Promotion of the new master's educational program "Technological Entrepreneurship"

Promotion of the new master's educational program "Technological Entrepreneurship"

On May 11 and 12, 2023, as part of the implementation of the international project Erasmus + "MIETC", a presentation of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship" was held on the basis of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The international interdisciplinary master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship" is unique due to the symbiosis of technical and economic components and sustainable cooperation between the university and the business community.

On May 11, 2023, an offsite business meeting was held with representatives of QazTehna LLP, as a result of which vectors for further cooperation were identified and announced.

On May 12, 2023, with the participation of partners from Kazakhstan (KaU of Kazpotrebsoyuz, D. Serikbaev EKTU), Spain (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, AYeconomics research center S.L., USC), Tajikistan (Technological University of Tajikistan, Tajik State University of Commerce) a presentation master's program for graduates and teachers of the university. The purpose of the event was to widely inform potential applicants about the opportunities and benefits of obtaining education in the field of industrial entrepreneurship.


Promotion of the new master's educational program "Technological Entrepreneurship" Promotion of the new master's educational program "Technological Entrepreneurship"
Promotion of the new master's educational program "Technological Entrepreneurship" Promotion of the new master's educational program "Technological Entrepreneurship"
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