
Based on our mission, which is "Implementation of educational and scientific activities as the foundation for professional and personal growth of competitive specialists for the sustainable development of the region", the Kazpotrebsoyuz University aspires for being an organization with a unique international profile, creating additional prerequisites for the integration of Kazakh society and students in particular into the international space.

The introduction of an international dimension is a conscious step towards transforming the functionality of the University, focused on adapting to global realities and meeting quality trends in the international higher education system. One of the key factors in internationalization of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is development of the international cooperation with foreign universities and research organizations. The university has an opportunity to actively interact with partners from 29 countries (Asia, Europe and America) within the framework of over 100 international memoranda and agreements.

The Kazpotrebsouz University has joined to the Magna Carta Universitatum 2020 and is an active member of the European Association of Universities, Association of Asian Universities, Cooperation Network University, Eurasian Association of Economic Universities, Association of Law Universities of Russia, and the SCO Network University.

Partners For foreign students PROJECTS
Students’ mobility programs

Double degree programs


Contacts: 100009, Karaganda,

Akademicheskaya str. 9

Office 268 (2nd floor) , International Programs and Projects Center

  Tel. 8 (7212) 44-16-12

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Since 2009, Karaganda Economic University is a Network University of the Shanghai cooperation organization.

SCO functions as a network of already existing universities in the SCO member States (Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), as well as observer countries (Mongolia, India, Iran, Pakistan). Training of highly qualified personnel within the framework of the SCO University is carried out in the priority areas of cultural, scientific, educational and economic cooperation of the member States of the Organization (energy, ecology, engineering, metallurgy, materials science, construction, transport, fuel and energy, history, linguistics, IT-technologies).
The goals of the SCO University establishment are defined within the SCO framework by the multilateral legal acts adopted by the SCO member States and are the following:
• in strengthening mutual trust and good-neighborly relations between the SCO member States;
• in the development of integration processes in the field of education, science and technology;
• to give a new impetus to the expansion of multilateral educational, scientific and cultural cooperation;
• to expand opportunities for young people to receive high-quality modern education, and for teachers and scientists-to develop scientific contacts;
• to promote effective cooperation of the member States of the Organization in the political, trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural fields.
Information is available on the website ushos -
Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz signed bilateral agreements with Belgorod state national research University (Belgorod, Russia), Astrakhan state University (Astrakhan, Russia), St. Petersburg University of information technologies, mechanics and optics (St. Petersburg, Russia).
As a result of the agreements, graduates of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz receive master's degree in such areas as" IT-technologies"," Economics"," Accounting "and" Marketing " in one of the above-mentioned universities for one year and in the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz for the second year. Upon completion of the program, graduates receive two diplomas, as well as a certificate of the SCO network University.

Invited foreign scientists

One of the main indicators of increasing internationalization of educational and scientific processes in Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is the involvement of foreign professors from leading foreign Universities to deliver lectures, develop joint educational programs, conduct research, guide as foreign scientific supervisors for our PhD students and participate in scientific events.

The work on attracting foreign scientists to the University is carried out constantly in the process of cooperation with foreign partner universities and in accordance with the preliminary agreement and the need of the University. As the main criteria and preconditions for the invitation of foreign scientists are:

  • the authority of the scientist in the international academic community, which is confirmed by experience, international activities, publications in scientific journals, recommendations of scientists in the relevant field of activity;
  • compliance of the purposes of stay of the foreign expert to strategic goals and tasks, priority directions of development of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the structural division inviting a foreign specialist.

The invitation of foreign scientists allows us to develop the competence of students through new knowledge and teaching methods from the standpoint of the European approach to the educational process. The invitation of foreign scientists is aimed at internationalization of education at the University, stimulates the active implementation of the principles of the Bologna process, increases the competitiveness of the University, forms an attractive image of the University in society, and also contributes to the development of academic communication skills of students and teachers in English.

The involvement of scientists is carried out for the purpose of professional development of the teaching staff of the University, as well as to providing advice on various academic and scientific issues.

Contact information: 

Tel. +7 (7172) 44-16-12 (int.141), e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



(International credit mobility)

Kodolani Janos University (Hungary)

Anadolu University(Turkey)

The ULPGC (Spain)

ISMA University (Latvia)

Bucharest University of economic studies (Romania)

Transilvania University in Brasov (Romania)


Jean Monnet Programme


Jean Monnet Module
«Theory and Practice of European Integration»


Project coordinator: Ms Atabaeva Dinara

Akademicheskaya 9, Office 267, Karaganda, The Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel.: 8 (7212) 44-16-34 (int. 296), e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


«Transition to university autonomy in Kazakhstan»


Project coordinator: Mrs Abdikarimova Aliya

Akademicheskaya 9, Office 357, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Tel.: 8-7212-441634 int.186, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Creation of competence and employment development centers



КProjects coordinator: Mrs Mulikova Saltanat

Akademicheskaya 9, Office 263, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Tel.: 8-7212-441634 int.6507, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Creation of Central Asian center for teaching, learning and Businesses



