Interuniversity relations and their results – field lesson of the OP "Psychology and management in education"

Interuniversity relations and their results – field lesson of the OP "Psychology and management in education"

In order to maintain interuniversity relations and implement the plan of visiting classes of the chair, on 12/14/2022 students of the EP "Psychology and Management in Education" together with teachers of the Chair of "Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work" Tulegenova S.Sh. and Musabekova A.S. visited the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Barimbek Beisenov.
Senior police Lieutenant Akzer Yerkhanovna Sadykova told the students about the practical activities of the inspector-psychologist in the police, the peculiarities of psychodiagnostic work.
The head of the Chair of Professional Psychological Training and Management of the Department of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Political Sciences, Police Colonel Baymukhanov Yerbakyt Mukhamedkalievich told about how the cadets' classes are held (which is important for future not only psychologists, but also managers in education).
A excursion of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Barimbek Beisenov was also organized, where students visited the museum.


Annual startup project contest «Demo day»

Annual startup project contest «Demo day»

Technological business incubator "Coworking Center "Dostyk" of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held an annual Competition of innovative student projects "Demo Day II" on December 14, 2022. University students and college students presented their projects in the field of information technology, social entrepreneurship, etc.
The projects met all the requirements such as the novelty of the business idea, the clarity of the task statement, the quality of marketing research and financial and economic calculations, the validity of risk assessment, the level of use of software products for the preparation of a business plan.
As a result of the commission's decision, the winners and prize-winners of "Demo Day II" were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.
We sincerely congratulate all participants of the contest, their managers and wish them further success in further promotion of innovative projects.

International Scientific and Practical Conference: "Integration of science and education in the context of innovative development and implementation of the SDGs"

International Scientific and Practical Conference: "Integration of science and education in the context of innovative development and implementation of the SDGs"

On December 09, 2022, the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized and held an international scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Integration of science and education in the context of innovative development and implementation of sustainable Development Goals", dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The conference discussed problematic issues related to modern research in the field of sustainable economic development, information technology, law, environmental problems of modern society, etc. Well-known Russian and Kazakh scientists such as Professor Volchetskaya T.S., Professor Nurgaliev B.M., Professor Akimzhanov T.K. and many others spoke at the plenary session. Following the results of the conference, a Collection will be formed and presented on the university's website.

Students of the OP "Design and Innovation Management" became holders of a Diploma of the II degree

Students of the OP "Design and Innovation Management" became holders of a Diploma of the II degree

On December 7, 2022, the All-Russian Scientific and practical conference on the topic "Current problems and prospects for the development of the consumer market" was held in the city of Perm of the Russian Federation, which was attended by students from different countries. The organizer was the Perm Institute of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
Our university was represented by students of the PIM-19-1 group Rakhimgulov Islam, as well as Bakhtiarov Aslan (scientific supervisor Legostaeva A.A.), who took 2nd place.
Congratulations and we wish you great victories!

Round table "Formation of a new paradigm of the financial and economic system in conditions of cyclical fluctuations and implementation of new approaches in the preparation of an adaptive model of graduates in accordance with modern labor market requireme

Round table "Formation of a new paradigm of the financial and economic system in conditions of cyclical fluctuations and implementation of new approaches in the preparation of an adaptive model of graduates in accordance with modern labor market requireme

Within the framework of the annual Forum of scientists of Partner Universities, top managers of the business community of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan

Round table "Formation of a new paradigm of the financial and economic system in conditions of cyclical fluctuations and implementation of new approaches in the preparation of an adaptive model of graduates in accordance with modern labor market requirements"

Students of the educational program "Marketing" became holders of the Diploma of the III degree

Students of the educational program "Marketing" became holders of the Diploma of the III degree

On December 01, 2022, students of the OP "Marketing" took part in the VI International Student Correspondence Olympiad organized by the Department of "Business Technologies" of the Higher School of Economics and Business of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Scientific supervisors of the team, Doctor of Economics, Professor G.E. Nakipova, master, senior lecturer E.A. Krasnoshchekova were engaged in the preparation of students. Nazgul Aukenova, Anastasia Oganezova, Maria Skolkova, Natalia Stupnitskaya and Albina Shagieva as part of the team completed the proposed tasks: they wrote an essay on the topic "Digital Trends and tasks of a digital marketer", and also prepared a project – "Product promotion strategy at different stages of the life cycle".
When summing up the results of the VI International Student Correspondence Olympiad, the jury revealed the winners for each place in the team competition. The team of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took the III place.
We wish the students further success and many victories!

