Winning the StartUp project “Youth and Entrepreneurship-2023”

Winning the StartUp project “Youth and Entrepreneurship-2023”

On May 16-17, 2023, the XIII International Championship of StartUp projects “Youth and Entrepreneurship-2023” was held, in which student teams from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan took part.
Youth and entrepreneurship is a platform where young people with an active lifestyle meet, who present themselves and their projects in order to find employment, find an investor for their projects and the business community: businessmen, investors, business leaders, personnel workers, entrepreneurs in order to attract the best professionals for their business, search for new interesting ideas for business development.
According to the results of the championship in the nomination of the best StartUp-project in consumer cooperation, the project of the 3rd year students of the educational program "Project and Innovation Management" Rakhimgulov Islam, Bakhtyarov Aslan, as well as the 2nd year doctoral student Mikhail Stepanov, under the supervisor Ph.D. , professors of the department "Management and Innovations" Legostaeva Anna Anatolyevna were awarded a diploma of the 1st degree.

We congratulate you and wish you further scientific and creative achievements.


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