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  • Results of the Olympiad in higher mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of the city of Karaganda

Results of the Olympiad in higher mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of the city of Karaganda

Results of the Olympiad in higher mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of the city of Karaganda

On May 11, 2023, the results of the Olympiad in Higher Mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of Karaganda, held at the university on April 27, 2023, were summed up.
More than 30 students from Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda Banking College named after Zh.K. Bukenov, College of Economics, Business and Law of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz and others took part in this event.
Before the start of the Olympiad, career guidance and questionnaires were conducted for college students. At the Olympiad, students were offered tasks in higher mathematics of the economic direction. The results of the Olympiad are as follows:


Results of the Olympiad in higher mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of the city of Karaganda Results of the Olympiad in higher mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of the city of Karaganda
Results of the Olympiad in higher mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of the city of Karaganda Results of the Olympiad in higher mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of the city of Karaganda


I place



Tuyak Merei

KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz


Syzdykov Temirlan

KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz

II place



Shvecov Aleksandr

KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz


Derigler Polina

KBC named after J.K. Bukenova


Brevnova Angelina

KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz

III place



Tusupova Diana

KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz


Baiuzakova Aisha

CEBL of KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz


Sakenkyzy Aiganym

KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Congratulations to the winners of the Olympics! We wish you success in your studies and in your work. Let your knowledge help in the development of our country!

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