Representatives of JSC "Financial Center" met with graduates studying on the basis of the state educational order
On April 25, 2023, the representative of JSC "Financial Center" Ibraeva Zhanat Sametovna met with graduates studying on the basis of a state educational order on the issues of mandatory grant processing, distribution and employment.
During the visit, a meeting was also held with the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Strategic Development, Doctor of Economics, Professor G.E. Nakipova.
This meeting was attended by students, undergraduates and doctoral students of our university, a total of 50 people were present.
Ibraeva Zh.S. explained the rules for working out state educational grants:
- Since 2021, master's and doctoral students who studied at the expense of the state on a state educational grant must work for 3 years after graduation. At the same time, the rules for working out from 2021 have been simplified: graduates can work out the required period not only in state organizations, as previously required, but also in private ones.
- A norm has been introduced to reimburse the expenses incurred by the state for training, in proportion to the actual period of study. That is, if a student studied for two years on a grant and then transferred to a paid form, he will have to work out the time corresponding to the number of years of free training. The same rule applies in the case when students studying for a fee enter through a competition for vacant places on a grant.
- The referral for working out is provided in advance by the Commission for the Distribution of graduates created by the university. The graduate must start working from September 1 in the year of graduation from a higher educational institution.
- In case of non-fulfillment of obligations for working out, responsibility for reimbursement of training costs is provided.
- It is not necessary to work out when paying for training expenses, as well as in the case of: absence of vacancies in the locality at the place of residence, work or service of the spouse; disability of group I and II; admission for further study to residency based on a state educational order, master's degree, doctoral degree; pregnancy; if persons have, and also independently raise a child (children) under the age of three.
At the end of the meeting, the graduates asked questions about working out, they received a full detailed answer to all the questions posed.
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