"Independence is a strong foundation of prosperity" (thematic quest)

"Independence is a strong foundation of prosperity" (thematic quest)

On November 24, 2021, the quest "Independence as a strong foundation of prosperity" was held in Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. It was dedicated to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The quest, which was organized by the university library together with the Department of SPD and APK, arouse students’ interest (student groups: MN-21-2, PM-21-4s, ME-21-3s, UA-11k, P-11k).
The event allowed the participants to get better acquainted with the library and its funds, services, since the quest was of a thematic nature and was tied to each center of the library. Intellectual stages made it possible to test knowledge of the History of Kazakhstan, develop erudition and show resourcefulness, and the game tasks caused a lot of positive emotions and joyful memories, contributing to the development of soft skills of the participants.
We thank the teams and their active captains for participating in the quest game!
At the end of the quest, all participants were awarded with sweet gifts and prizes.

Platinum lecture "Actual problems of the institution of mediation in the Republic of Kazakhstan" by a graduate of the specialty "Jurisprudence".

Platinum lecture "Actual problems of the institution of mediation in the Republic of Kazakhstan" by a graduate of the specialty "Jurisprudence".

On November 23, 2021 at 12.20 and 13.10 a platinum lecture was held online on the ZOOM platform on the topic: "Actual problems of the institution of mediation in the Republic of Kazakhstan" by a professional mediator,
Certified trainer-mediator,
Coordinator of mediators of the Mediation Center "Assistance and Law" Lavrenyuk Evgeniy Evgenievich.
The lecturer noted the peculiarities of the institution of mediation.
The institution of mediation provides the parties with the opportunity to protect their own rights and interests and focus not only on the commercial and legal aspects of the dispute, but also proceeds from the personal interests of each of the parties, going beyond the compensation provided by law. In addition to saving time and money, the mediation process allows maintaining normal relationships between business owners, managers, and also strengthens their confidence in the ability to independently and effectively solve their own problems.

"ERUDITES - 2021"

"ERUDITES - 2021"1) On November 25, students of the specialty State and local government Strizhko Victoria, Tulenova Malika, Gabidenov Ibragim took part in the International Olympiad "ERUDITES - 2021" with the participation of teams from Russia and foreign countries. According to the results of the Olympiad, the team of our university was awarded with diplomas and certificates for active participation.

The debates: "Life in the village may be the best thing that happened to you ..."

The debates: "Life in the village may be the best thing that happened to you ..."

On November 11, teachers of the Chair of Russian and Foreign Languages organized and conducted debates on the topic: "Life in the village may be the best thing that happened to you ...".
The participants of this event identified important social problems and ways to solve them. The debates were held in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English!
All students were awarded with certificates of participation.

The youth of Karaganda discusses pressing problems in podcasts

The youth of Karaganda discusses pressing problems in podcasts

The BIRGE project is being implemented in Karaganda on the initiative of young people. The youth wing of Jas Otan and the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz recorded the first podcast. On a bilingual platform, young people discuss the most pressing issues of the time.The video talked about the creation of podcasts, social networks in general, their development and useful use. In particular, that young Karaganda residents can be told about our history, traditions and culture with the help of such technologies. The podcast is a bilingual platform for discussing the problems of society. In the future, the organizers of this podcast plan to develop the project and raise issues such as the need to learn English, mental health, the book market, travel, science and more. Podcasts are similar in form to radio or TV shows, but they exist in the form of files or streaming media that can be played at a time convenient for the listener and anywhere using the Internet. As a rule, they have a certain subject and periodicity of publication.

Information about the BIRGE podcast project has been published by the Akimat of the Karaganda region on its pages and website in special social networks.

The first issue of the Karaganda youth podcast can be viewed at the link:   https://youtu.be/Xshq2QXeTOQ

The youth of Karaganda discusses pressing problems in podcasts




Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting among men and women

Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting among men and women

From November 6 to 11, the Personal-team Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting among men and women was held in Taldykurgan. Athletes from all regions of Kazakhstan took part in the competition. Our student FKiSM-20-5s, Aisha Omarova performed in the weight category up to 71 kg. With the result of a jerk of 85, a push of 120, Aisha took the first place. We wish our Aisha further success and high results.

Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting among men and womenChampionship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting among men and women

Congratulations to Birlik Kizdarbekovich with the release of the Textbook in Kazakh and Russian "Modern history of Kazakhstan" under the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Congratulations to Birlik Kizdarbekovich with the release of the Textbook in Kazakh and Russian "Modern history of Kazakhstan" under the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Congratulations to Birlik Kizdarbekovich with the release of the Textbook in Kazakh and Russian "Modern history of Kazakhstan" under the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Birlik Kyzdarbekovich, is a candidate of historical sciences, a professor of our department

Online round table "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation"

Online round table "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation"

