Victory at the All-Russian competition of student works

Victory at the All-Russian competition of student works

On April 21, the All-Russian competition of student works in the field of psychological and pedagogical education was held, organized by the Moscow Witte University.
The aim of this competition was to reveal the scientific potential of students, develop interest in scientific activity, develop research skills, introduce them to the world scientific heritage, critically comprehend it and analyze the possibilities of theoretical and practical use.
Independently completed and completed scientific works of students, raising topical psychological and pedagogical problems, were submitted to the competition.
Students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz of the second year of the educational programs "Social Work" and "Psychology and management in education" in the person of Angelina Gadyukova (ПиМО-21-2); Katarina Golubeva and Anastasia Gorbunova (СР-21-2) presented the project "Trainings for the formation of a coping strategy as a way to influence psychological well-being personalities of students of helping professions". The scientific supervisors were the head of the Chair of Psychology, pedagogy and social work Ph.D., associate professor M.K. Abdakimova and the teacher Grossul N.S.
The project was prepared within the framework of the initiative research topic "Technologies of coping strategies in ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the individual", implemented by the Chair of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work and raises an important issue of preserving psychological well-being by representatives of professions vulnerable to stress and emotional burnout.
According to the results of the competition, the research conducted by the students was highly appreciated by the commission and was awarded 1st place among all the submitted scientific papers.
A competent scientific approach, dedication, competence and the search for effective solutions to current problems of our time are the components that helped our students to show such a high result. We wish them not to stop and continue to develop successfully in the scientific field!


Victory at the All-Russian competition of student works Victory at the All-Russian competition of student works Victory at the All-Russian competition of student works
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