• Блоги по международному сотрудничеству

European Sustainable Development Management Practice towards Green Transformation (EPOS)

European Sustainable Development Management Practice towards Green Transformation (EPOS)

The team of teachers and students of Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda Univer-sity is pleased to announce the successful completion of the course «European Practice of Sustainable Development Management on the way to green transformation» (EPOS). The course on achieving the Sustainable Develop-ment Goals was developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Mon-net Module program and offered students a deep understanding of the princi-ples of sustainable development and its implementation in Europe.
From February 6 to May 21, 2023, the course participants had a unique opportunity to study the best practices of sustainable development manage-ment in Europe and apply it to modern challenges and opportunities facing our region.
The students who completed their studies acquired in-depth knowledge in the field of economic and environmental aspects of sustainable development, familiarized themselves with advanced technologies and management tech-niques used in Europe, and gained skills in analyzing and evaluating socio-economic projects aimed at achieving sustainable development goals.
According to the results of mastering the course, the participants pro-posed interesting social and economic projects, the implementation of the most striking ones, such as «EdaDarom», «FinGreenPro» and active work will con-tinue further.
We express our gratitude to everyone who has mastered the course and hope that the acquired knowledge and skills will help you in your career and everyday life to contribute to the implementation of the Goals of Sustainable Development and green transformation in the world.
If you want to study the course «European Practice of Sustainable De-velopment Management on the way to green transformation», please con-tact our coordinator by phone: +7 701 962 41 43 Asanova Marina Alexan-drovna.

Students of the KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz and semester academic mobility in foreign partner universities in the 2022-2023 academic year at the expense of the state budget

Students of the KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz and semester academic mobility in foreign partner universities in the 2022-2023 academic year at the expense of the state budget

As a result of the competitive selection, students of the educational program "Information Systems" Samalova Ayazhan (IS-20-2) and An Sofya (IS-20-2) are sent to study at the Solbridge International Business School of Wusong University (South Korea), Kaul Mark (Tur -20-2) is sent to study at Mendel University in Brno (the Czech Republic).

Orders for business trips are posted below.

The results of the assessment of applicants for participation in semester academic mobility of foreign partner universities

The results of the assessment of applicants for participation in semester academic mobility of foreign partner universities

For the participation of students of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
in semester academic mobility in foreign partner universities, a commission was organized, consisting of representatives of the academic community, deputies, and the business community.
As a result of the competitive selection, the following students were selected: Samalova Ayazhan, An Sofya, Kaul Mark.
Audio and video recording of the protocol, photos of the meeting are attached.



On March 31, 2022, an online training «Kazakhstan Cross-border E-commerce» was held on the VooV meeting platform together with Chinese partners – Zhejiang Financial College, School of International Business, School of International Exchange.
This training is part of a series of lectures in a range of areas: «Electronic Commerce and Media», «Electronic Information», «Electronic Business Logistics», «Electronic Engineering» and others.
During the training, experts from Zhejiang Financial College spoke to the faculty and students of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and highlighted a number of topics regarding the main modern trends in the development of e-commerce, conducted branding of global platforms for cross-border e-commerce, presented opportunities and ways for brands of cross-border e-commerce to go abroad. The experts also presented an analysis of the state of development of cross-border e-commerce in China.
This training is useful for students and undergraduates who plan to realize themselves in the field of business, public administration, marketing, management and other areas, as armed with tools for analyzing consumer preferences, analyzing the macro environment, analyzing the supply chain and a number of marketing «life hacks», features of intercultural communication and knowledge of online platforms and tools for promoting goods and tools for promoting goods and services, understanding the motives of consumers and understanding the development trends in the fields of e-commerce.