Оn November 11, 2021, Master, senior lecturer of the Department of Socio-Political Disciplines and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Isabekova A.S., within the framework of the discipline "Cultural Studies" held an online round table on the topic "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation" with the following groups: GMU-21-1k, MN-21-1k, MO-21-1k, ME-21-1k, O-21-1k, E-21-1k, Eco-21-1k, IS-21-3sk, VT-21 -3sk, UA-21-3sk.
The following students prepared and delivered reports:
1. "Kazirgi Kazakstandagi zayyrly zhane dini rukhaniyat zhane rukhani karama-kaishylyktyn aldyn alu maseleri" Motysheva D. E-21-1k;
2. "Dini rukhaniyat maseleri" Usmanova E. Eco-21-1k;
3. "Kazirgi Kazakstandagi dini jagdayindagi maseleri" Hadzhieva S. E-21-1k
4. "Din zhane rukhaniyat" Nurymbekov N. E-21-1k,
5. "Kazirgi Kazakstandagi zayyrly zhane dini rukhaniyat maseleri" Nurlan N. Eco-21-1k;
6. "Religion in Kazakhstan" Mergasimov D. IS-21-3sk;
7. "The development of a secular state in modern Kazakhstan" Ramazanov A. IS-21-3sk.

Online round table "Philosophy of Education: modernization and digitalization of education"

Online round table "Philosophy of Education: modernization and digitalization of education"

On October 5, 2021, Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda University hosted an online round table on the topic: "Philosophy of Education: modernization and digitalization of education" within the framework of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" Program, organized by the Department of SPD and APK, in which 2nd year students actively participated. The reports were discussed, which are important both in the framework of students' research activities, the development of their creative potential, and in the framework of the formation of a worldview, culture of thinking and modernization of the public consciousness of students.
The following students made presentations:
1. "Philosophy of education" - Mukasheva Karina MO-20-2;
2. "Digital Kazakhstan is not a goal, but a means" -Darmenbayeva Adel, ECO-20-2;
3. "Digitalization of Kazakhstan education" Sergey Biyakin. UA-20-2;
4. "Kahoot - game learning platform" - Baltasheva Dilyara. -U-20-4;
5. "QUEST technology in education" Anastasia Shkilnyak ECO-20-2;
6. "Clip thinking" by Kyriakidi Sofia Eco-20-2 and others.
In a welcoming address to the participants, moderator Klishina Marina Vasilyevna drew attention to the high degree of importance of the issues discussed, to the dramatic reality of the pandemic, in which humanity was forced to learn the first lessons of digitalization of all spheres of society.
The round table was prepared and held within the framework of the implementation of the Rukhani Zhangyru Program, OPS, the initiative topic "Philosophical analysis of the theory and practice of modern education", as part of the discussion of the Message of President Tokayev K.-Zh. The reports were prepared under the leadership of G.N. Jabayeva, G.R. Seifullina, Musayeva.A. Moderator of the round table Klishina M.V. In conclusion, she emphasized the high level of discussion of topical issues of modernization and digitalization of education, the complexity of society's perception of the conditions of digitalization, the pros and cons of digitalization of education, which humanity faced in reality and which were so vividly outlined by the example of clip thinking.

"Scientific religious studies and religious education as a factor of prevention of religious extremism in Kazakhstan"

"Scientific religious studies and religious education as a factor of prevention of religious extremism in Kazakhstan"

On November 4, 2021, Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda University hosted an online conference on the topic: "Scientific religious studies and religious education as a factor of prevention of religious extremism in Kazakhstan in modern conditions" within the framework of the Program "Rukhani Zhangyru" within the framework of the course "Religious Studies" and the implementation of the Program "Rukhani Zhangyru", organized by the Department of LDS and APK, in which 1st year students actively participated. The 1st year reports were discussed, which are important both in the framework of students' research activities, the development of their creative potential, and in the framework of the formation of a worldview, culture of thinking, modernization of the public consciousness of students, in particular overcoming the influence of the ideology of religious extremism and terrorism and the formation of the ability and readiness to resist the ideas of extremism and terrorism.
The following students prepared reports and made speeches:
1. The concepts of "religious extremism" and "terrorism" Gorokhov Timur MO 21-2;
2. "The essence, signs, purpose, ideology of religious extremism and terrorism" Valijonov Shavkat SPD 21-4;
3. "Youth extremism is a threat to security" Bednova E.A. ME-21-2, etc.
It was shown that the inner essence of the phenomenon of religious radicalism is intolerance towards believers of other faiths or a violent change in the existing situation within one denomination. The main goal of spiritual radicalism is the elevation of one's own religion at the expense of the suppression of another.
In her opening remarks, moderator Professor Klishina M.V. drew attention to the high degree of importance of the issues discussed, to the dramatic reality of the pandemic, in which humanity was forced to extract the first amplifications of the influence of the ideology of religious extremism aimed at the formation of quasi-values in the conditions of digitalization of education.
The online conference was prepared and held within the framework of the OPS and the initiative topic "Philosophical analysis of the theory and practice of modern education" under the leadership of M.V. Klishina.

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