European Sustainable Development Management Practice towards Green Transformation (EPOS)

European Sustainable Development Management Practice towards Green Transformation (EPOS)

The team of teachers and students of Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda Univer-sity is pleased to announce the successful completion of the course «European Practice of Sustainable Development Management on the way to green transformation» (EPOS). The course on achieving the Sustainable Develop-ment Goals was developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Mon-net Module program and offered students a deep understanding of the princi-ples of sustainable development and its implementation in Europe.
From February 6 to May 21, 2023, the course participants had a unique opportunity to study the best practices of sustainable development manage-ment in Europe and apply it to modern challenges and opportunities facing our region.
The students who completed their studies acquired in-depth knowledge in the field of economic and environmental aspects of sustainable development, familiarized themselves with advanced technologies and management tech-niques used in Europe, and gained skills in analyzing and evaluating socio-economic projects aimed at achieving sustainable development goals.
According to the results of mastering the course, the participants pro-posed interesting social and economic projects, the implementation of the most striking ones, such as «EdaDarom», «FinGreenPro» and active work will con-tinue further.
We express our gratitude to everyone who has mastered the course and hope that the acquired knowledge and skills will help you in your career and everyday life to contribute to the implementation of the Goals of Sustainable Development and green transformation in the world.
If you want to study the course «European Practice of Sustainable De-velopment Management on the way to green transformation», please con-tact our coordinator by phone: +7 701 962 41 43 Asanova Marina Alexan-drovna.


European Sustainable Development Management Practice towards Green Transformation (EPOS) European Sustainable Development Management Practice towards Green Transformation (EPOS)
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