Eurasian Foods JSC invites our graduates to work

Eurasian Foods JSC invites our graduates to work

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoz closely cooperates with large industrial companies in the region. On December 2, 2021 representatives of Eurasian Foods JSC, a part of the Eurasian Foods Corporation holding, met at the university. Eurasian Foods Corporation Holding is one of the leading and significant enterprises of the food industry of Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries, the recognized leader of the republic among producers of fat and oil products that meet the highest international standards, with a production volume of more than 150,000 tons per year. The holding consists of three largest enterprises of the food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan: JSC "Eurasian Foods Corporation", Almaty, JSC "Eurasian Foods", Karaganda and LLP "Eurasian Milk", Petropavlovsk. The main principles of the Eurasian Foods Corporation holding are the continuous improvement of product quality, focused on consumer preferences, and ensuring the safety of its production.
At the enterprises of the holding, constant quality and safety control is carried out at all stages of production: from receiving input raw materials to the release of finished products. For this purpose, the plants have created and successfully operate their own certified physico-chemical and microbiological laboratories, which are equipped with the most modern equipment, a food safety management system has been introduced. Employees for these laboratories were selected by representatives of the Karaganda plant among the final year students of the educational program "Technology of food products" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
Oksana Funt of the innovative technological laboratory of Eurasian Foods JSC - Margarine Plant, told about the main activities of the company, voiced the requirements for the company's employees and her laboratory, outlined the necessary skills and competencies, answered students' questions about social guarantees of employees, the recruitment procedure. A preliminary competitive selection of applicants was conducted among interested parties.
We are looking forward to the results and hope that our guys will be able to become new worthy representatives of this company in the future!


Eurasian Foods JSC invites our graduates to work Eurasian Foods JSC invites our graduates to work Eurasian Foods JSC invites our graduates to work
 Eurasian Foods JSC invites our graduates to work Eurasian Foods JSC invites our graduates to work  Eurasian Foods JSC invites our graduates to work
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