Competition of grants of the MES of the RK for studying abroad

Competition of grants of the MES of the RK for studying abroadKaraganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz announces a competition for grants from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan among university students (bachelor's degree) to study at universities in Europe (1 grant) and Southeast Asia (2 grants).
Requirements for the participants of the competition:
1) the average score of the document on education:
for applicants for a bachelor's degree - compliance of the average score of the certificate or certificate of basic secondary education and the report card / transcript of the current performance for the current year of study or diploma of secondary specialized education with a score of at least 4.0 (out of 5.0) or 3.0 (out of 4.0 / 4.33) GPA (Grade Point Average - the arithmetic average of the grades received for all courses taken) or its equivalent in accordance with the supporting document from the educational institution;

The 11th International Week in Hungary

The 11th International Week in HungaryOn March 28, the 11th International Week “Academy of International Lecturers – Contemporary Trends in Applied Sciences” began at the partner university of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz – Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (Budapest, Hungary). The purpose of the event is to gain intercultural experience, share knowledge among students, faculty, strengthen partnerships.
Lecturers of our university honorably represented the university by taking part in the sections of the scientific and practical conference «Global Englishes “Seizing the Day”: Current Research in Global Englishes», workshops, such as: «Developing a Green Economy Module for Higher Education Business Studies», «Smart Services in Higher Education» and «Covid-19 and the Digitalization of HE».



I, Kravtsova Arina, a 3rd year student of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, specializing in World Economy, returned from the Janos Kodolany University (Hungary), where I studied for one semester under the academic mobility program from February 20, 2020 to May 25, 2020. In accordance with the educational agreement, 30 credits are credited to my transcript; the number of subjects passed is 6:
Accounting Fundamentals
International Business Law and Regulation
International Project Management
Green Economy 1 - Environmental and Alternative Economics
International Law
Green Economy 3 - Sustainable Business Model Innovation
University named after Janos Kodolany is the largest private university in Hungary. The relationship with the teachers and staff of the university developed very well, they supported us in everything, willingly went to meet us. At the end of March, we switched to distance education due to the pandemic, the organization and process of distance learning was at a high level. We also worked in teams, created our own projects and protected them. I am very grateful to the Hungarian University for excellent teaching, help in any questions and attitude. Our group consisted exclusively of foreign (for Hungary) students from Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, many countries of the European Union and even Mexico, Japan and Brazil. All the guys were determined not only to study together and help each other in their studies, but also to communicate outside the classrooms, to learn about the culture of other countries. It was also a valuable experience for me. The most vivid impression was left by the teacher of disciplines: Environmental and Alternative Economics, Sustainable Business Model Innovation- Dr. Horváth Bálint, who turned out to be an incredible person with a lot of experience and professional knowledge. Giving us various creative assignments and raising current, today, questions and problems in lectures, he increased our interest in his subjects and topical global issues and their solution.
Having successfully passed the session, I received high scores, confirming my professional knowledge. Of course, at first there were difficulties, but then I got used to the educational system at the university. It is very interesting to get to know another culture and traditions get experience in education abroad and meet different people from different countries. Therefore, I recommend to all students: do not miss the opportunities for development and personal growth.
I would like to sincerely express my gratitude to our university and rector, Yerkar Balkaraevich Aimagambetov, for the opportunity given to study at one of the best foreign universities, as well as to our International Center, which helped with all the documentation and emerging issues.

Report about passage of studies at the Mendel University in Brno under the program of academic mobility

Report about passage of studies at the Mendel University in Brno under the program of academic mobility

I am Yurkiv Yekaterina, a 3-rd year student of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, specialty “Management”, studied under the program of academic mobility at the Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic from October 15, 2019 to February 6, 2020. In a foreign university, I studied disciplines such as the Tax System (Ph.D. Pavel Semerad), Management (Ph.D. Elena Chladkova), International Marketing (Ph.D. Yana Turchinkova), International Business Culture and Communications (Ph.D Sylvia Formankova), Business Economics (Ph.D. Pavel Syrovatka), Principles of European Integration in a Global Perspective (prof. Ph.D. Lubor Lachina).
Mendel University in Brno is one of the oldest universities in the Czech Republic and the oldest higher education institution in the Czech Republic in the field of agriculture and forestry. The university is named after the outstanding scientist in the field of genetics - Gregor Mendel. It was founded with the direct participation of President T. G. Masaryk in 1919 and was originally called the Higher Agricultural School in Brno. It is a state institution of higher education, funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in the Czech Republic. It includes five faculties, as well as a separate “Lifelong education” - the Institute of Continuing Education. Currently, more than 10 thousand students study at the University.
Along with Czech students, students from Germany, Poland, Austria, France, Finland, Croatia and others studied with us. Accordingly, the training took place in English, the level of English among students and teachers was at a high level.
We worked in groups with other students, which allowed us not only perform tasks together, but also share their horizons, culture and traditions of their countries. Final scores were exhibited in accordance with presentations of design work and final exams. At the weekend, I managed to visit various cities of the Czech Republic, as well as other European countries, for example Germany.
Of course, all the knowledge gained during training will be useful to me
both in everyday life and in a future career. Period of my
semester studies at the University of Mendel is the time to gain invaluable experience in studying in a completely different university tradition, acquiring acquaintances that will be useful in the future, and, on the whole, versatile development and broadening of one's horizons.
I would like to sincerely thank our university and to the Rector, Aymagambetov Yerkara Balkaraevich, for the opportunity, to study at one of the best foreign universities, as well as our International Center, which helped with all the documentation and emerging issues.