Students of the educational program "Logistics" became holders of the Diploma of the II degree

Students of the educational program "Logistics" became holders of the Diploma of the II degree

On December 1, 2022, the students of Logistics took part in the VI International Student Correspondence Olympiad organized by the Department of Business Technologies of the Higher School of Economics and Business of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (
Alkibaev Dias, Batyrshayeva Assel, Garanin Vyacheslav, Koroshchenko Milana, Mergenchinov Zhanat as part of the team completed the proposed tasks: they wrote an essay on "The main drivers and obstacles in global supply chains" and prepared a project "Eco-friendly solutions in logistics and supply chain management".
On December 7, 2022, the results of the VI International Student Correspondence Olympiad were summed up. The team of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz showed all their knowledge and performed worthily, taking the honorable II place.

Students - lawyers, at the sites of ESPC members with an introductory tour

Students - lawyers, at the sites of ESPC members with an introductory tour

On December 05, 2022, the Department of "Legal Regulation of Economic Relations (LRER)" conducted an introductory tour of students of the educational programs "Jurisprudence", "Judicial and Law Enforcement Activities" at the institution No. 61 DUIS in the Karaganda region and in the Ulytau region, where students got acquainted with the conditions of detention of persons under investigation in compliance with international human rights standards.

Scientific and practical conference "Current trends in the development of branches of law in a new reality"

Scientific and practical conference "Current trends in the development of branches of law in a new reality"

On December 02, 2022, the Witte Moscow University together with the Association of Law Universities of Russia held a scientific and practical conference "Current trends in the development of branches of law in the new reality". Topical issues of development and transformation of the Russian legal system in historical and modern aspects were discussed. Participation in the conference of our partners within the framework of the memorandum concluded with the Association of Law Schools of Russia was attended by scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of domestic and foreign universities, namely the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz - Ph.D. Veselskaya N.R., art. Almukhametova A.G., St.Rev. Amantai A.A., St.Rev. Yesenov D.K. and Hauya S.

The circle of partners of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work is expanding

The circle of partners of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work is expanding

On December 8, 2022, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the Center for Social Adaptation "Ten Qogam" signed an agreement on the creation of the educational, scientific and production complex "Damu" on the basis of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work. The purpose of mutual cooperation is the implementation of dual training, educational work and preparation for the provision of psychological, social and educational services in the process of preparing bachelors of social knowledge according to the educational programs of the department.
Within the framework of the current cooperation agreement between the Ten Qogam CSA and the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, students of the specialty "Social Work" visited the Center. During the meeting, the Head Aslan Kabegenov presented the work of the Center. Aslan Kabegenov told what the Ten Qogam CSA does: free social, psychological, legal and other assistance to people with disabilities.
For students, this lesson was a great opportunity to get to know the practical work of a social worker, to learn more about the opportunities that they can provide to people who need their help. Further cooperation measures were also discussed. The students showed interest and expressed their desire to undergo professional practice on the basis of "Ten Qogam". After passing professional practice and collecting information, students will write scientific publications, diploma projects. Our cooperation will allow not only to create a base of practice, but also to document cases for further use in educational and methodological complexes.
Also, thanks to our cooperation, our graduate student Doszhan Bauyrzhan has already been officially employed in the "Center for Social Adaptation of Persons with Disabilities "Ten Qogam", with which we congratulate him and wish him success in his work, professional self-development and good luck! In addition, an order for a Diploma project was received - all this testifies to the demand for social workers, as well as the close relationship between scientific and practical work.
We hope for further active, fruitful cooperation, which is already yielding very pleasant results!


XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economics and Modern Management: Theory, Methodology, Practice"

XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economics and Modern Management: Theory, Methodology, Practice"

On November 25, 2022 in Penza, in the Russian Federation, the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economics and Modern Management: Theory, Methodology, Practice" was held on the topic "Theoretical prerequisites for the emergence and development of personnel risk".
As a result of the conference, the scientific work of the 2nd year undergraduate of the educational program "Management" Yarmolovich Yan Valierevich under the scientific supervision - Ph.D., Professor Legostaeva Anna Anatolyevna was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree.
We congratulate you and wish you further scientific and creative achievements.

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