Project coordinator: Mrs Omarova Ainur

Akademicheskaya 9, Office 359, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Tel.: 8-7212-441634 int.6575, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

European Sustainable Development Management Practice towards Green Transformation (EPOS)

European Sustainable Development Management Practice towards Green Transformation (EPOS)

The team of teachers and students of Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda Univer-sity is pleased to announce the successful completion of the course «European Practice of Sustainable Development Management on the way to green transformation» (EPOS). The course on achieving the Sustainable Develop-ment Goals was developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Mon-net Module program and offered students a deep understanding of the princi-ples of sustainable development and its implementation in Europe.
From February 6 to May 21, 2023, the course participants had a unique opportunity to study the best practices of sustainable development manage-ment in Europe and apply it to modern challenges and opportunities facing our region.
The students who completed their studies acquired in-depth knowledge in the field of economic and environmental aspects of sustainable development, familiarized themselves with advanced technologies and management tech-niques used in Europe, and gained skills in analyzing and evaluating socio-economic projects aimed at achieving sustainable development goals.
According to the results of mastering the course, the participants pro-posed interesting social and economic projects, the implementation of the most striking ones, such as «EdaDarom», «FinGreenPro» and active work will con-tinue further.
We express our gratitude to everyone who has mastered the course and hope that the acquired knowledge and skills will help you in your career and everyday life to contribute to the implementation of the Goals of Sustainable Development and green transformation in the world.
If you want to study the course «European Practice of Sustainable De-velopment Management on the way to green transformation», please con-tact our coordinator by phone: +7 701 962 41 43 Asanova Marina Alexan-drovna.

Students of the KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz and semester academic mobility in foreign partner universities in the 2022-2023 academic year at the expense of the state budget

Students of the KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz and semester academic mobility in foreign partner universities in the 2022-2023 academic year at the expense of the state budget

As a result of the competitive selection, students of the educational program "Information Systems" Samalova Ayazhan (IS-20-2) and An Sofya (IS-20-2) are sent to study at the Solbridge International Business School of Wusong University (South Korea), Kaul Mark (Tur -20-2) is sent to study at Mendel University in Brno (the Czech Republic).

Orders for business trips are posted below.

The results of the assessment of applicants for participation in semester academic mobility of foreign partner universities

The results of the assessment of applicants for participation in semester academic mobility of foreign partner universities

For the participation of students of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
in semester academic mobility in foreign partner universities, a commission was organized, consisting of representatives of the academic community, deputies, and the business community.
As a result of the competitive selection, the following students were selected: Samalova Ayazhan, An Sofya, Kaul Mark.
Audio and video recording of the protocol, photos of the meeting are attached.



On March 31, 2022, an online training «Kazakhstan Cross-border E-commerce» was held on the VooV meeting platform together with Chinese partners – Zhejiang Financial College, School of International Business, School of International Exchange.
This training is part of a series of lectures in a range of areas: «Electronic Commerce and Media», «Electronic Information», «Electronic Business Logistics», «Electronic Engineering» and others.
During the training, experts from Zhejiang Financial College spoke to the faculty and students of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and highlighted a number of topics regarding the main modern trends in the development of e-commerce, conducted branding of global platforms for cross-border e-commerce, presented opportunities and ways for brands of cross-border e-commerce to go abroad. The experts also presented an analysis of the state of development of cross-border e-commerce in China.
This training is useful for students and undergraduates who plan to realize themselves in the field of business, public administration, marketing, management and other areas, as armed with tools for analyzing consumer preferences, analyzing the macro environment, analyzing the supply chain and a number of marketing «life hacks», features of intercultural communication and knowledge of online platforms and tools for promoting goods and tools for promoting goods and services, understanding the motives of consumers and understanding the development trends in the fields of e-commerce.


Competition of grants of the MES of the RK for studying abroad

Competition of grants of the MES of the RK for studying abroadKaraganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz announces a competition for grants from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan among university students (bachelor's degree) to study at universities in Europe (1 grant) and Southeast Asia (2 grants).
Requirements for the participants of the competition:
1) the average score of the document on education:
for applicants for a bachelor's degree - compliance of the average score of the certificate or certificate of basic secondary education and the report card / transcript of the current performance for the current year of study or diploma of secondary specialized education with a score of at least 4.0 (out of 5.0) or 3.0 (out of 4.0 / 4.33) GPA (Grade Point Average - the arithmetic average of the grades received for all courses taken) or its equivalent in accordance with the supporting document from the educational institution;

The 11th International Week in Hungary

The 11th International Week in HungaryOn March 28, the 11th International Week “Academy of International Lecturers – Contemporary Trends in Applied Sciences” began at the partner university of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz – Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (Budapest, Hungary). The purpose of the event is to gain intercultural experience, share knowledge among students, faculty, strengthen partnerships.
Lecturers of our university honorably represented the university by taking part in the sections of the scientific and practical conference «Global Englishes “Seizing the Day”: Current Research in Global Englishes», workshops, such as: «Developing a Green Economy Module for Higher Education Business Studies», «Smart Services in Higher Education» and «Covid-19 and the Digitalization of HE».

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