Report about passage of studies at the Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic under the program of academic mobility

Report about passage of studies at the Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic under the program of academic mobility

I am Sharipova Sanim, a 2nd year student of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, majoring in Tourism, studied under the academic mobility program at the Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic from October 15, 2019 to February 6, 2020. In a foreign university I studied subjects such as Business Ecomomics I, International business culture and communication, Project management, Security and safety of developing countries, Utilization of natural resources, Fundamentals of Regional management, Sociology.
Mendel University in Brno is one of the oldest universities in Czech Republic. It was founded on 24 July 1919. It is named since 1994 after Gregor Mendel, the botanist and "father of genetics", who was active in this city during his lifetime.It now consists of five faculties and one institute. Currently, more than 10 thousand students study at the University.
Alongside with Czech students, I studied with students from Germany, Poland, Australia, France, Finland and other European countries. Accordingly, the studies took place in English, level of English language among students and teachers was at a high level. We worked in groups with other students, which allowed us not only perform tasks together, but also share their horizons, culture and traditions of their countries. Final scores were exhibited in accordance with presentations and final exams. Over the weekend, I managed to visit various cities of Czech Republic.
Of course, all the knowledge gained during training will be useful to me both in everyday life and in a future career. Period of my semester studies at the Mendel University in Brno is a time of gaining invaluable experience in studying in a completely different university tradition, acquiring acquaintances that will be useful in the future, and, on the whole, versatile development and broadening my horizons.
I would like to sincerely thank our university and our rector, Aymagambetov Yerkara Balkaraevich, for the opportunity, to study at one of the best universities in Europe, and also to our International Center, which helped with all the documentation and emerging issues.

Report about passage of studies at the Mendel University in Brno under the program of academic mobility

Report about passage of studies at the Mendel University in Brno under the program of academic mobilityI am Urazshaev Alibi Gabitovich, a 3rd year student of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, majoring in World Economics, studied under the academic mobility program at the Mendel University in Brno from October 15, 2019 to February 6, 2020. In a foreign university I studied subjects such as “Business economics”, “Tax system”, “International marketing”, “Legal environment of business”, “Principles of the European integration in the world perspective”, “Economic geography and social aspects of EU membership”, “International business culture and communication”.
Mendel University in Brno is one of the oldest universities of the Czech Republic in the field of forestry and agriculture. It was named after outstanding scientist in the field genetics, Gregor Mendel. It was founded with direct participation of T.G. Masaryk in 1919 and was called back then as “Agriculture high school”. It is now a state university, which is financed by the Ministry of education, youth and sports. It consists of 5 faculties.
Alongside with Czech students, I studied with students from Germany, Poland, Austria, France, Finland and other European countries. Accordingly, the studies were taught in English, level of English language among students and teachers was at a high level. We worked in groups with other students, which allowed us not only perform tasks together, but also share their outlook, culture and traditions of their countries. Final scores were exhibited in accordance with presentations and final exams. Over the weekend, I managed to visit various cities of Czech Republic and bordering countries.
Of course, all the knowledge gained during training will be useful to me both in everyday life and in a future career. Period of my semester studies at the Mendel University in Brno is a time of gaining invaluable experience in studying in a completely different university tradition, acquiring acquaintances that will be useful in the future, and, on the whole, versatile development and broadening my horizons.
I would like to sincerely thank our university and our rector, Aymagambetov Yerkara Balkaraevich, for the opportunity, to study at one of the best universities in Europe, and also to our International relations Office, which helped with all the documentation and emerging issues.

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