KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz in the World Ranking

KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz in the World Ranking

On April 21, 2021, Times Higher Education published a comprehensive assessment of the impact of universities around the world - THE Impact Rankings 2021.
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took part in this authoritative rating and entered the top 801+ along with 7 other national and leading universities in Kazakhstan. In the implementation of individual goals, the positions of our university are even more outstanding and reach the level of 301+.
The Impact Rankings is one of the leaders in the field of assessing the quality of universities performance. The purpose of the ranking is to analyze the impact of the higher education on the development of society and the achievement of the United Nations’ goals in the field of sustainable development. The ranking helps universities to find their place in the international market and to correspond to their missions. For applicants, this rating shows which universities today correspond to their aspirations, the maximum realization of abilities and life values. The ranking also helps higher education institutions to spread transformational teaching, research and innovation.
We congratulate the students, graduates and teaching staff of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with a worthy victory!
This is the result of the activities of the entire team, aimed at success, achieving high results in the training of highly qualified personnel according to popular programs and the development of the region.



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