program "Social Work" in 2021

Achievements of students of the educational program "Social Work" in 2021

11/12/2021. Republican scientific-practical conference "National priorities for the development of education and psychology in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Yu. Altynsarin. A collection of conference materials has been developed. The collection is published on the university website. Essays of the following students with supervisors have been published:
1) A. Gorbunova, student of the SR-21-2k group. Scientific adviser, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Mulikova S.A. Abstract title: My profession is the best!
2) Student of the SR-21-2k group Kanafina A. Scientific supervisor, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Mulikova S.A. Essay title: What life goals do you consider to be false?
3) Kuanysh Zarina, student of the Pimo-21-2 group, supervisor, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Kenzhebaeva S.K., Abstract topic: The role of psychologists in modern society.
4) Sandra Leonova, student of Fkism 20-2 groups, supervisor, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Kenzhebaeva S.K., Abstract topic: Psychology in my life and profession.
5) Student of group SR-18-2 Makatova A. Scientific adviser, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Mulikova S.A. Abstract topic: What is the most important thing when choosing a profession?
6) Student of group SR-21-1k Ongarbek A.A. Leader master A.A. Isaev Abstract topic: What is important when choosing a profession?
7) Ospanov Daniyar, master student of group O-11 NP, scientific adviser, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Kenzhebaeva S.K. Abstract topic: Problems of stress in professional activities.
8) Student of group SR-20-1k Polat S. Supervisor of studies senior teacher Isina S.S. Abstract topic: The role of knowledge in human life
9) Student of group SR-20-1k Seitkerei R. Scientific supervisor senior teacher Isina S.S. Abstract topic: What is important when choosing a profession?
10) Turlybaeva Zh.Yu., student of the SR-20-1k group. Scientific adviser senior lecturer Isina S.S. Abstract topic: My profession and me.
11) Student of group SR-20-1k Urazbekova R. Scientific adviser senior teacher Isina S.S. Abstract topic: Emotion control strategies.
12) Student of group SR-21-2k Utenova D. Supervisor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Mulikova S.A. Abstract title: How was the 2020-2021 academic year for me?
13-14.11.2021 Student of the SR-21-2k group Gorbunova A. Active participation in the NXLORERS training on the topic "Developing critical thinking skills and solving complex problems" was awarded a certificate.
In the House of Friendship, an award ceremony was held for the winners of the competition "State of Alash Orda and Independent Kazakhstan" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and anniversaries of the founders of "Alash Orda" A. Bokeikhan, A. Ermekov, Zh. Akbaev. The third place in the competition was taken by the scientific article of the student of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work Seitkerey Raizhan, written under the guidance of the professor of the Department of Social Sciences Birlik Kyzdarbekov Kyzdarbekov Birlik Kyzdarbekovich. and was awarded a certificate for 30,000 tenge.
The republican contest of patriotic songs "Otanym-bak mekenim" was held at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov in Almaty. 83 participants from 14 regions competed, only 15 participants reached the final. The final took place in Almaty. Mirol Roza, a student of the SR-18-1k group of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work, won a ticket to the final and received an honorable mention. The jury consisted of honored workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, stars of art!
Aida Toleitaeva, a student of the SR-19-1k group, was awarded for the third place in the XIII Republican online subject Olympiad for students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the program 6B10201 - Social Education.
Azine Shynargul crossed the threshold of the secondary school of the Zhanaarksky district of the Karaganda region in 2007 and in 2017 was named "Student of the Year 2017". In 2018, he graduated with honors from high school and entered the educational program "Social Work" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
In 2021, thanks to my academic achievements and life principles, the Association received a KAZENERGY grant. He increased his creativity and interest in the university and wrote articles for regional and national competitions. In addition to excellent studies at the university, he actively participates in public events in the city, the work of volunteers among young people.
The department is proud of the achievements of its students and wishes them success in life!

Practicing lawyers share their experience with our students

Practicing lawyers share their experience with our students

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz pays special attention to attracting practitioners to teaching special legal disciplines.
As part of teaching the course "Prosecutor's supervision of the Republic of Kazakhstan" head. Department of Rakhimgulova M.B. Investigator for especially important cases, police captain Kurentaev A.Kh was invited. The students of the SPD-20-2 group were very interested in the topic: "General choice of procedural activities of practitioners: investigator and interrogator", and the captain was happy to share the specifics of his work in this area.
The guys took an active part in the discussion on non-standard situations and asked questions about professional development, personal growth. Police captain Kurentaev A.Kh., talked a lot about work in practice, explained in detail the functions of the investigator and interrogator.
Students asked interesting questions, which were answered in more detail by the captain, after the lesson, the students said words of gratitude for the interesting lesson.

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