Employees of the Career Center of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz improve their qualifications

Employees of the Career Center of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz improve their qualifications

In the period from May 16 to May 19, 2023, employees of the Career and Vocational Education Center of the JEM took part in the hybrid conference "A New Look at career in a rapidly changing world", organized by Nazarbayev University and the Asia-Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA). The APCDA conference is an ideal platform for networking, exchange of experience and search for new resources, it was attended by delegates from 10 different countries and regions of the world.
The Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sayasat Nurbek, in his speech outlined key priorities in the field of higher education, such as the creation of a regional hub of academic mobility in Kazakhstan in 2023-2029 by opening branches of leading foreign universities, he also spoke about the Atlas of new professions and competencies of Kazakhstan.
The speakers of the conference were heads of international career centers and well-known experts in the field of professional orientation:
1. Momoko Osaka (Japan) – President of APCDA, CEO of Veriteworks;
2. Shigeo Katsu (Kazakhstan) – President of Nazarbayev University since the foundation of the University in 2010;
3. Sayasat Nurbek (Kazakhstan) – Minister of Science and Higher Education, National expert on Education;
4. Dr. Tristam Hooley (Great Britain) – Professor at the University of Applied Sciences of Norway and the International Center for Orientation Studies at the University of Derby;
5. Marie Zimenoff (USA) – CEO of Career Thought Leaders, entrepreneur, and others.
The speakers paid special attention to the trends of the future, the demystification of artificial intelligence related to career development, green trends, career navigation in the field of sustainable development, and the spread of the chat bot ChatGPT.
Following the results of the conference, the university representatives were awarded certificates.


Employees of the Career Center of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz improve their qualifications Employees of the Career Center of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz improve their qualifications Employees of the Career Center of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz improve their qualifications Employees of the Career Center of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz improve their qualifications
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